What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

“Your emotional state is always reflected in your physical body as health
or illness.”

Lynn Pierce

Are you  responding from love or are you angry and stuffing your emotions?

What’s New
I have absolutely loved being home for over two weeks now.  With all the travel I normally do this feels like an extended vacation. And except for 1 cloudy day this week, the weather has made my daily beach walks a true joy.  I’ve very happy in my new home.

This weeknd I’m going to clean up the last few piles to put away in my office and then it’s time to move on to decorating-much more fun than unpacking. I had the fabulous P.K. Odle of http://FengShuiAdvantage.com come and feng shui my house. Things are already moving in a wonderful direction! And P.K. has given me specific things to brign into the house to make it even better.  I would highly recommend her services.

Thanks to Zna from http://fastestfatburn.com for her blog comment about last week’s article, part one of this series. I’d really like to see more people post comments with your thoughts.

Again, I would suggest that you forward this ezine to anyone you know that has had breast cancer or knows someone who has and have them become a subscriber so they get the next  issue where I’ll reveal the rest of the story, the most impactful part, that changed the coure of my life.

Today I’m sharing with you my personal journey to a cure that took place within 30 days of being diagnosed with no recurrence in almost 10 years. I’m doing this in terms of my philosophy about what really needs to be healed.

Because I haven’t gone public with this before even in the second week it still makes me a little nervous about doing these articles because it was so personal and not the general accepted course to follow.

So I would really appreciate your support in posting your thoughts to the blog. I know that this may not be an easy subject for you to speak about either, but writing your feelings does help.

NOTE: I do have to say that this is my personal experience and I have no medical training and nothing I share with you should be taken as medical advise.  You should always consult your doctor before undertaking anything you read about.

The Day Breast Cancer Changed My Life: Part 2-The Cure

In last week’s article on the breast cancer diagnosis I talked about being diagnosed and how it made me feel and my response to it. I also mentioned how it impacted my life from that point on.

I have resisted talking publicly about this for many years because I didn’t want to offend anyone who took another path or would interpret the type of things I’m talking about here as me saying “it’s all your fault”.

Which I’d like to say right now, it isn’t.  You can only deal with what shows up in your life based on the knowledge that you have at that particular moment.  Once you have more knowledge you can make a different choice.

Now I want to share a little deeper with you the part concerning the cure. These are my personal beliefs that I believe are what led to me being cured so quickly along with some of the action steps I took. Excuse me if I keep reminding you that these are my beliefs which you may or may not embrace, but I want to make that perfectly clear.

There’s two types of healing that I believe must take place to have a long lasting cure:

1.When you focus on healing the emotional body the physical body will repair itself.

2. Focusing on the therapies to take care of the physical manifestation of disease alone will only be a temporary fix for many people.

I’m sure you’ve heard of people who have a relapse or another type of cancer or some other life threatening disease within a few years of the first diagnosis. I see this as an opportunity to look deeper into your soul and have a very personal conversation with yourself.

I made a decision the day I was diagnosed that I never wanted to have another experience anything close to this in my life again. With my belief that disease is really just a dis-ease with something in your life that is out of alignment with the truth of who you really are, I went to work on myself.

For people who experience long term success with a cure, there is something much deeper which occurs inside of them. It could be a conscious decision to do some work, like it was for me, or it could be a realization that comes on a subconscious level that you may not even be aware of, but I believe everyone goes through this transformation if they are truly cured.

And if you ask me what ‘truly cured’ means to me, I’d say it’s the difference between the comfort level someone has in saying that they are ‘cancer free’ or in saying that they are cured. Because once agian, the cure, to a large extent is the reflection of your belief system. This is not a discussion of medical opinions.

And I know that if you read last week’s article you’ll see that I used the term ‘cancer free’.

Here’s the difference; I wrote that article back in April and a lot has changed in my life to the point where I’m being more honest and straightforward in how I share  without so much worrying about being politically correct. And I have to tell you it’s very freeing-and I believe much healthier.

My belief system is that on a soul level I have made a commitment to listen to the signals from the Universe when it tells me to slow down or take a break or make a shift in my business or my lifestyle or relationships.

I also have a belief that my physical body is a daily reflection of my emotional state and an indication of alignment or misalignment with my soul. So for me, noticing that my face is breaking out gets introspection on what’s going on with me so I don’t stuff emotions to the point of something much more major happening.

When I was diagnosed, the first thing I did was go home to my library and pull out my books on mind/body connection and health.

