What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

You can look at your circumstances and see what is lacking or you can look through your circumstances to the possibilitiy of something richer in your life.

~ Lynn Pierce

What do you choose to see?

What’s New
I’m so excited about the number of you that have registered for the training series of calls for Women’s Business empowerment Summit.  With the first 3 calls done and many more to come before the August 1-3rd summit, we have almost 1000 of you registered for the series, so if you are listening, register now. You’ll get the links to all the replays in your welcome email.


I also want to let you know that the Memorial Day special discount on WBES expires at 5:00PM pacific time today. So go the the site above and grab your seat at the lowest price since 2004!

This week’s featured article comes from my observations of too many people looking for excuses for their lack of success.  Enough said.  Feel free to send it to the whiners and complainers in your life. Unfortunately it takes a lot for those
people to see themselves in anything, so you might use this to give them a nudge.

I know personally, I’m implementing a zero tolerance policy in my life and also my busienss.  Our time is too valuable and better spent than responding to those who refuse to take responsibility for themselves.

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

You Take the Good, You Take the Bad…And You Take Responsibility:10 Easy Steps to Successfully Get Where You Want to Go

Sometimes it’s hard to tell when a person is sincerely blocked by a particular situation that once removed would allow them to move forward. I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but I’m finding that in most cases when you remove the block they still do nothing. This is very sad and at the same time, I realize that it is the major contributor to 97% of the wealth in the world being held by 3 % of the people.

Why does this happen?

Let me give you 3 scenarios for lack of follow through:

Before I do, let me just say that these are excuses, not acceptable reasons and you are still responsible for each of these possible choices you make
in your life.

You may not have a clear perspective on where you are mentally and emotionally as far as negative beleif systems you haven’t cleared or not being willing to look at your commitment level to moving forward.

It could be that deep down you really don’t want to do whatever it is you’re not following through on. I’ve done this over and over with Internet marketing programs I’ve bought and events I’ve gone to and even high priced mentoring.

Hey, I never said I was immune to this. But what I found was that I absolutely hated doing it, so I didn’t. And yet, since it’s part of my business, someone has to. It just doesn’t need to be you, I mean me.

Some of this also comes from fear of thinking you are all alone and you have to do it by yourself. If you are sincerely looking you can find help for whatever is blocking you, as deep and dark as you may think it is. You aren’t the only one facing your challenge and you just need to get the proper help to release this block.

Given those situations, if you don’t get clarity in a short time, then you need to look at the solution you’ve chosen. If it doesn’t lead to the results you want let it go, take it as a learning expereince and move on. Don’t try to blame someone else for your choices is the bottom line there.

I do a lot of training courses and live events and there is always something that if it were removed this person or that person could attend or they could succeed. On some occasions I have removed the block once I receive the same request from several people just to see who is real and how is whining.

If someone is sincere in their desire to move forward, they will not only jump on the opportunity once their particular block has been removed, they will follow through to the fullest extent in the course or what they learn at the event.

Many times a person has deluded themselves for so long that they may actually believe they are really ready to move forward when they aren’t, and
probably never will be.

I’m sure I’m not alone when I tell you that most of your potential mentors are more than happy to do what they can to accomodate your needs if you are eager to succeed. Sometimes it’s through more information, preview teleseminars, stretching out multiple payments, having different entry levels to their programs, early bird discount, etc.

But in the end, you are the one who must take action, not only to invest in yourself by buying a course or attending an event, but by taking the information you receive and implementing it. If you think there is something that needs to be added to the course, take responsibility for giving your feedback.

The actual percentage of people who follow through on implementing what they learn is extremely low. This is solely your responsibility.

If you truly are interested in taking responsibility for your life and creating a better life for yourself than the one you have now, there are some very simple steps you can follow.

