What’s New

Quote to Contemplate
“You must invest in yourself before anyone else will invest in you.”
Lynn Pierce

What kind of investment are you making in yourself?

What’s New

This week’s article is the fifth in a series of 5 articles on the “4 Core Blueprints to Reclaim your Life, Awaken Your Soul and Your Business“. If you missed the first two, click on the link to my blog at the bottom of this email in “Quick Links” to read them there.

I hope you’re having great fall weather because it certainly is above average here in San Diego, expecting 80 at the beach and it’s almost the end of September. It should be a beautiful weekend for Brendon Burchard’s tent event with John Gray & Marianne Williamson.

For once I’m driving somewhere instead of flying! I’m driving up to Long Beach as you read this. Given my schedule it seems that every week while you’re reading this ezine I’m on a plane. Next week I’ll be flying back from Atlanta to San Diego. I’ve been home for a day here and there and while trying to get at least some work done, I’d say I’m 75% unpacked. I won’t be home for more than 1 day until October 6th and then I have a guest for a few days.

My New York trip ended with a fabulous at an outdoor bistro on the Upper West Side with my friend Dr. Fern Kazlow followed by a side trip on the way back to the car for some cheesecake. It didn’t matter that I had just eaten enough gnocchi for 3 people, I wasn’t leaving NYC without having cheesecake.

I’ll tell you more later about the exciting new programs Dr. K. and I are working on.

If you are an author or aspiring author, make sure you take a look at “People to See, Places to Go” below todays article.

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

Join me on Twitter and as a Facebook friend:

Mentoring for Your Life and Your Business Blueprint

In part 4 of this series we talked about Sales/Marketing/Communication Skills Blueprint.

There are 4 core areas, or what I call core blueprints, that require your attention if you want to have a life that is in flow with your true passion and purpose. When you’ve created all 4 of your blueprints and you have all 4 of these areas functioning at a level that satisfies you, then your life will be more peaceful and effortless than you have ever imagined it could really be…

No magic bullet required!

In the final week we will discuss the last blueprint, Mentoring for Your Life and Your Business Blueprint.

If you’ve done the work we’ve discussed in the first 4 installments of this series, you’ve got to be feeling pretty great about your life focus and your business right now. Through the first 4 weeks you’ve worked on knowing who you are, where you’re starting from, where you want to go, how you’re going to get there and how to ramp up your sales and marketing program using better communications skills to bring in more cash.

Now it’s time for a mentoring blueprint.

In other blueprints I’ve mentioned that the top 3% of the people in the world have such a different life than the other 97% because they look at life differently and they make conscious choices. I told you that one of those conscious choices is to create a plan for building their business and it’s day to day operations for growth and financial prosperity.

Another very crucial conscious choice the top 3% of people make is to invest in themselves.

Once again, first you have to know your starting point. The next step is to evaluate how you feel about where you are and then decide where you would like to take it next. You need to be laser focused and absolutely clear on what your next step is
to get the best results from mentoring. If you’re not you could pick the wrong thing to be mentored on or the wrong time to do it.

It is likely that as you progress on your path you will have more than one mentor for different parts of your life or business working with you at the same time.

I have said many times that you should be willing to invest at least 10% of your income in your own growth if you are really serious. Then find the mentors that understand where it is that you want to go and have the experience to take you there.

Here is where I differ with what many coaches and gurus will tell you. They will say that you should only work with someone who has done what you want to do and mentored others to do the same.

But that’s not the whole story.

Where would Tiger Woods be today if he took that advice? His coaches have not been the best golfers in the world at any time in their careers; far from it.

Some people are gifted teachers and know the process of what needs to be done to get Tiger, or you, to the desired result without either the personal skill or perhaps the desire to reach that level themselves or possibly neither.

