What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

“Align yourself with your passion and purpose and the universe will conspire to
make your success reality.”

Lynn Pierce

Are you in alignment, and are you ready for success?

What’s New

This week’s article is the second in a series of 5 articles on the “4 Core Blueprints to Reclaim your Life, Awaken Your Soul and Your Business“. I expect this series to start a lot of conversation on my log, just like we had in April when we talked about becoming an expert and creating product. If you missed the first one, click on the link to my blog at the bottom of this email in “Quick Links” to read it there.

I’m so excited about moving to my new home at the beach and I’m packing a little here and there. Most of what I have left to do is stuff I need up until I go. Packing up the library of books and courses in my office took more than 30 boxes! I have no idea how I even fit all of that into one room, but when I move it’s going into 2 rooms because I learned something as I cleared the space.

Before I start buying new furniture I’ll find a local Feng Shui expert to work with. Having the proper energy in your home is so important.

The more I packed up and moved out of my office, the more I enjoyed being in the space. It’s not event looking at the full wall of bookshelves, because they are behind me. But energetically having some open spaces has made me more relaxed and more comfortable working in the space.

So courses that I’ve gone through in the past that I want to keep on hand will remain in boxes until I convince myself I can let them go. Others that I don’t reference on a regular basis will go in the second office and only what I use regularly will be in my office.

Speaking of courses, I just received the master DVD’s for Women’s Business Empowerment Summit and I’m reviewing them while we await duplication. As the promoter I can’t always be sitting in the room so I love having the DVD’s and being able to sit on my sofa and watch now.

All the faculty members really stepped up and gave us the inside scoop on how they do what they do and how you can use their techniques and strategies to grow your business. The true test is when you see other faculty members sitting in the audience taking notes and then buying the other faculty members programs and there was plenty of that going on.

The audios are shipping now if you’ve already placed an order.

You can use this order link to get the same pre-publication discount as was offered this weekend. $197 for all 20 sessions!

https://lynnpierce.infusionsoft.com/saleform/nilwhnat (For Audios)

For the best discount, pre-order the complete event on DVD for only $347 and I’ll give you all the mp3’s as my gift to you!

https://lynnpierce.infusionsoft.com/saleform/nilihnat (For DVD’s)

The training calls that led up to the summit are all on replay so it’s not too late to take a listen. YOu’ll get the entire list by email when you register.


Thanks to those of you who responded to last week’s request for a pet sitter in San Diego. I’ve received so good leads.

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

Join me as a Facebook friend and I should easily go over the 2000 mark today:

Take 2 minutes to create an account on Twitter, at least to get your name before someone else takes it.

Just go to http://www.Twitter.com
Then visit my page at:

And click “Follow” that is displayed under my photo.
(That’s all there is to it.)

4 Core Blueprints to Reclaim your Life, Awaken Your Soul and Your Business:

In part 1 of this series we talked about the quick fix people are looking for as opposed to taking responsibility for creating your life.

And I asked you…

So where do you start if you are ready to take responsibility for your life and create your future?

There are 4 core areas, or what I call core blueprints, that require your attention if you want to have a life that is in flow with your true passion and purpose. When you’ve created all 4 of your blueprints and you have all 4 of these areas functioning at a level that satisfies you, then your life will be more peaceful and effortless than you have ever imagined it could really be…

No magic bullet required!

In the next 4 weeks we will discuss each of these areas:

*Introspection and Discovery of Purpose
*Blueprinting the Life of Your Dreams
*Sales/Marketing/Communication Skills
*Mentoring for Your Life and Your Business

First I’d like to have you go back and look at how you reacted to the assignment I gave you at the end of part 1. You remember, the four lines I asked you to read out loud and then look at what your reaction told you about yourself.

I’m making the assumption that you’ve at least taken one simple action towards creating your life by doing this. So how did that go for you?

What came up?

Your body reacts to your thoughts and feelings, situations real or imagined, all the time but most of the time we aren’t aware of it, or you’ll look for a pill or a drink to cover the reaction.