The first book I looked at that I thought might tell me how to cure myself said that people have cured themselves from cancer with great success, but not really breast cancer. So on to another book. I looked through everything I had and took bits and pieces I thought would be helpful.

I went for a second opinion and once again rejected the choice of surgery. Living in a small town in a thrid world country, my friends thought I should be on the first plane out. That was the first sign to most people that I was crazy.

I chose a different path.  I called a friend who is an irridoligist (forgive me if I didn’t spell it right).  I told her I was going to give myself a month to do this myself and while I was on vacation in the states I would see a doctor again to see how I did.

So just in case I still needed to have surgery, I wanted to change my diet to be in the best place possible by eliminating any foods that could grow breast cancer and eating things that would prepare me for surgery.  That included her prescribing a lot of supplments I had never taken before and don’t remember, and sadly excluded me drinking wine. Which I thought could have been very beneficial about that time.

I think my whole approach goes back to what my beliefs were at the moment I was diagnosed. As I said in part one, it was surreal to say the least, but the most important point was that I was pretty sure this was an awakening, not a death sentence. There was something big that had been building inside me for quite a while.

I knew there was a shift coming. And now it was up to me to move beyond this challenge as quickly and easily as possible.  So that was my mind set.

I quit my very easy, high paying job. That was the second sign I was probably crazy, as the news spread through town. All of a sudden I realized I had more friends and friend of friends that were healers than I had any idea about.

Along with changing my diet I had acupuncture, took Chinese herbs, had a Native American healing ceremony, did hypnotherapy, massage,  meditation, recorded health affirmations on a cassette that I listened to while I did yoga, and drank different concoctions of vegetable juices on different days.

After two weeks of this I decied that I should be at least 50% cured since I had given myself a month, so I made an appointment to go have an ultrasound.  I wanted to see how I was doing.  I didn’t tell anyone I was going.

It was the first time that I got a little worried, because it looked exactly the same as it did on the mammogram and original ultrasound-no change!

Instead of getting depressed I told myself that my timetable was not God’s and that I still had two weeks.  I was pretty sure God was on board for that part of the plan.

So long story short, when I went to see this cutting edge oncologist in the U.S. I was feeling pretty good. Really, I was feeling the best I ever remembered feeling. None of the small daily stuff bothered me at all any more, my body was very clean from the new health routine, and by quitting my job I was pretty much stress free.

After they did more than one mammogram I got a little nervous, but when I saw the picture on the ultrasound I couldn’t believe my eyes. All that was left was an empty shell.  That’s why they had taken more photos with the mammogram.

It was gone!

What worked?  Who knows?  All of it? One thing?  Who cares?

And I knew I had picked the right doctor when I told him all the things I had been doing and gave him this long list of the supplements I had been taking and he didn’t think I was crazy.

There is another huge part of the synchronicity that led me to be in the city where this doctor was and how I was led to him, but that’s another story.

Everything happened exactly as it was supposed to to get me to the transition in my life that breast cancer was the catalyst for.

Would I have preferred to have gotten the message in a gentler way? Yes.

Would I give up any of the gifts I still have in my life today because of having cancer? Never.

In fact I’m grateful for the expereince and I hope to never have another one like it again.

In part three I’ll share with you what those gifts were and how I came to recognize them.

Because as I mentioned in part one, when this happened 9 years ago it meant ending a 25 year career, leaving the place I thought I was going to stay forever and moving to a city in the desert when I’m an ocean resort person.

But I went on faith where I felt directed to go. And this life that I have now being able to communicate like this with you and helping thousands of others to change their lives came out of that moment when I walked out of the doctors office and chose a different path.

So what’s the choice you need to make in your life?

Are you paying attention to what the Universe is telling you?

Until next week, I’d love to hear your thoughts.  Just comment on this post on my blog.      http://www.YourBreakthroughToSuccess.com/blog

If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with.  As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself.  When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage.  When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you.  Commit today to go for your dream 100%.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, is the author of “Breakthrough to Success; 19 Keys to Mastering Every Area of Your Life”.   For over 25 years she has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of  “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at


What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

“You become what you think about all day long.”

Earl Nightingale

What are your thoughts focused on and how is that working for you?

What’s New

I have to say that being home for the last week has been a true pleasure.  I’ve been taking hour long walks on the beach every afternoon, I’m almost unpacked and now I’m off to have lunch with a friend.  It’s been great to start re-connecting with all my friends who live in the San Diego area and more are calling & emailing telling me they are here all the time.  That’s what happens when you work virtually, I don’t keep track of where people actually live!

With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I’m re-running this article that originally appeared in eraly April. I’ve been doing a lot of introspection the last few weeks, since leaving my house in Scottsdale where I had spent the last few years of my marraige and moving to the beach.