In my 25 year career as a salesperson, manager and trainer, I can tell you that the majority of the best salespeople couldn’t train others to do what they do because they don’t have the skill of a great teacher. That’s not their gift. And yet someone
who was an average salesperson can have an amazing understanding of the sales process and be an incredibly gifted mentor.

Some of the top gurus in your field may be the same way, the very best at what they do but not the best person to mentor someone to do the same.

If I were to share my personal preferences with you, I look for a mentor that understands what I want to accomplish. If I’m working with them one on one or in a small group, I want them to be excited about being involved in helping me reach that goal. I want them to have the skill level to be able to guide me through the process.

Are you getting the mentoring you need to grow your business and expand your level of personal growth?

Even more so than the other blueprints this is as extremely individualized so it’s important that you make a decision based on your own gut feeling about your possible mentor. Don’t just ask for a recommendation from a friend and assume that the relationship you will have with your mentor will be the same as theirs.

In this type of relationship, where you are getting personal mentoring, having a good fit of personalities is very important.

Remember that this is all about you. What you are passionate about, what you want your life to look like, the activities you choose to include in the way you create your business and the way you grow your business. Make those things clear to your
prospective mentor and see if you are in alignment before proceeding.

It’s your life. It’s your business. It’s your choice. Do what feels right to you.

Now you have the last piece of the 4 Core Blueprints to Reclaim your Life, Awaken Your Soul and Your Business. We’ve come full circle. You are creating the script of what you want your life story to be from now on. It’s time for you to take 100%
responsibility and take back 100% of your power. Pick up your pen and create a script for yourself that is exciting and compelling and passionate and fulfilling for you on every level.

Remember that all you ever need to know how to do is the next step that you’re going to take right now and the end result. The steps in between and the people you need to help you make it happen will show themselves as needed.

I hope this series has been beneficial to you and that you’ve taken the action suggested. Now that you know what you want and how you’re going to get there and you know how you’re going to get the cash to make it happen you’re ready to put it all together with the mentoring to keep you on track.

So get to work right now on blueprinting your life and reawaken your soul!

Until next week, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just comment on this post on my blog.

If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with. As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to
success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com

I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.


What’s New

Quote to Contemplate
“Every thought you have is a decision waiting to be made.”
Lynn Pierce

What kind of decisions are you making?

What’s New

This week’s article is the fourth in a series of 5 articles on the “4 Core Blueprints to Reclaim Your Life, Awaken Your Soul and Your Business”. If you missed the first two, click on the link to my blog at the bottom of this email in “Quick LInks” to read them there.

I’m flying back to San Diego from New York as you read this. The movers packed me up last Monday, I drove to San Diego and the truck unloaded on Tuesday leaving me 2 days to unpack and get ready for my trip to New York. On the same day the roofers began the process of taking off the old roof and putting on a new one. I’m glad I was only there for 3 days of the pounding.

In New York I’m working with my friend Dr. Fern Kazlow who did a wonderful small group mentoring program for her students over the weekend and now we’re working on creating product. I have some exciting new programs of my own that will be launching soon so I’ll keep you posted on those as we get closer.

If you are an author or aspiring author, make sure you take a look at “People to See, Places to Go” below todays article.

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

Join me on Twitter and as a Facebook friend:

Sales/Marketing/Communication Skills Blueprint

In part 3 of this series we talked about Blueprinting the Life of Your Dreams.

There are 4 core areas, or what I call core blueprints, that require your attention if you want to have a life that is in flow with your true passion and purpose. When you’ve created all 4 of your blueprints and you have all 4 of these areas functioning at a level that satisfies you, then your life will be more peaceful and effortless than you have ever imagined it could really be…

No magic bullet required!

In the final week we will discuss this area:
*Mentoring for Your Life and Your Business

Right now we’ll move on to the Sales/Marketing/Communication Skills Blueprint.

If you’ve done the work we’ve discussed in the first 3 installments of this series, you’ll be standing in a place today of knowing who you are, where you’re starting from, where you want to go and how you’re going to get there.

