Are You Doing What You’re Here To Do?

Do you ever hear yourself thinking…

* I wish I had the clarity and focus successful people have that are making tons of money

* If I could get out of this state of overwhelm, I know I’d begin making the money I deserve

* If I could relax and just be me and have my business flow easily, I’d be happy

* I really deserve to have more fun, time and freedom in my life

* I wish I knew for sure who I am and what I’m here for so I can get on with my purpose

* I need a better plan, I just feel stuck

If you’ve EVER had ANY of these thoughts, if you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then I have some good news and…

I Do Have a Bit of Bad News…

The information I am going to REVEAL at Empowered Women’s Business Summit, information that previously has only been shared with my small groups who pay $6,000 or my private one on one clients who pay $20,000, will flip a lot of your perceptions right on their ear and could make you more than a little upset with some of the stuff you were led to believe in the past.

But I Also Have Some Really Great News for You…

Because in the space of 3 short days, July 31-August 2, in Las Vegas, I am teaching at a depth I have never had the time or opportunity to do in the past 5 years of this summit. YOU will have access to all of the processes, strategies and techniques for how to create the life and business you’ve always hoped to have RIGHT NOW!

You will go crashing through the barriers that have been slowing you down and sabotaging your success up to now. And we start off with a bang on Day 1 as I reveal the single ingredient to breaking any barrier-in your life or your business.

This single ingredient has not only been the key for me, but everyone I’ve ever worked with in the last 30 years and every multi-millionaire and every happy, aligned, and successful person I’ve ever met or studied. Yes, it is that powerful and that universal…and it is that simple.

IMPORTANT! I’ve mentioned before that the knowledge you will walk away with after these 3 days has the power to transform every area of your life. I want you to know that I mean this from the soul of my being. This is not a
marketing ploy and this is not hype. It is fact!

In fact, my 3 special guest faculty members, including Dr. Fern Kazlow, and 2 others you will learn about shortly, have also agreed as a condition of their being invited to this summit, to reveal their personal secrets to success ( and a couple bumps in the road we’ve traversed) at the same level of depth I will be sharing with you.

Most of what we are about to reveal at Empowered Women’s Business Summit is so powerful that some clients have seen a major up-leveling of their lifestyle in a matter of weeks after learning these strategies and techniques. ALL feel more aligned and powerful and at peace.

Some clients have had big ticket opportunities land right in their laps. And some clients have opened so fully to receiving financial abundance that their income has increased dramatically with no major effort on their part.

What could happen for you? One of these? All of these? More?

The SAD FACT is that if you don’t reserve your seat for the summit quickly, the answer will likely be none of these.

The FABULOUS NEWS for you is that I like things simple and easy, so everything you’ll learn at Empowered Women’s Business Summit will be exactly that-simply and easy. So if one of the beliefs you have is that to get what you want you have to work hard and do things that you don’t love…get ready to bust through that myth!

You know I’m all about systems and blueprints, so of course I am going to make sure you are taken by the hand, step-by-step through every session of this intimate summit. I also believe in group participation and interaction, so get ready to be involved and an active participant in 3 days of creating your life and your business exactly as you want it to be!

Want to know how I’m able to travel and take lots of time off whenever I want, while still running my business and creating programs and events and meeting with private clients-with no staff?

I won’t make you wait for the summit to get the answer to that question. I’ll tell you right now. It’s because I have a blueprint for my life and my business that allows me to create and live my entire life exactly the way I chose…

and you’ll create your own blueprint at the summit that you’ll be able to put into action on Monday morning! Really. I know after all the time you’ve spent struggling it’s hard to believe you could put it all together in an actionable plan in 3 days, but I do it with clients all the time. Remember? Simple & easy!

At this completely brand new, updated, up close and personal 6th year of the summit, everything has been restructured to serve you more completely. Hey, this was a complete overhaul, not just a simple name change from Empowerment to Empowered.

Back to you…

Would you like a plan for building a business that could be described as a Lamborghini?

Just like a Lamborghini, sleek and sophisticated, powerful and sexy. It runs so smoothly and flies down the road so effortlessly.

The entire summit flows like your own personal blueprint, so you can create your own Lamborghini of a business. An easy to follow step-by-step process for building your new and improved life that will have you flying down the highway to success and happiness.

The flow of the summit was created with you in mind, to take you from A-Z in a logical progression as each module builds from one to the next.


*Are you living your passion and life purpose?