10 Easy Steps to Successfully Get Where You Want to Go:
1. Clearly assess the reality of where you are now and why

2. Choose the correct path of action for the next logical step for you

3. Find the course or event or mentor that can help you get there

4. Be fully present and engaged during your time with your choice from step 3

5. Do all the work necessary to complete the process of step 3

6. Access your success of how well you were able to complete step 3

7. Ask for more help if you are not clear and needing further clarification

8. Give yourself a reasonable amount of time to gauge your success with this step

9. Repeat step 2-9 until you have achieved your desired result

10. Take your life to a higher level by starting again with step 1

If you would like more information on exactly what it means to take responsibility for your life and the amazing benefits of how this moves your life forward, scroll back to the January 21, 2008 post on this topic.

As always, I’d love to hear your thought about this on my blog.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com

Don’t Let the Cost of Airfare Stop You from Succeeding

It’s Memorial Day in the U.S. and everywhere I turn, all I see is the high price of gas and how it’s affecting airfares. I’ve even had a few emails today complaining about airfare prices.

I sent this to my training call list of 841, giving them first shot and now I’m opening it up to my loyal blog readers before I release it to my entire list of almost 14,000 people tomorrow.

So, I’m slashing the registration for Women’s Business Empowerment Summit until Thursday at 5:00PM pacific at the latest. This offer could be pulled at any time before that because this is really ridiculously cheap.

I’m effectively giving you back the cost of a normal cross country airfare of $500 as a discount off the already low early bird discount. That means that for a short time, you can grab your seat for Women’s Business Empowerment Summit in Scottsdale August 1-3rd for only $497!

There haven’t been seats priced that low since 1994!!!

No more excuses, seats are now so cheap your friends don’t have any excuse for not joining you.

So get on over to:

You’ll be registered for our free weekly training calls and then be transferred to the page with all the details on the summit so you can register quick!

Grab your seat, email your friends to grab theirs, and all of you book your $99 hotel rooms before the whole place is sold out.

Finding Your Authentic Voice and The Soul of the Career Woman

Every Tuesday through the 29th of July I will host a 1 hour training call.

Register at: http://WomensBusinessEmpowermentSummit.com

Tuesday the 27th of May 2008 I will be interviewing Norma Hollis on Finding Your Authentic Voice and The Soul of the Career Woman

You’ll learn:

  • What your authentic voice is
  • How this relates to your soul
  • How this helps you become a better communicator
  • How can you assess your authentic voice
  • The impact this has on your career success

Norma T. Hollis is a master communicator known around the world as America’s
Authentic Voice Doctor. Norma combines a deep intuitive gift with an educational
background in early childhood development, certification as a spiritual director and
12 years as an entrepreneur in the professional speaking industry to evolve as a
gifted woman who helps people find, live, and share their authentic voice.

Norma has trained and coached entrepreneurs and speakers of all levels for
decades using her proprietary authenticity tools – a proven methodology that
allows anyone to discover their ‘authentic voice’ and experience a deeper level
of communication. What Norma has to share will challenge your thinking, revitalize
your communication, and provide a wellspring of ‘fresh’ communication tools.

Norma is a leading Authenticity Expert and CEO of the Norma Hollis Companies –
a family of communication companies that includes Speakers Etcetera, Black
Speakers Online, Diversity Speakers Online, Cash in on Voice and Norma Hollis
Speaks. An international public speaker, coach, author and entrepreneur, Norma
is the creator of The Authenticity Assessment which rates personal authenticity in
nine critical dimensions. She is the author of the newly released book “Ten Steps
to Authenticity: Creating a Rewarding and Satisfying Life” published by Rhythm of
the Drum. Norma lives her life authentically by sharing her authentic voice and
helping others to do the same.

Don’t Worry About What the Gurus Think About You

This is in response to a comment by Susan today on the “3 Ways to Position Yourself” post on April 30th.

Yes, it would be great if the gurus in your industry came out and rallied around the content in your book. But in the scheme of things, it doesn’t influence the quality of what you are creating with your work or it’s ability to help people.

Here’s a tip for you that anybody can use:

A great way to get their support is to send the entire manuscript or a partial manuscript and ask for their feedback as an expert in the field that you admire. It’s much more likely that you will get an endorsement fromt hem and they will support it in the marketplace, because you asked for their input.