Do you love the topics of sales and marketing? The majority of people would answer no.  You’re not alone if you would like to have clients lining up to do business with you without you ever having to ‘sell’ yourself or your products and if a marketing plan could become a thing of the past.

reality is that unless you work on increasing the level of skill you have in the areas of sales, marketing and communication, your business has no chance of reaching it’s full potential and even worse, it has every chance of failure.

So how do you blueprint these areas of your business for success?

In last week’s blueprint I mentioned that the top 3% of the people in the world have such a different life than the other 97% because they look at life differently and they make conscious choices. One of those conscious choices is to create a plan for
building their business and it’s day to day operations for growth and financial prosperity.

This may not be a sexy topic but you can create a very elegant life with the cash flow that results from this particular blueprint.

Just like with the other blueprints we’ve discussed, first you have to know your starting point.  The next step is to evaluate how you feel about where you are and then decide where you would like to take it next.

Are you doing what needs to be done to grow your business to the level you would like in a time frame that is optimal for you?

One thing I can tell you is that this is as individualized as any of the other 3 blueprints.  Don’t measure your success or lack of success against what you see someone else doing in their business. That could be a fatal mistake and take you in a direction you  really have no desire to go, while you follow someone else who is following their dream.

Remember that this is all about you.  What you are passionate about, what you want your life to look like, the activities you choose to include in the way you create your business and the way you grow your business.

What you may not have considered in this big picture is what do you really want your business to provide for you?

I can guarantee you that it’s not about an amount of money in the bank.  What does that money represent to you and what do you want it to do for you?  When you answer those questions you’ll have a better idea of what the goal of your business really is.

In what proportion do you want to trade your time for money?  The answer to that will tell you to what extent at this moment in time you either value your lifestyle more or your bank account more.

Most importantly, there is no right or wrong answer.  It’s your choice. There are no rules of how many hours you should or shouldn’t work. It’s more about looking at why you’re working the hours that you do.

Once you are clear on how many hours you choose to work, what you want to spend that time doing and the results you expect to achieve, you can create a blueprint of sales, marketing and the proper communication to your target market to achieve those goals in the time frame you would like.

It goes back to the premise of all 4 of these blueprints that what you are creating is the script of what you want your life story to be from now on.

It’s time for you to take 100% responsibility and take back 100% of your power. Pick up your pen and create a script for yourself that is exciting and compelling and passionate and fulfilling for you on every level.

And remember that a vital ingredient to making this work is the cash your business provides to fund the life of your dreams, so let’s create the business of your dreams to go along with it.

Next, after you evaluate how you feel about where you are, take a look at what shifts you would like to make. Figure out what the end result is you are moving toward.

What do you really want your business to look like if there are no limits?

Once you’ve written your answer to that question, ask yourself what it’s going to take to get you there. If you get stuck here, I can help you.  Blueprinting people’s lives is something that comes clearly and easily for me.

Create your step-by-step Sales/Marketing/Communication Skills Blueprint if you feel like you can do it on your own and take the first step today.

Remember that all you ever need to know how to do is the next step that you’re going to take right now and the end result.  The steps in between and the people you need to help you make it happen will show themselves as needed.

Next week we’ll move on to Mentoring for Your Life and Your Business Blueprint. Now that you know what you want and how you’re going to get there and you know how you’re going to get the cash to make it happen we’ll be ready to put it all together with the mentoring to keep you on track.

So get to work right now on blueprinting your business skills!

Until next week, I’d love to hear your thoughts.  Just comment on this post on my blog.

If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with.  As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself.  When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage.  When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you.  Commit today to go for your dream 100%.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to
success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com

I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.


What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

“Every thought you have is a decision waiting to be made.”

Lynn Pierce

What kind of decisions are you making?

What’s New

Late Breaking News!
I’m a little late getting this out today because I was interviewed on TV earlier about the Sarah Palin speech last night. If they put it up on their website after it airs tonight I’ll let you know so you can watch it.

