I found this on http://youtube.com and it has close to 2,000,000 views. I was very surprised to hear a really good instrumental version of one of my favorite Linkin Park songs, In the End.
Month: March 2009
M Resort Las Vegas, Empowered Women’s Business Summit
A great time was had by all as my event coordinator, Audrey Hagen and I enjoyed a few glasses of wine with our friend Adam Gilad at the new M Resort’s wine cellar. The M is the new in place to be in Las Vegas and it’s the home of this year’s newly renamed “Empowered Women’s Business Summit“, which for now can still be found at http://WomensBusinessEmpowermentSummit.com
Wasn’t it nice of Adam to coordinate his colors with us? This was right before we went to the 944 Magazine party. I think Audrey took more pics of us down in the cellar, so I’ll see if I can get her to send them over. Wait until you see this place!
I’ve have more details posted on the summit next week, but mark these dates on your calendar, July 31-August 2nd, and get ready to party like a rock star and take your business through the roof in ’09.
Yesterday afternoon I drove down to San Diego to hang out with one of my favorite people Rex Wisehart at Island Prime Restaurant in San Diego. Rex missed out on a big snow storm yesterday at home in Colorado so he’s happy to be in San Diego.
Rex spent years as a top gun corporate turn around guy and now, besides being a business credit expert, he’s the money behind a lot of big people in my industry. We met at Frank Kern’s Mass Control. Live events are how I’ve met most of my friends over the years. Attending events is always a great networking opportunity and the better the event, the better the networking.
If you would have attended http://WomensBusinessEmpowermentSummit.com last year you would have met Rex, he was one of our faculty members. If you run over to the site right now you can still download a great interview I did with him on how to get creidt for your business.
What’s New
Quote to Contemplate
“You can’t focus on what you don’t have the clarity to see.”
Lynn Pierce
Are you sure you’re focusing on what’s going to get you where you want to go?
What’s New
Just back from Las Vegas where I was checking out the fabulous new M Resort. I attended the 944 Magazine party on Monday night and took some photos of the hotel for you before it got too dark. You can see those on my blog.
My biggest reason for being there was to finalizing the hotel selection for this year’s http://WomensBusinessEmpowermentSummit.com (you can still download last year’s calls until the new site goes up next week)
One of the changes for this year’s event is the name. When the new site goes live you’ll see that it’s “Empowered Women’s Business Summit”.
After 5 years of holding this event, I’ve decided it’s time to take the name of the event to the next level as well as the women who attend. For the first 5 years the focus was on empowering women and now it’s time to take those empowered women to new heights of success in their business and their lives.
So mark the dates of July 31-August 2 on your calendar now and if you’ve been to the site to download last year’s teleseminars, you’re on the list to be the first to know when tickets go on sale.
We’re going to Vegas, Baby! Get ready to party like a rock star and take your business through the roof in ’09.
I did a couple videos with my new videographer, Audrey Hagen. OK, she’s not really a videographer, but she did play one in Vegas as soon as I handed her my Flip. You can see the results of our amateur videos on my blog today. The link you see in the video won’t be live until my web guy switches it over, so use the old one above to go to the site.
Yes, I look a little tentative in the videos because we’re both new at this. (Maybe I’ll have to get a real video person.) I promise the video quality and my hosting ability will improve with practice. As I told you last week, I’m determined to become a multi-media maven. 🙂
Word is spreading on last Thursday’s call. I came home to find that hundreds more of you had registered to listen to the replay.
I’ve also had such a great time talking to those of you that took me up on my offer, I’m extending it to those of you who are listening on replay. So listen to the instructions and send me an email. Let’s talk!
Life happens, be ready for it.
Set your goals high enough that they require you to stretch your comfort zone and you’ll be amazed what you can achieve. Ask yourself, “What’s the one thing I can change this year to create the life of my dreams?”
Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.
Join me on Twitter and as a Facebook friend:
And click “Follow” that is displayed under my photo.
