Power Connecting: Branding & Social Media

Tonight, Tuesday the 19th of May 2009 is the second Empowered Women’s Business Summit Complimentary Teleseminar in the series.

Every other Tuesday through the 28th of July I will host a 1 hour training call at 6:00PM pacific time. All calls are recorded.

Register at: http://WomensBusinessEmpowermentSummit.com

On tonight’s call Dr. Fern Kazlow will share how her theory of Power Connecting can make the difference in your Social Marketing and Branding results.

On this call you’ll learn:

– What is Power Connecting and why is it so important?

– What is a Power Brand – and why do we need one?

– Why branding is the hot new buzzword and what you’re not being

– Why Social Media is the new business requirement?

– What is “scalable intimacy”?

-What are some special issues for women with social media
and branding?

If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with. As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Empowered Women’s Business Summit“. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five
lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com

I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog. http://www.LynnPierce.com

What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

“A high level of activity doe not necessarily translate to a high level of commitment on your part.”

Lynn Pierce

Are you creating a high level of activity and kidding yourself into believing it means you have that same level of commitment?

What’s New
I’m home, yeah! Well, at least until 6:30 Monday morning.

Then I’m off to meet my event coordinator Audrey Hagen at a secret undisclosed location in Las Vegas to finalize a hotel selection for this year’s http://WomensBusinessEmpowermentSummit.com (you can still download last year’s calls until the new site goes up next week)

There’s all kinds of exciting news about this year’s event, but I’m not going to tell you anything until we have the hotel secured.

I’m working on the first trip for “Women, Wine, Wealth & Wisdom”. It’s going to be so much fun, I can’t wait.

When I came home this week I met my friend from Miami, Gayle Carson, for lunch at my favorite spot on the beach in Del Mar, Poseidon. It was sunny when I left my house up the coast and totally socked in with fog by the time I got down the road.

Anyway, I remembered my camera now that my version of WordPress has been updated and I can quickly and easily throw a photo up there all by myself any time I want. I like being able to do that instead of sending it to someone else to do.

Later that afternoon I took my Flip with me on my beach walk and made a short video for you. I hope you watched it. It’s posted on my blog if you haven’t seen it yet.

So watch for me to become a multi-media maven. Well, knowing how non-techie I am, that may be a bit of an overstatement.

Last night’s call was amazing, if I do say so myself. I got great emails from those of you who listened.  Thank you for those. I would love it if you would follow me on twitter and tweet your happiness.

As with anything, the more you get out there and talk about it on social media like twitter or Facebook, the more people see it. The way the Universe works your comment could be seen by someone who is in need of hearing that exact message right now.

I remember a story Wayne Dyer told about a guy who was going to commit suicide and had his radio on and heard Wayne’s message and it was exactly
what he needed to hear to prevent him from taking his life.

Since then I’ve always been very aware of the impact of small things and I try to pass on information whenever I can. That’s one of the reasons I’m always telling you about other people’s books & programs I think you might benefit from.

Life happens, be ready for it.

Set your goals high enough that they require you to stretch your comfort zone and you’ll be amazed what you can achieve. Ask yourself, “What’s the one thing I can change this year to create the life of my dreams?”

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

Join me on Twitter and as a Facebook friend:


And click “Follow” that is displayed under my photo.
(That’s all there is to it.)

Your Personal Secret to Success Revealed

I promise you – you do NOT want to miss this call!

here’s the deal…

Do you ever hear yourself thinking…

* I wish I had the clarity and focus successful people have that are making tons of money

* If I could get out of this state of overwhelm, I know I’d begin making the money I deserve

* If I could relax and just be me and have my business flow easily, I’d be happy

* I really deserve to have more fun, more time for me, more freedom

* I wish I knew for sure who I am and what I’m here for so I can get on with my purpose

* I need a better plan

If you’ve EVER had ANY of these thoughts, you absolutely must be on our teleseminar this

Thursday, March 19th.

==> On this call, I’ll reveal the single ingredient to breaking any barrier-in your life or your business.