It’s natural to have all those thoughts. You’ll always look at all the reasons maybe it would be better to not finish or I better be prepared for any negatives once I do.

Get ready for some conflicts

If you’re coming from a position of disagreement with what the big boys say, there may be some flack coming in your direction. You can’t tell someone the world is round when everyone has always believed it was flat and not have some controversy. You have to ask yourself if your belief in what you have to say is strong enough to want to put it out there and help people.

But I think this is a great idea for a book and will help so many people especially if it’s done by someone who cares about helping in this situation where so many people end up feeling taken advantage of. Depending on the depth and content covered in the book, it’s possible you have material that could go further than a book.

You could get a publisher and I could help you with that. Or you could self-publish, but it won’t get as wide of a distribution. It depends on what role you want this book to play in your career.

How does this product serve you?

You may have heard me say this before, but I don’t approach product creation from a cookie cutter prospective.

Look at 2 things:

What do you want your life and your business to look like?

How do you want this book to facilitate that?

What comes after the book, where does it take you?

Where does it take your readers?

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine
business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success
and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also
the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs,
“Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to
success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of
“Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System”
at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com

What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

~ Anais Nin

Are you blossoming or still in pain?

What’s New
I’m done giving the html template another try so I’m putting it out of my misery. I’m so focused on my move and the training calls for WBES and all the other interviews I’m doing that I’ve let getting a new template slide.

This week’s featured article was inspired by a movie I really wish I hadn’t watched, “No Country for Old Men”.  Have you ever ordered a movie and then let it sit because you weren’t quite sure if you really wanted to see it?

Well, I let that one sit for what may have been about a month.  I started out by just looking away and then graduated to leaving the room and then to fast forwarding.  It was a little too much for me.

Anyway, besides the performances being excellent, what really stuck with me for days afterward was the coin toss.  It happened twice. And I kept thinking about what it really said about those people and human nature, so that’s our
article for today.  I hope it inspires you to click over to my log and post a comment.

I’m wondering if you’re as tired of reading this as I am of saying it, but I’m still getting ready for my move to Maui. I did some packing of the personal bookcases in my bedroom and packed my office supply closet, but until I know exactly when I’m leaving it’s hard to pack up too much more of my office.

Tuesday night I interviewed Fran Harris on how you can have a 6 or 7 figure speaking business without ever getting paid to speak for the training call series for Women’s Business Empowerment Summit and the call stopped recording while I was still doing the intro, so I’m checking to see if Fran is available to redo the call.

If you haven’t signed up for the calls yet, you’ll get the link to the call and the replays in your welcome email.  Next week I’ll be interviewing Norma Hollis on finding your authentic voice and how that leads you to wealth.


The interview Rick Frishman from Planned TV Arts did with me last week is still available for replay. Call 507-726-3837 We talked about the summit and also how to discover your passion and create a blueprint for the life of your dreams.  It turned out to be a conversation I haven’t had with anyone else, so I think you’ll find it interesting.

Last night I was interviewed by Carolyn Ellis, on “Your Dream Career.” I know divorce is an issue that some of you are facing as well, so I wanted to be sure you knew about this. So if you registered for that call last week, I’m sure Carolyn will be forwarding you the replay details.

On May 27th I’ll be interviewed by Selma Santos for her series, “Honoring and Loving our Children around the World” You can get information on that call at this site:  http://instantteleseminar.com/?eventid=2962794

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

The Coin Toss: Why You Can’t Decide and What It’s Costing You

In life you have to be decisive. There are consequences no matter what you choose and I hope you realize that even telling yourself you’re not going to make a decision is a decision that has it’s own consequences. Sometimes you don’t know what the ramifications of your action or inaction until you get down the road a ways and can look back while in others situations it is immediately clear.