As part of that I had a conversation with a woman about breast cancer where I revealed things about my own cure that I’ve never talked about except to my closest friends. And then I said something that stopped her dead in her tracks.

She said, “You have to share this because my sister has been struggling with breast cancer for almost 3 years and she’s depressed and I don’t know what else I can do to help her…but you do.”

So I’m going to do 2 follow-up articles after this and I would suggest that you forward this ezine to anyone you know that has had breast cancer or knows someone who has and have them become a subscriber so they get the next 2 issues where I will reveal my personal journey to a cure that took place within 30 days of being diagnosed with no
recurrence in alomst 10 years. And then in the 3rd article in this series I’ll reveal the rest of the story, that was the most impactful part, that changed the coure of my life.

I have to tell you that even writing this here makes me a little anxious about doing these articles because it was so personal and not the general accepted course to follow.

NOTE: I do have to say that this is my personal expereince and I have no medical training and nothing I share with you should be taken as medical advise.  You should always consult your doctor.

On a lighter side, back to business. I think I’m going to leave this section exactly as it was last time this article ran because I still want you to listen to this call and tell me what you think. Because I’m not asking you to opt-in I have no way of knowing how many of you listen, but statistically, I know most of you haven’t. So do it now.

As you read in today’s article, there’s a big change coming in my life, so stay tuned. Even I don’t know what’s going to show up!

I have a gift for you. I did a training call Saturday morning for people who had ordered my “Turning Your Passion Into Cash” CD and the more I think about the information I shared on that call, I believe you’ll benefit from it, even without having the advantage first hearing the CD, so you can take a listen at:


I went over questions I had received from students and information I think will be helpful from what keeps showing up in strategy session I’m doing with new students. After you’d listen to it, I’d appreciate if you would email with your comments. I’m not asking you to sign-up or anything so the only way I’ll know you’ve listened is if I hear from you.

If you want to get the CD for just shipping & handling, go to:


The Day Breast Cancer Changed My Life

I don’t quite know where to begin this one, especially to keep it short enough that you’ll read it. And I think this is important to read.

So here we go:

It was a day much like today, warm and sunny. Just another beautiful day like all the others in Cabo San Lucas. I’d been living there for almost 6 years and today I was going for my first mammogram.

Because I thought it would be no big deal, hey I was only 43, I decided to go to a local doctor rather than my regular one two and a half hours away.

Well, it did turn out to be a big deal as I was diagnosed with breast cancer. But as I quickly realized I didn’t react in the way that the majority of women I’ve known in the same situation have.

I didn’t cry, I panicked just a little bit, mostly about how I was going to break the news to my husband.

But for me, the moment that’s burned into my mind isn’t the one where they said those dreaded words, it’s the one where I came out into the light of day into a completely different world than I had left a little over an hour before.

It was surreal to say the least, but the most important point that I wanted to clearly get across to my husband was that I was pretty sure this was an awakening, not a death sentence. There was something big that had been building inside me for quite a while.

I knew there was a shift coming. A spiritual friend of mine told me months before that she saw a big test coming for me. I figured this must be it and I was going to do whatever I needed to do to get the message I was being sent and do what I was to do as quickly as possible.

How I become cancer free in a short period of time without surgery is a whole other story. But what made me think of this experience on this particular morning was that I have that feeling again.

I have that feeling of being on the brink of a major shift in my life. For some people who don’t embrace change, it’s terrifying. For me it’s electrifying.

When this happened 9 years ago it meant ending a 25 year career, leaving the place I thought I was going to stay forever and moving to a city in the desert when I’m an ocean resort person.

But I went on faith where I felt directed to go. And this life that I have now being able to communicate like this with you and helping thousands of others to change their lives came out of that moment when I walked out of the doctors office and chose a different path.

It makes me want to cry just thinking of the magnificence of how life unfolds in ways that are wonderful and yet unpredictable.

That shifted every part of my life. And it was all good. No I didn’t have a clue what I was going to be doing for a living. I didn’t have any idea what any part of my life was going to look like, and thank God I had a husband at the time that trusted my intuition and didn’t fight me on this ambiguous picture.

And now it’s happening again. Not the cancer, the feeling. So watch over the next few weeks, because I’m sure I’ll be sharing things with you as they show up. I’m excited to see where my life will go.

But today, I really want you to look at your life and ask yourself if there’s something that could shift for you that potentially could make a huge positive difference, but you’re too afraid to take the chance. And why?