*Are you currently living the life of your dreams?

*Is your passion and life purpose exactly what you’re doing to earn a living?

*Are you laser focused working through your personal step-by-step blueprint for your life?

*Are you being paid well to share your passion with others?

If you can’t say absolutely yes to all of these questions, you need to do whatever is necessary to clear your schedule and get to Empowered Women’s Business Summit! BOOK YOUR SEAT RIGHT NOW!

This is the foundation of a successful life and a prosperous business. You will learn exactly how to turn all of your no’s into yes in day 1.

And so you know where the money’s coming from to fund this great lifestyle, we’ll work on product development to turn your passion into cash!

Hey, if you’re a coach or consultant or any kind of service provider, there’s only so many hours you can bill. It’s time to create some passive income, don’t you think?



After being a sales trainer for 25 years and then for the last 6 years helping people just like you create their own programs, products and events, I guarantee you that you are leaving a huge amount of money on the table. In
fact you’re doing it in so many ways that are simple to correct, I can’t even list them all here.

And to make things even worse, you’re also losing clients to your competitors who are begging for more of what you don’t have to offer because you haven’t or don’t know how to create it. Remember? Simple & easy.

In today’s economy you don’t want to be looked at as a commodity for your client’s to price shop on, do you?

You’ll learn how to create a power brand, not just a brand. You’re going to learn how to create the story and the sales process that is the foundation of everything you do in your entire business, including all your marketing materials.

The skill of conveying your message to your prospective clients in the most impactful way is crucial to your success. I will teach you a sales and communication process that flows from you in a natural and comfortable, yet powerful way. It’s what I call “Conscious Sales and Soft Power”.

And you’ll discover how to position yourself as a recognized expert in your industry in a very short period of time.

I’ll even talk about how you can get your book published by a New York publisher before the year ends…even if you don’t even know what it’s going to be about yet.



This is the piece where so many otherwise brilliant entrepreneurs are missing. Having all the pieces is one thing, putting them all together in the right order and in the right place is something completely different.

The systems you’ll be learning today are for every part of your business and it’s all about giving you the flexibility and freedom to have a life without giving up the cash.

You’ll learn the most efficient and dare I say, cheapest, way of getting things done. You’ll also learn what you can get someone else to do for you.

We’ll wrap everything up and you’ll be leaving with the whole enchilada ready to go on Monday morning.


I don’t like to talk about other people, but there are plenty of people out there these days that talk about helping you live your passion and the life of your dreams. How long have they been living theirs?

I think that’s an important question, because it speaks to their ability to sustain what they are building and enjoying now, and their qualification to teach you.

Most of them worked their you know what off for years, had no life, and then when they made enough money to buy a lifestyle, they suddenly became experts. Writing a check to pay for ‘big boy toys’ and being able to create it are 2 different things. Writing a check is not expertise.

The reason I’m uniquely qualified to mentor you and why you should be attending this summit is because I have…

*30+ Years studying human behavior-what makes people do what they do and what makes them change

*30+ Years of helping people create a blueprint for their life

*25+ Years in the trenches in Sales/Marketing

* 8 Years creating my own and clients product lines, teleseminar courses, live events, coaching programs, interview show

*Rolodex to connect you with the top people in any area of help you need, where someone other than myself is your best choice


I have lived and breathed everything I am teaching at the summit for a very long time. This isn’t just a hot topic for me. I was talking about discovering your passion and that being the focus of the information products you create
when all the big gurus were telling me I needed to switch my topic because the only thing people wanted to do was find the next big keywords and build a product to make a quick buck.

They’ve all hopped on the bandwagon in the last couple years. So the next time you hear gurus talking about building a business on your true passion and talking about lifestyle, for the year, or two or three they’ve had it; ask yourself if it just looks like more hype or do they really live it? Because some do and some don’t.

If you want to work with a woman who has had experience over the long haul in every possible economic condition, had a great life, not only survived but thrived, come to the summit and I’ll teach you how to build real, soul based success for a lifetime.

Go now to learn more ===>


I’m not going to entice you with any special promotion that runs out tomorrow. The summit speaks for itself and frankly, the pricing on it right now is ridiculously low because I know many of you are having a difficult time and I don’t want that to stop you from attending.

Besides that, the 4 payment program is still in place. That should show you how strongly I believe in the program, you’ll attend the summit before you’ve paid for it. This will go away soon, though.

And right now you can bring a business partner, a spouse or a colleague with you for free.