(That’s all there is to it.)
Focus, Focus, Focus!
Wow! Every time I turn around lately I talk to someone or see a situation unfolding where the answer is focus, and the question is usually, “How do I get to that place of being focused?” Or maybe I’m seeing this because I’ve witnessed clarity and focus, over and over, being the answer to a majority of the struggle and confusion most entrepreneurs are facing today.
This can show up in your life in two different ways.
1. The amount of information overload is escalating daily with it becoming easier and easier to be connected. Now it’s not just emails you get on your phone, it’s videos, social media and even live TV, news and sports.
Are you feeling like you don’t have the choice to turn any of it off or you’ll be left behind?
Do other people in your life expect you to be on call 24/7 and fulfill their needs immediately no matter where you are or what you’re doing?
If so, that can create an incredible amount of pressure for one thing. And on another level it leads to splitting your attention to such an extent that it’s almost impossible to fully focus on any one thing for a long enough period of time to get anything substantial accomplished.
So what can you do?
Well, you could change the way you respond to those requests for your time and energy by setting boundaries around when you will reply and when you won’t. You’d be surprised how fast you can re-train people to respect those boundaries, even your worst offenders.
2. Another way that we sabotage our own focus is by taking on too many things at one time. It can be tasks to complete, things you feel like you need to learn, books you read or even filling your social calendar to the point of exhaustion.
Being clear on who you are, what you’re here to do and what you’re going to do about that in terms of creating a blueprint for your life allows you to have a plan that all of these things we’ve been discussing gets measured against.
With your blueprint you have a plan that can be broken down into daily actions that are moving you forward to your desired end result, which is living the life of your dreams funded by a business that truly is your calling.
That blueprint helps you to say no and it helps you to know what to say yes to. It helps you to structure your time because you know what you want to accomplish and when you want it done. You are then free to choose how you spend the rest of your day and the rest of your life.
Your blueprint isn’t just a tool for productivity, it’s the out-picturing of your deepest desires. It’s the framework from which your soul expresses itself in your daily life.
It’s the foundation for everything you are and everything you create and hope to be in the future. What could be more important than that?
If you need some assistance in creating the blueprint for your life, I’m here to help.
Until next week, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just comment on this post on my blog.
If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with. As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.
Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System”
at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com
I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.
Empowered Women’s Business Summit at M Resort Las Vegas
What’s New
Quote to Contemplate
“A high level of activity doe not necessarily translate to a high level of commitment on your part.”
Lynn Pierce
Are you creating a high level of activity and kidding yourself into believing it means you have that same level of commitment?
What’s New
I’m home, yeah! Well, at least until 6:30 Monday morning.
Then I’m off to meet my event coordinator Audrey Hagen at a secret undisclosed location in Las Vegas to finalize a hotel selection for this year’s http://WomensBusinessEmpowermentSummit.com (you can still download last year’s calls until the new site goes up next week)
There’s all kinds of exciting news about this year’s event, but I’m not going to tell you anything until we have the hotel secured.
I’m working on the first trip for “Women, Wine, Wealth & Wisdom”. It’s going to be so much fun, I can’t wait.
When I came home this week I met my friend from Miami, Gayle Carson, for lunch at my favorite spot on the beach in Del Mar, Poseidon. It was sunny when I left my house up the coast and totally socked in with fog by the time I got down the road.
Anyway, I remembered my camera now that my version of WordPress has been updated and I can quickly and easily throw a photo up there all by myself any time I want. I like being able to do that instead of sending it to someone else to do.
Later that afternoon I took my Flip with me on my beach walk and made a short video for you. I hope you watched it. It’s posted on my blog if you haven’t seen it yet.
So watch for me to become a multi-media maven. Well, knowing how non-techie I am, that may be a bit of an overstatement.
Last night’s call was amazing, if I do say so myself. I got great emails from those of you who listened. Thank you for those. I would love it if you would follow me on twitter and tweet your happiness.