This week’s article is the third in a series of 5 articles on the “4 Core Blueprints to Reclaim your Life, Awaken Your Soul and Your Business“. I expect this series to start a lot of conversation on my log, just like we had in April when we talked about becoming an expert and creating product. If you missed the first two, click on the link to my blog at the bottom of this email in “Quick Links” to read them there.

I’m down to my last few days of packing. The movers pack me up on Monday. The last little bit is the worst because it’s all the oddly shaped things I don’t know what to do with and the stuff I need to use until the last minute.

When I was growing up I loved books and I always wanted to have a big library with floor to ceiling books where you need one of those rolling ladders. Well, things have changed and now that I have enough books and home study courses to fill one of those walls, I’m really more interested in downsizing. So some of my treasures may find there way on to eBay.

I’ve spent a lot of time visualizing what I want my new space to feel like. By the time I finished the remodel on my Scottsdale home, the energy was amazing and people actually commented on it when they came to my open house-how good it felt to be there.

I want to create that feeling again and I’m pretty much starting from scratch since the only pieces of furniture I’m taking are a few tables and a lamp. The more I thought about the energy and the history of the furniture in my house, the more I wanted to leave behind what was part of my old married life. It’s time for a new start with new furniture.

Besides the feng shui perspective on our living space, I believe the more conscious we are about the things we surround ourselves with and what their meaning is to us, the better our level of productivity will be and the happier we will be.

So when you hear from me next week, I’ll be at the beach!

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

Join me on Twitter and as a Facebook friend:

And click “Follow” that is displayed under my photo.
(That’s all there is to it.)

Blueprinting the Life of Your Dreams

In part 2 of this series we talked about introspection and discovering your purpose.

And I asked you to create your own persona manifesto. If you haven’t done that, you can go to http://LynnPierce.com and sign up for this ezine, and you’ll get an email with a special report on how to create your personal manifesto as my gift to you. I take you step by step through how to create it and how to use it. It’s a powerful tool.

There are 4 core areas, or what I call core blueprints, that require your attention if you want to have a life that is in flow with your true passion and purpose. When you’ve created all 4 of your blueprints and you have all 4 of these areas functioning at a level that satisfies you, then your life will be more peaceful and effortless than you have ever imagined it could really be…

No magic bullet required!

In the final 2 weeks we will discuss each of these areas:

*Sales/Marketing/Communication Skills
*Mentoring for Your Life and Your Business

Right now we’ll move on to my favorite part, Blueprinting the Life of Your Dreams.

If you’ve done the work we’ve discussed in the first 2 installments of this series, you’ll be standing in a place today of knowing who you are, where you’re starting from and where you want to go.

  • Do you have a blueprint for the life of your dreams?
  • Do you have a blueprint for the life you’re living today?
  • Have you ever thought of creating a blueprint for your life?

The majority of people would answer no to all three of those questions. In fact they may ask what a blueprint for someone’s life would even involve, since it’s something they’ve never even considered before. Most people live day to day, putting one foot in front of the other without giving any thought to who really is making the decisions in their life or how they ended up where they are.

That’s why the top 3% of the people in the world have such a different life than the other 97%. They look at life differently and they make conscious choices.

Now so can you.

Creating a blueprint for the life of your dreams is not difficult to do when you know how or when you have someone to guide you through the process.

First you have to know your starting point. The next step is to evaluate how you feel about where you are.

You have a unique opportunity to choose differently every morning because you wake up every morning not knowing what the day will bring. There is an opportunity each day for an “aha” moment, in which to see yourself on a deeper level. There is also an opportunity on any given day to take your life in a whole different direction.

You are exactly where you are at this moment based on the choices that you continue to make. There is no such thing as “I have no choice, because…” That’s an excuse.