The only way to be invited to this call is being one of my subscribers, so sign-up for Change One Thing in the box to the right and I’ll be sending out another email tomorrow that will allow you to register.

==> AND I’ll reveal why all of the other “strategies”, ” tools”, and “courses” are completely worthless until you learn this ingredient.

After revealing this information only weeks ago at a high end live training, it is already creating huge results within the group of attendees.

If you truly VALUE your life, your time, your peace of mind… and your future, join me on Thursday and find out exactly how much more exciting, fun and fulfilling your life could be.

All the call details will be on the next page.

Please dial in a little early to this call as I expect the lines to be full… I’ll see you Thursday!

To your success,

Lynn Pierce

What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

“What you think determines what you see, and what you see creates nd reinforces new beliefs. ”

Lynn Pierce

Is what you think creating the life you want?

What’s New
If you missed the email that went out last night, for a very small number of you I am extending an invitation to spend some personal time with me and have a lot of fun doing what I enjoy most, so take a look at that. It generated a lot of interest and now I’m sifting through the responses to set appointments about “Women, Wine, Wealth and Wisdom”.

Well, I have to tell you that I could not be more pleased with the results created in just three short days by the women who attended last weekend’s live Blueprints for Life closed door intensive.

The suite I had reserved at the San Diego waterfront resort for the event was just perfect for our group and the weather was wonderful as was the food in the restaurant.

Just as the quote for the week that I wrote says,”What you think determines what you see, and what you see creates and reinforces new beliefs “; I set my intention and vision for the women who would be attending in this ezine last week and that’s exactly what occurred. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

Here’s what I wrote ( what showed up for them) in case you missed it:

I’m so excited for the women who are attending because I know their lives never be the same after these three days.

There is no feeling like walking back in your front door after the weekend knowing you are not the person who left the house just a few days before and feeling that empowerment in every fiber of your being.

It’s so humbling for me to witness the transformations that occur when a student is open and ready for a shift in their life and/or in their business. It takes a brave person to show up and say I’m ready to step more fully into my power,show up in the world as my authentic self and tell my truth.

For most of us that’s a huge leap to take, so I’m really looking forward to meeting the amazing women who are about to take this journey.

So there you have it. Intention becoming reality. It truly is transformational for me as well each time I witness what we are capable of when we have the courage to step forward and say, “It’s time for me!”

You weren’t with us, but I hope you’ve at least taken the opportunity to listen to the 4 Blueprints for Life teleseminars on replay:


Even though I just got back from Scottsdale/Maui 3 days before last weekend’s event, I’m heading back to Scottsdale again next Thursday and then on to LA the week after that.

I had a friend stay with me the last couple days and now I do have a witness to the truth of my almost deserted beach that I walk every day. When I twitter about my beach walks I have a lot of SoCal people
who think I might be stretching the truth, not so.

Life happens, be ready for it.

Set your goals high enough that they require you to stretch your comfort zone and you’ll be amazed what you can achieve. Ask yourself, “What’s the one thing I can change this year to create the life of my dreams?”

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

Join me on Twitter and as a Facebook friend:


And click “Follow” that is displayed under my photo.
(That’s all there is to it.)

What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

“When you see the best in people you inspire them to be what you see. ”

Lynn Pierce

What do you mirror for others?

What’s New
Our live Blueprints for Life closed door intensive starts tomorrow in San Diego so I’ll be heading down to my suite at the waterfront resort this afternoon. I’m so excited for the women who are attending because I know their lives never be the same after these three days.

There is no feeling like walking back in your front door after the weekend knowing you are not the person who left the house just a few days before and feeling that empowerment in every fiber of your being.

It’s so humbling for me to witness the transformations that occur when a student is open and ready for a shift in their life and/or in their business. It takes a brave person to show up and say I’m ready to step more fully into my power, show up in the world as my authentic self and tell my truth.

For most of us that’s a huge leap to take, so I’m really looking forward to meeting the amazing women who are about to take this journey.