There were 2 scenes in the movie “No Country for Old Men” that illustrated 2 different outcomes, but not so different in the way they played out. The problem with both of the ‘victims’ in these scenes is that neither one of them wanted to make a decision. One victim didn’t decide and her fate was different than the guy who after much threatening was bullied into making a decision that saved his life.

That’s what it looks like to live from a place of fear.

I can guarantee you that a person who has achieved great success in life or amassed great wealth would have responded quickly. Why? Because they are aware of their surroundings. They pay attention to all the verbal and non-verbal cues when they are having a conversation and they would have made a decision about this stranger who was confronting them with this choice before he ever asked the question.

They also trust their gut, their intuition, their higher self, whatever you want to call paying attention to the Universe.

Part of being an intelligent risk taker is learning to be flexible, resourceful and resilient. To achieve a breakthrough to free yourself from the locks that have up until this point prevented you from reaching the level of success you’d like to have in your life you’ll need to learn how to do what super successful people do. They respond creatively and imaginatively by seeing the big picture.

There’s no guarantee that every decision you make will be the right one, but your judgment gets better with practice and so do your odds of making good decisions for yourself. Successful are also able to bounce back from resistance rather than be broken by it. They think outside the box by being flexible enough to look at other perspectives and options.

Greatness comes from continuing through to the finish in the face of resistance. Flexibility gives you the power to return to your center. Your personal manifesto, which you received a special report on how to create when you signed up for this ezine, keeps you focused on who you are and what your purpose is.

Do you find yourself putting off making decisions that seem scary and you’re not sure how they are going to turn out?Stop it. I’m serious stop it now. Start stepping outside of the box and take a chance.

There are 3 questions to ask yourself:

  1. Ask yourself, “What’s the worst thing that could happen?”
  2. Then ask, “What will I do if it does?”
  3. Lastly, “What’s the est result I could get if I take action now?”

Now you have a plan of action for how you’ll handle it if the worst happens, which it rarely does. But the good part is, now you don’t have to worry about ‘what if” anymore because you have a plan. And most likely you realized that nothing that bad would happen anyway, so go for what you really want. Step up and step out and enjoy the success it brings.

I’ve linked to video clips of both scenes from Youtube.com so you can watch it.

In the first scene the killer, who immediately makes the man nervous, starts asking him simple questions that make him so nervous he wants to close up and run away. Then the killer asks the man to call the toss of the coin at one point in their conversation and the guy is so reluctant to call the coin toss because he needs to know first what he stands to win. You’ll see where it goes from there.

Video #1

The 2nd scene is with a woman. She tells him he has no cause to harm her. Given the same option of calling the coin, she refuses because she knows what’s going to happen. If she would have made a decision do you think the outcome may have been different?

Video #2

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine
business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success
and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also
the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs,
“Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to
success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of
“Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System”
at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com

“How to Build A Six or Seven-Figure Speaking Business…Even If You’ve Never Been Paid To Speak!

This is a free training call as part of the preview series for Women’s Business Empowerment Summit

Register at: http://WomensBusinessEmpowermentSummit.com

You’ll learn:

  • How this economy is affecting speakers
  • What’s a speakerprenuer
  • How you can speak to a lot of diverse audiences — college, event, conferences and corporations
  • What three things you must know to be a speakerpreneurs
  • What are the new trends for speakers and the role of the Internet

Fran Harris, PhD, is a speakerpreneur who has been speaking since age 7 and  “paid” speaker since age 12.

After retiring from a sales career in 1995 with Procter & Gamble, Fran started in an exciting voyage into the world of television hosting, full-time speaking and consulting.

As a scholarship athlete at The University of Texas at Austin she learned just how profitable the speaking business could be when she delivered a teambuilding seminar at a Fortune 100 event and was told that the price tag for her expertise as at least $10,000.

Since then, Fran’s fees and notoriety have soared. She’s building a billion dollar media empire that leverage the speaking, publishing, television and Internet industries.

Register at: http://WomensBusinessEmpowermentSummit.com

What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

“Every day you choose to be open to receiving abundance into your life you are overcoming fears and expanding your comfort zone.”