Why do you think people refer to your ‘gut’ reaction?

When your stomach gets butterflies or starts swirling do you reach for an antacid or do you go inside and ask yourself what’s really happening here?

Because now, in part two of this series, we’re talking about Introspection and Discovering Your Purpose.

Introspection does not require hours of meditation or trekking to Tibet. You can start very simply by just listening to what your body is telling you.

For example:
When you notice your body having a reaction, take a minute and see what was just happening that you are reacting to. Was it a phone call, an email, a conversation, or seeing something you don’t want to do coming up next on your calendar?

Or was it a daydream, a thought of fear or doubt that isn’t even real?

First you have to know what is driving your life now before you can make a shift that will move you in the direction you want to go. Why randomly make changes in your life if you don’t know where you’re actually at or what your truly want?

It’s like shooting arrows at a target while someone is spinning you around instead of planting your body, taking a proper stance and aiming at your target. That would be silly, wouldn’t it? And yet you’re basically doing the same thing every day if you haven’t created your first blueprint of Introspection and Discovery of Purpose.

So how do you get started figuring out what your purpose is?

These are criteria that I use to qualify every opportunity that comes up in my life. I believe they will serve you as well as they have served my clients in the last several years.

7 Criteria for Recognizing Your Passion and Purpose

1. Doing it makes you feel good about yourself

2. You would do it for free

3. You loose all track of time when you do it

4. You love to talk about it to everyone

5. You are happy to teach others

6. If this were how you spent all your time, it would be a good thing.

7. It makes you want to get out of bed in the morning

If you are truly living your purpose and doing what you are meant to do n this life, you will easily be ale to say yes to all 7 of these criteria. And just as importantly, you will be able to confidently say no to any pportunity that doesn’t rate a resounding yes. And I mean all 7, every time.

If you say yes to 6, but 1 of these criteria is a no or a maybe for you, hen say no to whatever it is. It’s not worth your time and effort to do nything that isn’t a perfect fit for you. You don’t want to be coming from place of lack and grabbing on to something that isn’t meant for you.

I can hear all the “yes, but..” now. It doesn’t matter how good the opportunity could make you look or how much money it could bring or what your friends will say if you don’t do it. Just say no. Your life will start working on such a higher level as soon as you really embrace this concept of saying no to the good to say yes to the great.

That’s the first step to creating your life and creating the first blueprint.

You must have a place that you confidently stand in your life. Your own personal line in the sand. And only you know what that is. I can’t give it to you and neither can anyone else.

Another good tool I would suggest you use is creating your own personal manifesto. If you haven’t done that, you can go to http://LynnPierce.com and sign up for this ezine, and you’ll get an email with a special report on how to create your personal manifesto as my gift to you. I take you step by step through how to create it and how to use it. It’s a powerful tool.

To be living your blueprint of introspection and purpose you have to be in a place of abundance in terms of confidently saying no to an opportunity that say be a good one to have the space available in your life to welcome a great one.

Does that make sense?

Too often whether it’s a relationship, a job, or a dream; you’re limiting your own ability to live your purpose by fearfully holding on to things in your life that, upon introspection, you would realize are not serving you at the highest level.

The law of attraction is not the only Universal law. One that has always been a very important one in my life is the law of creating a vacuum. Nothing new and great can come into your life unless a space has been created for it to occupy.

If all the available space in your life is filled with things that are less than perfect for you, there is no room for anything better to show up.

So you can use the law of attraction and sit and wait, or you can beg and plead,
or you can stand on your head, but you will not get your desired end result.

Until you let go and know that the Universe will bring into your life exactly what yyu need to fulfill your purpose, you’ll have no space available for it come into your life.

Have you ever been in a bad relationship and wished for a better person to come into your life, but you wouldn’t break up with the first person because you were afraid you’d be alone?

How did that work out for you? Eventually, if you suffer enough and the pain becomes great enough you’ll make the leap and leave. Then, lo and behold, someone else shows up.

