Inspiration: Inside Out or Outside In?

Where does inspiration come from? You may know that inspiration means to be in spirit or one with your higher being, but have you thought beyond that?

I was thinking about it just this morning; about the things that inspire us from the outside as opposed to the inspiration we find within ourselves.

Is inspiration from the outside really voyeuristic inspiration?

Are we really inspired by what we witness someone else achieve or even attempt? Or is it that we feel good in that moment, maybe count our blessing, and then in a few minutes go back to our regular routine.

So how do you feel when you see something you  describe as inspirational? Does it translate to inspirational action on your part?

To read the rest of this article, click here to go to my new blog at

Until next week, I’d love to hear your thoughts.  Just comment on this post on my new blog.

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Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Empowered Women’s Business  Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at

I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.