You have lived life up to now creating stories from the facts of your life, creating scenarios with words like “I can’t because”, “____ made me” or “I had to because”.

That’s over now.

Every thought you have is a decision waiting to be made. Einstein’s definition of insanity is to keep doing what you’ve always done expecting different results.

If you need help, get a friend to help sort out the facts from the story you’ve told yourself about your life. Let me warn you; it’s not easy to be completely objective and do this on your own. Make a list of facts and a brief description of the story you’ve told yourself about why you are the way you are.

Afterwards look at what you learned about the stories you’ve told yourself. Do they still make sense or do they seem ridiculous now?

What limiting beliefs have you uncovered?

Write your own script of what you want your life story to be from now on. If you don’t take on the job of being the writer and director in your life, someone else will.

So after you evaluate how you feel about where you are, take a look at what shifts you would like to make. Figure out what the end result is you are moving toward.

What do you really want your life to look like if there are no limits?

Once you’ve written your answer to that question, ask yourself what it’s going to take to get you there. If you get stuck here, I can help you. Blueprinting people’s lives is something that comes clearly and easily for me.

Create your step-by-step plan for making it happen if you feel like you can do it on your own and take the first step today.

Remember that all you ever need to know how to do is the next step that you’re going to take right now and the end result. The steps in between and the people you need to help you make it happen will show themselves as needed.

Next week we’ll move on to Sales/Marketing/Communication Skills. Now that you know what you want and how you’re going to get there, you probably need some cash to make it happen, right?

So get to work right now on blueprinting the life of your dreams so we can work on your business and get the cash flowing to fund that lifestyle next week!

Until then, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just comment on this post on my blog.

If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with. As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to
success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com

I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.


People to See, Places to Go

September 12-18th I’ll be in New York for a private group.

October 1-2 I’ll be speaking in Atlanta at AUTHOR 101 UNIVERSITY get the details http://snipurl.com/3k1vz  and take the fast track to becoming a successful author.

It’s just prior to Armand Morin’s BigSeminar  http://snipurl.com/3k1uf   so stay or that too!

Women’s Business Empowerment Summit faculty members have some great things happening in September/October that you’ll want to take a look at.

My good friend Brendon Burchard is bringing 2,000 people together for a transformational personal growth training event along with his friends Dr. John Gray (Men Are From Mars) and Marianne Williamson (Oprah radio host and author of The Age of Miracles).

He’s holding the entire event in a gorgeous circus tent! Seriously, under a BIG TOP in Long Beach, California!


I am part of a project being done by Jed Reay along with a few other communication experts and I did a very interesting phone interview last week that I believe you’ll get a lot of great content from.

Get access to our interview and some free bonuses at:

Just to let you know, I’ve never publicly talked about several of the points Jed brought up. I’m going to listen to it myself because I felt an uplifting energy as the conversation went deeper into a more spiritually oriented conversation and we talked about communication with your true self and not just your communication to make money, although I give you plenty of tips on that too!

I’d love to hear your opinion, so take a listen.

Women’s Business Empowerment Summit

The audios of the Women’s Business Empowerment Summit are already being shipped, so if you ordered your copy already, they’ll be in your hands next week.

You can use this order link to get the same pre-publication discount as was offered this weekend. $197 for all 20 sessions!

https://lynnpierce.infusionsoft.com/saleform/nilwhnat (For Audios)

For the best discount, pre-order the complete event on DVD for only $347 and I’ll give you all the mp3’s as my gift to you!

https://lynnpierce.infusionsoft.com/saleform/nilihnat (For DVD’s)

All the faculty members really stepped up and gave us the inside scoop on how they do what they do and how you can use their techniques and strategies to grow your business. The true test is when you see other faculty members sitting in the
audience taking notes and then buying the other faculty members programs and there was plenty of that going on.

The training calls that led up to the summit are all on replay so it’s not too late to take a listen. You’ll get the entire list by email when you register.
