What Kind of Energy Are You Imprinting on Your Business?

Did you know that your business has an energetic imprint? You do so why wouldn’t your business?

And for better or worse, it is a reflection of your energy and your beliefs and your values; even if your business is selling shoes.

It doesn’t matter if you are a coach, delivering a personal service, or if you sell products on the Internet or through an MLM. Your business is a reflection of you. It has the life force you breathe into it. Even if you are mostly absent from your business, it’s still your energy.

There’s 2 questions you’ll want to ask yourself:

To read the rest of this post go to my new blog at:

Inspiration: Inside Out or Outside In?

Where does inspiration come from? You may know that inspiration means to be in spirit or one with your higher being, but have you thought beyond that?

I was thinking about it just this morning; about the things that inspire us from the outside as opposed to the inspiration we find within ourselves.

Is inspiration from the outside really voyeuristic inspiration?

Are we really inspired by what we witness someone else achieve or even attempt? Or is it that we feel good in that moment, maybe count our blessing, and then in a few minutes go back to our regular routine.

So how do you feel when you see something you  describe as inspirational? Does it translate to inspirational action on your part?

To read the rest of this article, click here to go to my new blog at http://LynnPierce.com

Until next week, I’d love to hear your thoughts.  Just comment on this post on my new blog.

If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with.  As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself.  When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage.  When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you.  Commit today to go for your dream 100%.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Empowered Women’s Business  Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com

I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.

What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

“If you’re unclear about who you really are, how do you choose which direction to go in life?”

Lynn Pierce

Are you towards your desired result or going in circles, and do you know the difference?

What’s New

The Empowered Women’s Business Summit ’09
site goes live today and for a limited time you can get your ticket for this year’s event at 2/3 off!


I don’t think there’s a year I’ve been this excited about the summit since the first year I created it.


Because I’ve completed re-created it this year to serve you better. So if you’ve attended before and thought you learned a lot, implemented  the ton of notes you took, you haven’t seen anything yet!

Be prepared for a whole lot more personal engagement, ten times the fun (hey, we are in Vegas), and a hundred times more benefit in terms of practical, immediately useful knowledge that you can apply while you’re still at the summit to transform every area of your life. And I really do mean every area of your life.

So, congratulations to those of you that took advantage of last week’s special offer of an even deeper discount before the new site was live. You were definitely rewarded for your quick action. The current early bird pricing will also be short lived, so grab your seat now.

As I mentioned last week, more has changed than just the name.
Instead of having 12 or more faculty members, this has switched from being a multin-speaker event to an intensive where I will be teaching for 3 days with just a couple other faculty members adding their specific expertise I believe will help you move forward.

I will take you through every step of creating your life and your business exactly the way you want it to be. Because, as an empowered woman (or man, you are welcome to attend), you know that it takes more than another new business strategy to create and sustain a successful business and certainly a fulfilling life.

I really do love doing these kinds of intensives because it allows us to connect and go in depth on your particular life and business so much more than the multi-speaker style event does. So get ready because for the first time in this type of environment I’m going to share the process I regularly take my $6000 group mentoring students and $20,000 private clients through.

And by attending the summit, it’s available to you at only a fraction of the usual investment.

So go and grab your seat right now at

Even if you’ve been to the site recently, when you fill in your info now it will put you into the group to be notified for this year’s teleseminar series.

We’re going to Vegas, Baby! Get ready to party like a rock star and take your business through the roof in ’09.

Life happens, be ready for it.

Set your goals high enough that they require you to stretch your comfort zone and you’ll be amazed what you can achieve. Ask yourself, “What’s the one thing I can change this year to create the life of my dreams?”

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

Join me on Twitter and as a Facebook friend:


And click “Follow” that is displayed under my photo.
(That’s all there is to it.)

Identity Crisis-You and American Idol Contestants

Every week more than 30,000,000 watch American Idol and call or text in their votes. I don’t know how many people actually watch, but I’m one who watches every year and has never even considered picking up the phone and voting, so I would say there’s probably 10 times or 100 times more people watching than voting.

But the bigger message and what I want to focus on today is the message about being clear and focused. What, you’ve heard me talk about this before?

Ok, it’s not just me that sees this as a major stumbling block to success. The Idol judges are telling the contestants the same thing, week after week. They just use different words.

But the message is the same whether I’m delivering it to you or the judges are saying it to the contestants. So take look and see if you, or someone you should forward this article to, show up in any of these scenarios.