That’s the way it works in every area of your life. You can always take the slow and painful route and wait to be so miserable that you make a change out of desperation or you can choose now to actively listen to your body when you have a ‘gut reaction’ and begin to create blueprint #1: Introspection and Discovery of Purpose using the tools you’ve learned here.

Next week we’ll move on to my favorite part, Blueprinting the Life of Your Dreams.

So get to work right now on discovering your purpose and creating your personal manifesto so you’ll be standing in a place of knowing who you are, where you’re starting from and where you want to go so we can begin to create that life for you next week!

Until then, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just comment on this post on my blog.

If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with. As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com

I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.


4 Core Blueprints to Reclaim your Life, Awaken Your Soul and Your Business

This has been going on forever, since advertising began, but I swear it’s getting worse. Everywhere I look I see people advertising quick fixes for almost anything you need, business or personal.

For instance, I’m shocked at the list of horrible side effects people are willing to endure to get a quick fix for one thing or another from a pill they can pop instead of changing a habit.

The simple fact is there is no magic bullet, but there are some core principles that if implemented fully into your life will make you feel like you do have that magic bullet.

It’s become a part of our society to treat the symptoms and never even take the time to uncover the cause, much less take responsibility for it or do anything constructive to change it.

In a real sense it’s true of weight problems, health issues, issues in personal relationships, addictions, money issues, lifestyle issues and certainly with business.

In business the quick fix is king. Why do you think the get rich quick pitch is perennially one of the biggest money makers for marketers, followed closely by the next tricked out tool that will, of course, make you rich right now?

I’m sure if you’ve been in business for any length of time you’ve heard someone say, “Sell them what they want, not what they need.”

Even seemingly intelligent people who know the quick fix isn’t going to happen will still buy it just in case this one is the real deal. I know I’ve done it. It’s human nature to not want to miss out on the next big thing.

But when you look inside yourself and take a deep breath and get centered and listen to your inner voice, you know none of it is true. The truth is, it all begins and ends with you.

So where do you start if you are ready to take responsibility for your life and create your future?

There are 4 core areas, or what I call core blueprints, that require your attention if you want to have a life that is in flow with your true passion and purpose. When you’ve created all 4 of your blueprints and you have all 4 of these areas functioning at a level that satisfies you, then your life will be more peaceful and effortless than you have ever imagined it could really be…

No magic bullet required!

In the next 4 weeks we will go in depth on each of these areas:

*Introspection and Discovery of Purpose
*Blueprinting the Life of Your Dreams
*Sales/Marketing/Communication Skills
*Mentoring for Your Life and Your Business

Right now I’d like you to read each one of those 4 lines out loud and notice the feeling in your body when you say the words.

Do you tense up?
Does your stomach tighten?
Do your shoulders drop?
Do you take a relaxed breath?

How does your body instinctively react to the words when you read them out loud?
And yes, it does make a difference to say it out loud.

What thoughts pop into your mind?
What kind of pictures show up in your head?

These are all indications of where you instinctively feel good about where you’re at and where you know you need some help. If you pay close attention to your reaction you’ll also feel how much resistance you have to doing anything about your current situation in respect to that area of your life.

Isn’t it amazing how much information you can find out about yourself from verbalizing and then just being aware of your reaction?

Listen to what you really need and move toward those things first.

Next week we’ll go into Introspection and Discover of Purpose.

Until then, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just comment on this post on my blog.

If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with. As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com

I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.


What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

“You are your own best investment.  You must invest in yourself before anyone
else will invest in you.”

Lynn Pierce

Are you 100% committed to investing in yourself?

What’s NewThis week’s article kicks off a series of 5 articles on the “4 Core Blueprints to Reclaim your Life, Awaken Your Soul and Your Business”. I expect this series to start a lot of conversation on my log, just like we had in April when we talked about becoming an expert and creating product.

I’m getting ready to go to my new home in North San Diego county next month. One of my mastermind partners helped me do the research to find a great townhouse at the beach and I’ve got the movers lined up so now I just have to finish packing. Then I’ve got 2 days to unpack before heading to New York for a private group.