As with anything, the more you get out there and talk about it on social media like twitter or Facebook, the more people see it. The way the Universe works your comment could be seen by someone who is in need of hearing that exact message right now.
I remember a story Wayne Dyer told about a guy who was going to commit suicide and had his radio on and heard Wayne’s message and it was exactly
what he needed to hear to prevent him from taking his life.
Since then I’ve always been very aware of the impact of small things and I try to pass on information whenever I can. That’s one of the reasons I’m always telling you about other people’s books & programs I think you might benefit from.
Life happens, be ready for it.
Set your goals high enough that they require you to stretch your comfort zone and you’ll be amazed what you can achieve. Ask yourself, “What’s the one thing I can change this year to create the life of my dreams?”
Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.
Join me on Twitter and as a Facebook friend:
And click “Follow” that is displayed under my photo.
(That’s all there is to it.)
Can You Have Your Attention, Please?
Yes, you read that right. I’m asking you to give yourself your attention.
Attention is a tricky thing.
Your attention can drift off without you even being consciously aware when you’re not really interested in something.
You can pay attention to varying degrees depending on your involvement.
You can even pay attention to the wrong things altogether!
Or you can focus your attention with great intensity and produce tremendous results with possibly less effort than you expend in any of those other levels of attention I just pointed out.
What is the effect of scattered attention?
Scattered attention is how most people spend the majority of their time. It leads to overwhelm. It leads to lack of clarity, otherwise known as confusion. And it definitely results in a lack of focus.
The power of focused attention should not be underestimated. Just look at what a kid with a magnifying glass can do with a simple piece of paper and a little help from the sun. Did you ever do that experiment when you were a kid, burning a hole in a piece of paper?
As a child you may have been amazed that it was possible considering you were also out there in that same sun and yet it didn’t burn a hole through you or the piece of paper sitting right next to the one you just burnt a hole in.
I’m sure your science teacher explained that it’s all about harnessing the power of the sun by focusing it’s rays through the magnifying glass.
Well it works the same way with your thoughts.
When your thoughts and your energy are scatter, over here one minute and over there the next, there is no power. Your actions may seems to form a pattern of activity that looks productive, but in terms of a big picture they are random and leading nowhere.
The best use of your attention is not on multi-tasking either.
Despite popular opinion to the contrary, it is apparent to almost anyone you speak to on the phone when you’re multi-tasking. And there have been plenty of studies that show you have diminished capacity in all the task you do when you multi-task-no matter how proud you may be of your ability to do it.
Here’s the bottom line…
You have the power to have anything you want in your life by using that same power of focused energy as the kid with the magnifying glass. Your brain is already set up to work this way and your sub-conscious has been waiting for you to get it together and figure out what you really want it to do for you!
By getting clear about who you really are, what you’re here to do and what you choose to do about it, you have the ability to create a blueprint for your life. The most amazing life you are capable of dreaming of right now today.
You may need a little help pulling it all together. If so, I’d be glad to help you, that’s what I do.
Until next week, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just comment on this post on my blog.
If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with. As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.
Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit“. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System”
at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com
I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.
Create Your Life Blueprint
I just made this video on my beach walk today. This is my first one so I learned a couple lessons: hold the Flip lower (although I won’t remember how high I held it) and I probably need to wear my glasses so I won’t squint. Enjoy the video and join me on the call. If you came here through my email you’ve got the link to register.
Lunch at the beach with “Spunky Old Broad” Gayle Carson
Today I met my friend Gayle Carson, known as “The Spunky Old Broad” for lunch at one of my favorite restaurants on the beach in Del Mar. Unfortunately it was really foggy, so you can’t see the beach that well. Gayle and I met at John Assaraf’s house five years ago and have stayed in touch. In here 70’s Gayle has just finished a series of workout videos. She certainly inspires me with her spunk. Now Gayle and I are brainstorming some things we can do together.