1. Sometimes it’s a matter of a talented singer who hasn’t realized inside themselves how talented they are and it’s sad to see their lack of clarity send them home when they had so much unrealized potential. Everyone of the judges see it, they try to tell them, but eventually the viewers side with the contestant and agree they really aren’t good enough and another passion goes unfulfilled as the signer is sent packing.

2. Other times it’s a case of trying to show that they have diverse talents. This loss of focus on who he/she really is leaves the judges saying it’s the wrong type of song because the singer fits so much better in a different genre-but they can’t decide, can’t focus, and want to play all over the musical landscape. So their talent gets lost in the shuffle along with their clarity and focus of who she/he really is.

3. Or a contestant who stated out as a powerhouse turns into a karaoke performer because of being so concerned with being part of the herd and moving along safely that she/he doesn’t take a chance. They play it safe and stop being the stand out they really deep down know they are. Maybe he/she even forgets how powerful they really are if they play it safe long enough.

Listening to 4 different judges (or mentors) each giving you contradicting opinions on where they think you should focus your energy also leads to confusion and lack of clarity.

As you see evidenced on Idol every week, even 4 people in the same business sitting at the same table can’t come to a consensus on what the best course of action is for a contestant.

So the contestant has to have enough alignment within themselves (read clarity & focus) to be able to hear what fits for them and let the rest go.

Otherwise it leads to confusion and a talented piano player show up playing a guitar, confuses their fan base as to who he really is and goes home the next night. It could have just as easily been an early strong contender who has played it safe too long who left instead.

Where do you find yourself showing up in one or more of these scenarios?
And what are you going to do about it?

Until next week, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just comment on this post on my blog.

If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with. As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit“. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System
at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com

I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.

What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

“A great life sends your heart racing and puts your mind at peace.”

Lynn Pierce

Are you living a great life?

What’s New
I posted the first video from the M Resort in Las Vegas on my blog, so check it out. I’m hoping to get the one of me showing you the wine cellar posted by this weekend now that I’ve decided that the M will be the home of the new Empowered Women’s Business Summit!

http://WomensBusinessEmpowermentSummit.com (you can still download last year’s calls until the new site goes up next week)

Last week I told you about the name change. When the new site goes live you’ll see that it’s “Empowered Women’s Business Summit”. What I didn’t tell you yet is that the summit will have a completely different format to enable all you empowered business women to take your life and your business to the next level.

So this year, instead of having 12 or more faculty members, I will be the main teacher and I will take you through every step of creating your life and your business exactly the way you want it to be. There will be just a couple additional faculty members to support you in specific areas (anything to do with technology), that I’m not an expert in.

I love doing these kinds of intensives much better and it’s about time we switch the summit over to this more personal environment as well, don’t you think?

So mark the dates of July 31-August 2 on your calendar now and if you’ve been to the site to download last year’s teleseminars, you’re on the list to be the first to know when tickets go on sale.

Oh what the…
If you already know you want to attend the summit and you’re ready to register, go ahead and click the link below and I’ll give you the same early bird alumni rate that I haven’t even released to alumni yet! I believe in rewarding decisiveness!


It’s only $397 and you can even make 2 payments if you want, so go ahead and register. This is almost 75% off what the ticket will be!

We’re going to Vegas, Baby! Get ready to party like a rock star and take your business through the roof in ’09.

***If you missed my email yesterday offering you my own stimulus package in the form of a $50 discount on “Change One Thing, Change Your Life”. It’s only a 24 hour sale, so run, don’t walk over to grab your copy for only $47 today. http://LynnPierce.com/products.hmtl

In light of the sale on Change One Thing, Change Your Life; I thought I’d give you one of the daily lessons as today’s article.

Life happens, be ready for it.

Set your goals high enough that they require you to stretch your comfort zone and you’ll be amazed what you can achieve. Ask yourself, “What’s the one thing I can change this year to create the life of my dreams?”

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

Join me on Twitter and as a Facebook friend:


And click “Follow” that is displayed under my photo.
(That’s all there is to it.)

Are You Cutting Yourself Off From Abundance?

Every day I hear people from all walks of life saying things that literally cut them off from abundance and success. I’m sure if you were fully aware of how you talk to yourself and to the world about who you are, chances are, you would be shocked. We are all guilty of this in some small degree, but for many it is debilitating.

Are you talking yourself out of living your fullest life with the self-concept you’ve created?

Without a strong self-image, all success is temporary. Fear along with low self-esteem eventually leads to self-sabotage. I know, for years I was a queen of self-sabotage.

I found one of the keys to living the life of my dreams was to change how I felt about myself. High self-esteem creates an environment within you allowing you to believe anything is possible and attainable in your life.