Fall was my favorite season when I lived in the southeast. I’m hoping fall may come to New York a little early this year, because I’m pretty sure it won’t be fall yet when I’m in Atlanta the first few days of October and I don’t plan on going east for anything else in the fall.

I will be looking for a pet sitter in San Diego, so if you know of someone there, let me know.

I’m doing a ton of travel in the next month or so I’ve got a big list of events to tell you about.

Women’s Business Empowerment Summit faculty members have some great things happening in September and October that you’ll want to take a look at.

My good friend Brendon Burchard is bringing 2,000 people together for a transformational personal growth training event along with his friends Dr. John Gray (Men Are From Mars) and Marianne Williamson (Oprah radio host and author of The Age of Miracles).

He’s holding the entire event in a gorgeous circus tent! Seriously, under a BIG TOP in Long Beach, California!


Dr.Judith & Dr. Jim are the leading voice for what is becoming an international movement known as Soft Sell, heart-based Internet Marketing.

They also produce the ONLY Internet marketing conference for the Soft Sell Community, “Bridging Heart and Marketing II” which takes place September 12-14 at The Ayres Hotel – just minutes from the Los Angeles airport.

The underlying theme of their conference is that “Selling is Spiritual Service”

For more information go to:

Debbie Bermont is giving a free three-part teleseminar series on “How To Tap Into The Universal Energy Flow From An Aligned Space To Accelerate Your Business Growth.” There’s a powerful universal energy force that is working for you 24/7 to ensure your success.

These calls are recorded so if you didn’t register went I sent the email out for these calls you can catch the last one live next week & get the replays of the first 2.

You can register now at:

I am part of a project being done by Jed Reay along with a few other communication experts and I did a very interesting phone interview last week that I beleive you’ll get a lot of great content from.

Get access to our interview and some free bonuses at:

Just to let you know, I’ve never publicly talked about several of the points Jed brought up. I’m going to listen to it myself because I felt an uplifting energy as the conversation went deeper into a more spiritually oriented
conversation and we talked about communication with your true self and not just your communication to make money, although I give you plenty of tips on that too!

I’d love to hear your opinion, so take a listen.

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

Take 2 minutes to create an account on Twitter, at least to get your name before someone else takes it.

Just go to http://www.Twitter.com
Then visit my page at:

And click “Follow” that is displayed under my photo.
(That’s all there is to it.)

Join John Gray, Marianne Williamson and Brendon Burchard in Long Beach

I have to tell you about an event EVERYONE is talking about. When he first told me what he planned to do I really couldn’t believe it and at the same time I knew it was the perfect thing….

My good friend Brendon Burchard is bringing 2,000 people together for a transformational personal growth training event along with his friends Dr. John Gray (Men Are From Mars) and Marianne Williamson (Oprah radio host and author of The Age of Miracles).

He’s holding the entire event in a gorgeous circus tent! Seriously, under a BIG TOP in Long Beach, California!


It’s called the Life’s Golden Ticket Super Seminar and it’s the first event I’ve ever heard of to combine transformational teaching with theater. It’s really going to be spectacular – a legendary event.

In 3 magic days you’ll learn to:

— Gain greater life clarity
— Learn to let go and live “passionately present”
— Rediscover your strengths and purpose
— Build dramatic wealth and abundance (fast)
— Rewrite your destiny by discovering life’s golden ticket

The best part is the event is in a magical space and Brendon is a truly inspirational trainer. Brendon just told me this is “like a success seminar meets Cirque du Soleil.” Wow.

I’m sure you’re like many people trying to find meaning and inspiration in these difficult times. I believe this event is your ticket to that — to finding something magical within yourself.


I hope you check it out. And I hope you take the opportunity to learn from Brendon, John, and Marianne in this unique and inspirational setting. I know I’ll be there.

If it’s ever been time to claim your golden ticket to a life of infinite possibilities, profit and purpose, here’s your chance.

Why Can’t We Say What We Mean?

I am part of a project being done by Jed Reay along with a few other communication experts and I did a very interesting phone interview last week that I beleive you’ll get a lot of great content from.

