I agreed with the comment posted on my last post by Steve Pohlit so I thought I’d hop over to his blog and comment.
Once I was there I decided I had more to say on this and wanted to share it with you.
My post on Steve’s blog:
You commented, “I know I have side stepped topics in the past because of ‘this has already been addressed’ only to see someone else recycle the topic in a new package.”
I wanted to share with you that this is incredibly common. So many times a person feels that there is already a guru at the top of that topic and they are not at that person’s level. And what happens is they abandon that topic altogether, when there are several ways to position yourself as an expert in that situation.
In fact, you’ve just inspired me to write a blog post about that right now so I can tell my readers as well how to do that.
Thanks Steve!
Ok, so there are 3 ways you can enter a market that in your mind already has a huge guru that you don’t want to compete with or don’t believe you can-see, there are those beliefs again.
1. What does this guru say that you disagree with?
2. Where is there a gap in this guru’s system or where do you see a step missing?
3. What new information do you have to add to this topic that would make a difference to your audience?
Let me give you an example. I had a client who came to into my process thinking that her topic was gardening. In her mind she had a passion for it and thought she could write an ebook. That in itself is a small, very easily attainable goal.
But once we started going through the process, what showed up was that she was extremely passionate about helping blue collar people, like herself, build huge financial reserves and move toward financial independence on a very low salary. She had a gift she didn’t recognize.
Why? Because to her it was just something she did! She’d not only done this for herself, she’d done it for relatives, co-workers and countless people at church and never thought it was anything to get paid for or a possible business.
It’s the same story over and over with so many clients. It takes a mentor who knows the right questions to ask to pull out what’s already inside you and show you the magnificence of the knowledge and talent that you’ve either ignored or discounted. The world needs what you have to share, they’re waiting for you. And yes, I’m talking to YOU!
That big guru isn’t the be all and end all for every person. You have your own perspective on the topic that will draw a different segment of the market to you. You may have a style of speaking or a simplicity to the way you present the material that makes you you more understandable than any other guru who’s ever taught on this topic.
My client said, “You mean everybody doesn’t know this?”, as she glanced around the table at the other mentees with their mouths hanging open. She couldn’t believe this was something she could get paid for and the rest of the table couldn’t understand how she didn’t know what a gift she had. And yet they were soon to discover, neither did they.
That’s what I do. I see these gifts in people. It’s very easy for me to have a conversation with you, have you do some exercises and I can see what’s inside of you that you can’t access by yourself. I also can see the whole product line unfolding in my head as we talk. I don’t question it, I just pay attention and tell you what I see and then help you create it. And yes there was a time that I just did it for free-I did a lot of this for free…because I didn’t think it was any big deal, it came so easily to me.
I have never found anyone that didn’t have a topic they were passionate about that was also profitable that could be turned into product.
So don’t discount yourself because you’re not the big cheese. When the gurus started out neither were they. And yet they believed in themselves enough to take a chance, take a stand, step into their power and go for it.
Look at what’s holding you back from throwing your hat in the ring. It’s not because someone bigger is already there. That’s an excuse.
If you need help, I’m here.
P.S. If you’re reading this anywhere besides my actual blog, please go to http://YourBreakthroughToSuccess.com/blog to post your comments so everyone can benefit from your thoughts.
Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine
business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success
and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also
the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs,
“Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to
success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of
“Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System”
at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com