Once you have a healthy self-concept from using this process, you are able to make a commitment not only to yourself, but also to how you will live the life of your dreams. You now have the ability to step fully into your power.

To help you get started here is Day 21 excerpted from “Change One Thing, Change Your Life; A 40 Day Personal Transformation System

Day 21

“All things are possible with my mind and heart aligned to the Divine Presence within as my only source.”

With your life and your purpose in alignment everything falls into place. You have the energy and passion to do what needs to be done to accomplish your goals. You have a specific combination of talents and insights that are your gift to share with the world. You are here to make a difference in the lives of other people.

You have an obligation to yourself and to the planet to uncover your true purpose. Don’t doubt for one minute the impact your life has on other people’s lives. In our society it’s unfortunate that we don’t express to people how they influence us directly by what they do and indirectly by witnessing how they live their lives.

How do you present yourself to the world as a whole?

You don’t have to be famous to be a role model or to have a tremendous impact on the lives of others. How many people are probably feeling they live ordinary lives and aren’t of any great importance to the world? Do your role models know how they have impacted you?

Personal Observations Day 21

  • What kind of role model are you being by the way you live your life
  • Who has influenced your life? How would they feel if you told them? Do it, make someone’s day.
  • Do you feel your life doesn’t matter? How would your life change if you had proof it wasn’t true?

I hope this excerpt will aid you in making a difference in your life and the life of someone else today.

If you need some assistance in creating the blueprint for your life, I’m here to help.

Until next week, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just comment on this post on my blog.

If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with. As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com

I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.

My personal economic stimulus for you

This is a very exciting time of transition and also at the same time there are people struggling in their businesses and in their lives. This year more than any other in recent history it’s impact is being felt all around the world. And in the midst of all of this some are prospering more than ever. My wish for you is that you join those who are prospering on the highest level.

So I’m here to contribute my own brand of economic stimulus by giving you access to a program that will help you make the shift you so deeply want to make.

I’ve stayed out of all the “the sky is falling” marketing tactics because I really don’t believe it and I don’t think you do either.  But there is something very important that is taking place. There is a huge shift taking place and I think that as my subscriber you are aware enough that you already know that.

It’s time for all of us to kick it up a notch and go to the next level of what our role is on the planet. And that starts with really clearly understanding who you are and the impact you can have in shaping your world and manifesting the life you really choose to have.

So I looked at what I can do to help that process along and…

For the next 24 hours, it’s my honor to support you in your sincere efforts to make a difference in your life and the lives of those you impact.

Here’s my personal economic stimulus package for you.

I want to make it easy for you to have access to my flagship program, “Change One Thing, Change Your Life; A Personal Transformation System“.

So when you click the buy button on the page below,

http://lynnpierce.com/products.html (It’s the 2nd program down from the top)

instead of $97, you can grab this for only $47 today!  When you click on the link, even though it says $97, the order form will show $47, just for you, just for the next 24 hours.

24 hours because you need to be decisive and choose to invest in yourself.

$47 because you need to make that nominal investment in yourself to shift the energy towards believing something new and better is possible in your life.

http://lynnpierce.com/products.html (It’s the 2nd program down from the top)

It’s a pdf so you can start doing the daily lessons immediately.

With this amazing success system, containing 40 daily lessons to shift your perception of who you are and what you are capable of, you could experience the same shifts many others have;  allowing you to immediately start attracting more prosperity and abundance into every area of your life.

You could see your life change dramatically in no time at all. I’m serious, this is not hype. Simply do the daily lessons-it doesn’t even take 10 minutes!

http://lynnpierce.com/products.html (It’s the 2nd program down from the top)

This is the program I consider to be a foundational step for all of my students as well as in my own continued personal growth as I continually cycle through the 40 days of lessons. I wrote it and I’ve continued to do the lessons for over 7 years now.  It works!

This offer comes from my heart as a way for you to do something so simple that could have a profound impact on increasing the quality of your life in a very short amount of time.

http://lynnpierce.com/products.html (It’s the 2nd program down from the top)

Students of mine that use this program as part of their daily spiritual work have manifested many wonderful things in their lives including new clients, increased income, career opportunities and new love relationships-some almost, some immediately after writing it as part of daily lesson!

What is it that you want to manifest that seems to be just outside your reach? Let Change One Thing, Change Your Life literally take you by the hand to create the life of your dreams, starting today.

Do it now.  What are you waiting for?

http://lynnpierce.com/products.html (It’s the 2nd program down from the top)