This project Jed put together was so successful because of the diverse backgrounds of all involved.  Each person involved has something very, very special to share with the world and to help our readers/listeners/viewers to improve their situation and help them move their business and communication skills to a new level.

Here’s how Jed sees this:

You see, we are interactive beings by nature, but many of us have lost our true ability to use that gift.  There are far to many reasons for this loss, and that is not the point nor the nature of the 14 of us to focus on the negative, but to focus on what is and how we can improve upon this every day.

What also was found to be very interesting as the “commonalities” of all involved is everyone’s strong sense of faith, spiritual relations, strong work ethic and very strong sense of service, and last but not least a strong sense of SELF.  Together, those characteristics make up this successful completion of  “Why Cant’ We Say What We Mean?  Developing Meaningful Business Relationships Through Effective Communication”

Lynn Pierce
Lynn is known as the “Success Architect”  and is author of multiple books including: “Breakthrough To Success: 19 Keys to Mastering Every Area of Your Life” and #1 bestselling co-author of  “Wake-up… Live the Life You Love”.  Lynn is the founder of  Women’s Business Empowerment Summit.


1)    Making communication natural from a simple platform
2)    Visionary
3)    Sales Background
4)    Ability to connect at multiple levels
5)    Dedicated to service
6)    Personal and spiritual commitment
7)    Inwardly focused as well as outward vision

get access to our interview and some free bonuses at:

Just to let you know, on a personal note, I’ve never publicly talked about several of the points Jed brought up. I’m going to listen to it myself because I felt an uplifting energy as the conversation went deeper into a more spiritually oriented conversation and we talked about communication with your true self and not just your communication to make money, although I give you plenty of tips on that too!

I’d love to hear your opinion, so take a listen.

What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

“Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not the
one that has better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet
on one’s ideas, to take a calculated risk – and to act.”

Maxwell Maltz
Author of “Psycho-Cybernetics”

Are you playing it safe or going for it 100%?

What’s NewI decided to do this week’s article on developing the courage to go for your dreams for a couple reasons. First, it came up as a question from one of my mentees.

The second reason is because I’ve seen too many people take the things that show up unexpectedly, throwing a monkey wrench in your plans, as a sign that you shouldn’t be doing what you really want to do. I have friends who have opted for the safety of the status quo over the challenge of moving forward in the face of their fears.

I’ve spent this week looking for a place in North Sand Diego county. I’ll let you know next week if I found the right place. I love moving to a new place and starting over every couple years. That and remodeling are 2 of my favorite things.

I’m always looking for a new project, something to get my hands dirty.

I just got the rough cut of the testimonial videos from Women’s Business Empowerment Summit. We’ve got some cleaning up of the videos to do and then I’ll be choosing a few to put on the website with the offer for the Audios & DVD’S.

The audios of the event are already finished and being duplicated, so if you’d like your own copy before anything is even posted on the website you can use this order link to get the same pre-publication discount as was offered this weekend. $197 for all 20 sessions!

(For Audios)

For the best discount, pre-order the complete event on DVD for only $347 and I’ll give you all the mp3’s as my gift to you!

https://lynnpierce.infusionsoft.com/saleform/nilihnat (For DVD’s)

All the faculty members really stepped up and gave us the inside scoop on how they do what they do and how you can use their techniques and strategies to grow your business. The true test is when you see other faculty members sitting in the audience taking notes and then buying the other faculty members programs and there was plenty of that going on.

The training calls that led up to the summit are all on replay so it’s not too late to take a listen. You’ll get the entire list by email when you register.


Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

5 Keys to Developing the Courage to Go for Your Dreams

How do you develop the courage to go for your dreams? That’s the million-dollar question, isn’t it? Because if you don’t learn how, it will not only cost you the millions you could have earned, it will cost you the realization of your passion and your purpose.

It’s a lot of fun planning the vision for your life and the action steps you’re going to take to live your passion. It’s another thing to keep moving forward as it all starts to become real. That’s where the fear sets in and you start to wonder what ever made you think you could do this.