Speaking of that, if you aren’t joining us live and haven’t registered to listen to the 4 Blueprints for Life teleseminars on replay go to:


I’m also just back from another Scottsdale/Maui/Scottsdale trip. I escaped the cold and rainy weather in Scottsdale and San Diego during the week I spent on Maui. I’m beginning to think I have weather ESP. It’s been a great winter of nothing but warm weather everywhere I go.

The week on Maui started with a relaxing weekend, another fabulous day at the Grand Wailea Spa and then a day of snorkeling with our mastermind before settling down to some serious work. I had a couple aha moments about my own business and you’ll be hearing more about that next week.

For a very small number of you I will be extending an invitation to spend some personal time with me and have a lot of fun doing what I enjoy most, but I can’t tell you any more yet. But if my life sounds fun to you, stay tuned.

The reason there was no ezine last week was because I actually sit down on Thursday morning and write from whatever inspiration strikes me at the moment. Last week while on Maui I made the decision to not get online, so there was no ezine.

Life happens, be ready for it. Click on the link below and get started creating a vision for your life, a plan for your future, your Blueprint for Life.


Set your goals high enough that they require you to stretch your comfort zone and you’ll be amazed what you can achieve. Ask yourself, “What’s the one thing I can change this year to create the life of my dreams?”

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

Join me on Twitter and as a Facebook friend:


And click “Follow” that is displayed under my photo.
(That’s all there is to it.)

What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

“Stepping into your true personal power also means taking personal responsibility for the life you’ve created. ”

Lynn Pierce

Do you take responsibility for your whole life or only the good stuff?

What’s New
Our final Blueprints for Life preview teleseminar is tonight. I want to make sure all of your questions are answered on how to discover who your really are, why you’re here and how to create a blueprint for your life to make it all a reality for you right now.

So as you register for the calls, don’t forget to use the link to ask me your question. I will answer it!

Speaking of that, if you haven’t registered to listen to the 3 Blueprints for Life teleseminars on replay go to:


I’m in Scottsdale this week and tomorrow I’ll be on Maui for a while. The weather has been so good at my beach house in San Diego and here in Scottsdale that it won’t be much of a difference on Maui. I’ve loved this mild winter weather we’ve been having on the west coast.

Barack Obama continues to amaze me. The latest example is hearing a president admit he made a mistake, not weeks or months or years later, but immediately following a situation. I was so surprised when I sat down to watch Larry King and heard him say “I made a mistake”, I almost fell over. Honesty is so refreshing and taking personal responsibility is so liberating.

Are you doing that in your own life? I certainly hope you have a plan for your life. If you would like help creating your blueprint, make a plan now to create your Blueprint for Life with me in San Diego Feb. 20-22nd.


Speaking of personal responsibility, today’s article come out of a question on an article I did about Tiger Woods.

Life happens, be ready for it. Click on the link below and get started creating a vision for your life, a plan for your future, your Blueprint for Life.


Set your goals high enough that they require you to stretch your comfort zone and you’ll be amazed what you can achieve. Ask yourself, “What’s the one thing I can change this year to create the life of my dreams?”

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

Join me on Twitter and as a Facebook friend:


And click “Follow” that is displayed under my photo.
(That’s all there is to it.)

Our Final Blueprints for Life Call

Thursday will be our final call before the live event in San Diego Feb. 20-22nd. When you register for this call you will also receive the replay links for the first 3.


People often ask me how to keep looking forward and maintain a great feeling about their dream and not be distracted by where they are now.

Three simple steps in this question are the key to your success in anything you do.

If you don’t have the clarity of a laser focused dream followed up by a solid step by step process that allows you to focus on exactly how you’re going to make it a reality, it will most likely never happen. You need to be on this call if you want to get a different result in your life than the one you’re getting now.

I’ll break it down for you on Thursday’s call. I’ll also be answering your questions submitted using the link in your call welcome email.


What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

“When you’re moving so fast you don’t take the time to stop and think and create your life, where are you really going? ”

Lynn Pierce

Do you know if you’re headed in the right direction?