You have to take the leap of faith because if you wait to see for sure, most likely the opportunity will have already gone to someone who wasn’t afraid to act.

I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.

If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with. As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com


What’s New

Quote to Contemplate
“If you were as creative in your business as you are with your excuses, you’d be very successful already.”
Lynn Pierce

That statement will sting if it’s true for you. If it’s not you, you probably know someone you’d like to forward it to. Where is your creativity focused, growing your business or making excuses?

What’s New

I hope you enjoyed the 5 article series we just finished on the “4 Core Blueprints to Reclaim your Life, Awaken Your Soul and Your Business“. If you missed it, click on the link to my blog at the bottom of this email in “Quick Links” to read them there.

I’m so glad to finally be home, at least for a while. My first month in my beach house I was actually only here 4 days. In San Diego we’re still having great summer weather!

Some of you who were at Brendon Burchard’s tent event with John Gray & Marianne Williamson, emailed me afterward saying you didn’t know I was going to be there. When you sign up for any event through me, I would appreciate it if you would drop me a quick email to let me know so we can get together in person.

Author 101 in Atlanta was amazing and I now have a great new group of clients that are beginning the process of going beyond their book to build an instant profitable back-end…even if you’ve never created a product or service before.

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

Join me on Twitter and as a Facebook friend:

The Most Important Work You Can Do On Your Business

I just finished with the 5 article series on the 4 core blueprints that make up a successful life and business if you want to have a life that is in flow with your true passion and purpose.

When you’ve created all 4 of your blueprints and you have all 4 of these areas functioning at a level that satisfies you, then your life will be more peaceful and effortless than you have ever imagined it could really be…

No magic bullet required!

Now I’d like to move beyond the basics and talk about real transformation, rebirth of your business, reclaiming of your life and reawakening your soul on an even deeper level. It’s the most important work you can do on your business.

We all have times of transition in our lives:

  • School graduations
  • life changing travel
  • career advancement
  • spiritual introspection
  • marriages
  • births
  • deaths
  • divorces
  • relocation
  • illness
  • financial prosperity
  • financial downturns

I have experienced all of these and you may have too. It’s not so much that they happen that’s the transformational part of the transition, it’s what you make of it.

If you’ve been one of my subscribers for very long you know I recently went through a divorce, left my home in Scottsdale, left my dogs with my ex, moved to California and am re-assessing the structure of my business and all it’s components; all while traveling and speaking, writing a new book and trying to get settled in a new place.

That may seem like a lot to take on at once, but at the same time I’ve been doing an incredible amount of internal work. Personal and spiritual growth has been my passion since I was in high school, so this is nothing new for me.

Is personal growth something you consider to be a component of your business growth, because it is. It’s the foundation your business success is built on.

What is new is the perspective from which I’m doing it and the depth I now feel compelled to go to. You may or may not have ever experienced this. But have you ever felt like you dealt with something and then later it shows up as an issue to be dealt with again? Maybe months later, maybe years later? If yes, it’s time to go deeper.

I have been through a few of these major transformations in my life, the one before this being breast cancer while living in Mexico. That transformation brought about a move back to the states, leaving the ocean and moving to the desert and leaving
behind a 25 year career in sales and sales training for I had no idea what.

That’s how I got started on this path of being an author and mentor.

The way I see it, when a challenge shows up or a life transition, you can hold on for dear life and try to stay in the spot you are now or you can let go and fly. Have faith that this is as good a time as any to throw all the cards of your life up into the air and see how they fall this time.

And then you can arrange them any way you want.

That’s exactly what I did a few months ago. I remember having the conversation with my mastermind where they commented that I had a lot on my plate right then. I told them I felt incredibly free because of this opportunity to begin again and shake
up my business along with my personal life. Give everything a fresh look.

Why not look at transitions as a time of deep transformation and renewal and rediscovery of what you want your life to look like and how you want to live it, from top to bottom-a real house cleaning of every area of your life?

You don’t have to wait for a major transition in your life to do it. You can decide that once a year you’re going to set time aside to really do an inventory of where you are and how you feel about it.

The fall is a great time to do it because you’re preparing to close out this year and planning for your success in the following year. So set a date and do it now. Shake things up. See if the way you’ve structured your life and your business is still working for you or if you’d like to make some adjustments.

I am making some huge adjustments in my life and my business and you’ll be hearing all about them very shortly. I’m very excited about the new life I’m creating for myself as a single woman. I’m also very excited about the new services I’m creating to better serve you, so stay tuned!

Until next week, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just comment on this post on my blog.

If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with. As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to
success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com

I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.