Here are 5 keys to developing the courage to go for your dreams:

1. Move past the fear

I’m sorry to tell you I haven’t found a magic pill for this. It has to come from inside of you. Nobody can do it for you. And it all starts with your vision.

There is so much more to creating a vision for your life than just discovering your passion. There’s so much more than just writing down some goals. I would venture to say that you’ve done that before and it wasn’t enough to get you where you want to go.

Fear not! There’s a system for creating a vision for your life, just as there is a system for anything else you want to be successful at. The question is whether you will take the time to learn it.

Discovering your purpose was only the first step. To walk through your fear, you have to be clear on where you are going.

2. Create a strong vision

You need a vision that is so strong you can’t possibly walk away from it.

Once you have a strong, compelling vision that’s based on your passion and purpose in life, how could you let anything stop you?

When you know what you want and you’ve visualized it over and over and over until it becomes part of who you are, how could you stop?

When you see yourself in the life you will have upon the realization of you vision, how could you stop?

The answer is, you can’t! You can’t stop; it’s impossible! You can drag out the process, but as hard as you try, you can’t stop!

3. Stop projecting future catastrophes

Are you aware that 95% of the things you spend your time worrying about never happen? So, isn’t worrying about the outcome of things you haven’t done yet ridiculous?

Once you realize you’ve invested so much of yourself into your vision that there’s nothing that’s going to stop you from creating everything you’ve envisioned, what’s the point in letting your fears delay the inevitable?

And it is inevitable. With the vision you’ve created, you’ve tapped into the Universal Laws and everything you need is being drawn to you as we speak. You’ve used the law of attraction by being clear on what you want and asking for it. You’ve used the law of creating a vacuum by clearing out a lot of the things that no longer fit in your life to make space available for something better to show up. Think about it.

You can run and you can hide, but eventually everything you visualize will come to you if you take all the necessary steps. So why fight it? This is what you want more than anything, isn’t it?

Are you crazy? Why would you spend your time discovering your passion and creating a vision for it if you had no intention of following through? Are you the kind of person who does things like this for an intellectual exercise?

Well guess what, the joke’s on you. You’ve created a process you can’t stop. It will move forward whether you have chickened out or not. So what’s the point in trying to avoid your future success?

4. Get Out of the Way

When did you want something so bad you could taste it and then decide you were too scared to go for it?

The only courage you need to go for your dreams is the courage to get out of your own way. Just take a deep breath and move aside.

If you look back over your life, I’m sure you can find many examples when you did just this.

So the next time you feel like your courage to go for your dream has abandoned you, just tell yourself there is no reason to fight it. Falling into your fears can postpone your success for a while, but you can’t stop it, so why even try.

Get back on that horse and keep riding to the finish line.

5. You’ve Always Had It, Dorothy

The good news is you don’t have to worry about how you’ll develop the courage to go for your dreams. You already have it.

When you feel like it’s too big for you to go on, look at how far you’ve come already.

The bottom line regarding courage comes from the Wizard of Oz. Towards the end of the movie, Dorothy thinks she’ll never go home. Just then Glinda the good witch shows up. She tells her she’s always had the power to go back to Kansas but she didn’t tell her before because she wouldn’t have believed her. She had to learn it for herself.

But to find out how to unleash the power she had inside, she needed to ask for help. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you need.

So my little Dorothy, you’ve always had the power inside you. All you have to do is have someone show you where it is. You’re so much stronger than you give yourself credit for.

Get some mentoring if you aren’t achieving what you want as fast as you want it. You may need an outside perspective and a little refocusing. Because when your actions and your purpose are in alignment everything falls into place. Things just flow. I can help you get there.

I’d be happy to mentor you to successfully:

# Make your dreams more than just a dream
# Develop specific, targeted goals
# Take action on your goals
# Create a plan that gives you the courage
# Create a roadmap to make your success a reality

If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with.  As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself.  When you have faith and a team that believes in you,it gives you courage.  When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you.  Commit today to go for your dream 100%.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit“. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System”
at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com

I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.