What’s New
This week’s article answers another listener’s question from our Blueprints for Life teleseminars.  Between the 3 calls and the ezine articles I’ve written since we started this topic in December, I’ve answered the basis of every question that’s come in to our survey, including the most recent one which is today’s article.

So as you register for the calls, don’t forget to use the link to ask me your question. I will answer it!

Speaking of that, if you haven’t registered to listen to the 3 Blueprints for Life teleseminars on replay go to:


After the Super Bowl on Sunday I’m off to Scottsdale for a few days and then to  Maui for a while. I’m debating whether to get a spray tan so I’m not so white. Right now only my arms and feet are tan so I’d look strange in a bathing suit.

Last week I mentioned that Barack Obama is wasting no time declaring that things are going to shift in this country and the way we show up in the world. He’s not waiting for anyone’s permission to do it. He’s taking charge and making decisions for the good of this country with consideration for the good of the world.

He went to Capital Hill and talked to Republicans to try to get their support and in the end they didn’t give it, but he moved forward anyway. You can’t always wait for other people to see things your way before you make a change.

Just like the president, there will be hard choices to make in your life and sometimes you will be alone in your decision…and you still have to make one. Always go with what feels right to you and not what a poll tells you to do.

Are you doing that in your own life? I certainly hope you have a plan you’re following. If you would like help creating your blueprint, make a plan now to create your Blueprint for Life with me in San Diego Feb. 20-22nd.


Life happens, be ready for it. Click on the link below and get started creating a vision for your life, a plan for your future, your Blueprint for Life.


Set your goals high enough that they require you to stretch your comfort zone and you’ll be amazed what you can achieve. Ask yourself, “What’s the one thing I can change this year to create the life of my dreams?”

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

Join me on Twitter and as a Facebook friend:


And click “Follow” that is displayed under my photo.
(That’s all there is to it.)

“Must See” Special Promotion

Blueprints for Life
Closed Door Round Table Intensive
San Diego, CA
Feb. 20-22nd, 2009

For Entrepreneurs, Authors, Speakers, Coaches, and Consultants ONLY…Who Want to Discover Your Purpose, Create Your Dream Lifestyle and a Business YOU Love

“Give Me Just A 3 Day Weekend and I’ll Give You…

My Proprietary Step-by-Step System, Your Personalized Blueprint for Life; Allowing You To Reconnect With Your Soul, Reclaim Your Life and Become the Person You Were Created To Be, All While Your Business Works For You Rather
Than You Working For It

I’ve Already Created the System To Turn Your True Life Purpose Into The Life You Live Every Day While Your Business Puts Thousands of Extra Dollars Into Your Bank Account Automatically Month After Month So You Can Live Your Dream… Just Simply Follow My Step-By-Step, Proven Process…

It Works Whether You’re Not Sure If What You’re Currently Doing Is Your Passion or Life Purpose…Or If You’re an Experienced Entrepreneur Who Wants to Increase Your Profits While Living a Great Lifestyle and Giving Back!

Get all the details at http://LynnPierce.com/ebff.html

The secret Andrew Carnegie revealed to Napoleon Hill

Andrew Carnegie said you come into this life with two sealed envelopes.

The two envelopes are each labeled:
#1 The riches you may enjoy if you take possession of your own mind and direct it.
#2 The penalties you must pay if you neglect to take possession of your mind and direct it.

Which envelope have you opened up to this point in your life?

Would you like to learn how to get what you want in your your life and get it now?

Are you ready to take possession of your mind and direct it?

If you are, I’ll see you in San Diego Feb. 20-22nd.

My mission in life is similar to Napoleon Hill’s as described in this short video.

Once you have watched the video, go to my site and register to get the Blueprint for Life call replays. There are over 4 hours of answers to your questions submitted by my subscribers over the last few weeks on this topic.


And if you’re serious about moving forward in your life now, register today to join us live in San Diego.

If you’re reading this somewhere other than my blog, visit my blog for announcements of complimentary trainings, articles and more. http://YourBreakthroughToSuccess.com/blog

You can also find me on twitter, myspace & facebook: