3 Signs You are Living From Your Soul

28 year old Danny Gokey lost his wife 4 weeks before his audition for American Idol. His biggest inspiration is still his wife. They talked about him trying out for Idol before she passed away. I can only imagine the inner strength and drive it must have taken for him to keep moving forward toward his dream, their dream for him, such a short time afterward.

And yet he left Milwaukee WI and showed up to audition in Kansas City. As far as I know, he has not elaborated on the story of his wife dying. He simply went about the business of doing what he came there to do. He blew everyone away, not just with his singing, but with who he was.

Nobody had to ask him 20 questions about his life or his wife’s passing to see what kind of man he is. The first time we saw him it was apparent in the way he handled himself. He showed up humble and fully standing in the power of the passion he felt for expressing his gift.

He didn’t have to talk about it and neither do you.

When you are in alignment with your life purpose from the core of your being, from your soul, it shows. It’s a silent power, not something that has to be voiced or forced. It’s who you are and it oozes from your pores.

In my last article I talked about Tiger Woods. If you haven’t read that article, you can find it on my blog at http://YourBreakthroughToSuccess.com/blog

I believe that everything I asked you to look at and model with Tiger also applies to Danny Gokey. It’s true that success leaves clues and so does alignment with your soul.

That’s what Blueprints for Life is all about. The first thing that must be in place for you to live the life of your dreams and create success that can be sustained long term is to discover who you really are and why you are here on a soul level. Then you have a foundation to create the blueprint for your life.

I bet if you interviewed 5 people who know Danny Gokey from various parts of his life, they would all describe who Danny is the same way. They would probably say that Danny is just Danny and what you see is what you get.

That’s the way it is when someone is living from a place of authenticity.

And yes, Danny made it into the top 12 with ease. I would bet on him to be there until he end. And when he sang his way into the top 12 and his friends were in the red room to support him, one held a photo of Danny and his wife. It immediately brought me to tears and reminded me of two things.

First, that there is more happening here for Danny than just the pressure of being on Idol. Secondly, it also reminded me not to lose sight of the big picture of what is really important when an opportunity shows up or when an opportunity slips away.

It takes a brave person with a strong sense of purpose to move forward when adversity or drama or trauma enters your life. And yet, what other choice do you have if you are living on purpose?

So let me ask you, when a hurdle shows up in your life how far are you willing to push yourself to jump it and keep moving forward?

3 Signs You are Living From Your Soul:

1. You know who you really are and this has established the foundation of your life.

2. You know why you’re here and you’re dedicated to stepping fully into your personal
power and showing up 100% in the world.

3. You consciously create your life on a daily basis, doing only what is aligned with #1 &  2 above.

Until next week, I’d love to hear your thoughts.  Just comment on this post on my blog.

If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with.  As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself.  When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage.  When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you.  Commit today to go for your dream 100%.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs,
“Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of  “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com

I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.


What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

“Stepping into your true personal power also means taking personal responsibility for the life you’ve created. ”

Lynn Pierce

Do you take responsibility for your whole life or only the good stuff?

What’s New
Our final Blueprints for Life preview teleseminar is tonight. I want to make sure all of your questions are answered on how to discover who your really are, why you’re here and how to create a blueprint for your life to make it all a reality for you right now.

So as you register for the calls, don’t forget to use the link to ask me your question. I will answer it!

Speaking of that, if you haven’t registered to listen to the 3 Blueprints for Life teleseminars on replay go to:


I’m in Scottsdale this week and tomorrow I’ll be on Maui for a while. The weather has been so good at my beach house in San Diego and here in Scottsdale that it won’t be much of a difference on Maui. I’ve loved this mild winter weather we’ve been having on the west coast.

Barack Obama continues to amaze me. The latest example is hearing a president admit he made a mistake, not weeks or months or years later, but immediately following a situation. I was so surprised when I sat down to watch Larry King and heard him say “I made a mistake”, I almost fell over. Honesty is so refreshing and taking personal responsibility is so liberating.

Are you doing that in your own life? I certainly hope you have a plan for your life. If you would like help creating your blueprint, make a plan now to create your Blueprint for Life with me in San Diego Feb. 20-22nd.


Speaking of personal responsibility, today’s article come out of a question on an article I did about Tiger Woods.