Lynn Pierce

Are you expanding?

What’s New
I can’t quite get it together with using my old template in this new program, so maybe I should have a contest to see if one of my subscribers could design I more up to date style of ezine template for me…and you saw what  happened with the blank email-sorry!

I’m almost ready for my move to Maui. My living room is full of boxes that need to be packed and half of the garage is full of
ones that already are. I still haven’t decided what furniture is making the trip.

Tuesday night I kicked off the training call series for Women’s Business Empowerment Summit teaching how to turn your passion into cash.  If you haven’t signed up for the calls yet, you’ll get the link to the replay in your welcome email.  Next week I’ll be interviewing Fran Harris, PhD. on how you can have a 6 or 7 figure speaking business without ever getting paid to speak.


Wednesday night I did a really fun interview with Rick Frishman from Planned TV Arts, the best PR firm for authors and speakers. Rick interviewed me about the summit and also how to discover your passion and create a blueprint for the life of your dreams.  It turned out to be a conversation I haven’t had with anyone else, so I think you’ll find it interesting.  Call 507-726-3837 right now to listen to the replay.

Join me Wednesday evening, May 21 at 6pm pacific/9pm eastern I’m being grilled by my friend and colleague, Carolyn Ellis, on Your Dream Career.”

Carolyn is the Founder of  ThriveAfterDivorce.com, a community dedicated to providing success strategies for divorce and separated individuals. She’s also the award-winning author of “The 7 Pitfalls of Single Parenting: What to Avoid to Help Your Children Thrive After Divorce.” Carolyn is an expert faculty member at WBES this year and I’m thrilled at this opportunity to support her community.

I know divorce is an issue that some of you are facing as well, so I wanted to be sure you knew about this. Registration for the
call is absolutely free. You can register at http://www.askthriveafterdivorce.com

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

Personal Success Strategy: Take a Millionaire to Lunch

Take a millionaire to lunch and you may find a new mentor. Spending the money to be mentored by an expert is a key strategy to personal success and business success. In this past year, several new ideas I’ve had originated from the time and money I spent to be with successful mentors.

Mentors are invaluable. There is no such thing as a self-made millionaire. Everyone has had help with some phase of professional development. You can go a long way toward life mastery and business success with books, audios and home study courses. But eventually you will want to have mentors with whom you communicate and interact on a regular basis. There are great professional development mentors to be found right in your own hometown.

Make a list of those people who intrigue you with their achievements in business success. Then, ask the first one for coffee or a lunch meeting. Repeat this process with each one as you refine your professional development questions to get the most out of the time you spend together.

And, don’t forget to ask how you can be of service to each of these people.

When I was beginning this process, I was surprised that busy, successful people were willing to take the time to share their secrets of personal success with me. All you have to do is ask! You may be surprised to find they will even pass on to you professional development strategies that they have learned from their mentors.

An attitude of openness to possibility is essential. Keep your eyes and ears open, and have enough faith in yourself to make quick decisions and go for it. Don’t ever be afraid to pay someone for his or her knowledge.

The rewards you reap in saving years of trial and error, not to mention the strong possibility that you may never learn on your own the personal development strategies that they are willing to teach you, is more than worth the investment.

Just a few weeks ago, I was at an event where I had the opportunity to network with some of the most brilliant marketers. Some were already friends and some I was meeting for the first time. We brainstormed about business and personal success over meals and in the hallways during breaks in the meetings and in the bar at night.

You’ll find that successful people love helping other people succeed. We all share an attitude of “let me tell you what’s working for me now” that allows everyone to take advantage of each other’s discoveries and business success strategies.

Yes, we’re all in the same business as marketers, speakers and authors; but we are building strategic alliances rather than looking at each other as competitors.

It’s a good idea to associate with the people who are already in the place of where you want to go. Only listen to people who have big goals for themselves and are willing to do what it takes to be successful. Don’t make the mistake of asking someone for advice who hasn’t done what you are planning to do.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com