Life happens, be ready for it. Click on the link below and get started creating a vision for your life, a plan for your future, your Blueprint for Life.


Set your goals high enough that they require you to stretch your comfort zone and you’ll be amazed what you can achieve. Ask yourself, “What’s the one thing I can change this year to create the life of my dreams?”

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

Join me on Twitter and as a Facebook friend:


And click “Follow” that is displayed under my photo.
(That’s all there is to it.)

Eye of the Tiger: Part 2

Tiger Woods is about to make his return to the arena of professional golf. To say this is a highly anticipated event would be an understatement.

What does this have to do with you? Follow me for a minute, because it does.

Yesterday I was in a salon in Scottsdale getting my hair done when I overheard a conversation about changing the dates of the FBR Open, a golf tournament that didn’t even change it’s dates when they conflicted with the Super Bowl last year taking place in Phoenix.

So what would make them change the dates? Apparently they want Tiger back and Tiger plays a tournament in Dubai every year at that time. Whether the dates are changed or whether it’s just under discussion right now isn’t the point.

The point is that one athlete has risen to such a point in his performance and the following he has built, not only with his game but who he is as a person, that people who aren’t even golf fans admire him. They follow him and they will go out of their way to see him in person, which means big bucks to sponsors and tournaments alike.

This was not something that Tiger set out to create. This phenomenon grew out of who he is, from the way he was raised to the choices he made from that foundation and the man he has become. He was being who he is, doing what he does best and this was the result.

Tiger is a great example of what I teach in Blueprints for Life.

1. He knows who he really is because of the foundation he’s established for his life.

2. He knows why he’s here and he has dedicated himself to excellence in all areas of his life, not just his profession.

3. He consciously creates his life on a daily basis, doing what is most important to him, not what would look like the best choice from the outside world.

An example of that is his statement that even though he is returning to golf, his first priority is his family time with his wife expecting their second child. He loves what he does but he doesn’t allow it to take over and run his life.

So many entrepreneurs are blocked in this area of how to have a life and live your passion for your business at the highest level. It’s not hard to do if you have a blueprint for your life. Tiger is  great example of what that looks like when you do it well.

In the “Eye of the Tiger” article you can find on http://YourBreakthroughToSuccess.com/blog posted on 6-26-08, I talk about watching him play in the 2008 U.S. Open at Torrey Pines and how it applies to your life.

That led to this comment when the article posted on another site:

I wonder…how did Tiger develop such a mindset? Was he born with it or was it something he actively decided to develop it little by little?

I have been trying to work on becoming stronger myself, but there are patches where it’s hard to keep it all together. I love coming back to the exercise where you put someone who has achieved your goal into your own body. Put a major marathon runner’s consciousness into an obese man’s body and see what steps he will take to get back into shape.

What if Tiger Woods consciousness entered your body? What kind of things could you accomplish? Worth a shot.

So having read that my response is

1. Tiger developed his mindset at an early age through the teachings of both of his parents. Then he expanded on that foundation.

2. There’s more to success than having a successful person’s consciousness enter your mindset. That is a good catalyst, but there is no substitute for your own personal “why”.

3. The “why” you achieve the success that you do in the way you do it is completely personalized if it’s coming from being in alignment with your soul rather than driven by materialistic goals.

4. At the core is knowing who you truly are and why you are here.

Which brings me back to Tiger Woods as public example #1. If you’re looking for a role model and you’re not familiar with Tiger, other than sound bites, do some reading.

Then watch him play and you’ll see what it looks like when someone lives their passion from a point of focus and clarity unrivaled by anyone else on the course.

Until next week, I’d love to hear your thoughts.  Just comment on this post on my blog.

If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with.  As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself.  When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage.  When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you.  Commit today to go for your dream 100%.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs,
“Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com

I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.


Mentoring for Your Life and Your Business Blueprint

In part 4 of this series we talked about Sales/Marketing/Communication Skills Blueprint.

There are 4 core areas, or what I call core blueprints, that require your attention if you want to have a life that is in flow with your true passion and purpose. When you’ve created all 4 of your blueprints and you have all 4 of these areas functioning at a level that satisfies you, then your life will be more peaceful and effortless than you have ever imagined it could really be…

No magic bullet required!

In the final week we will discuss the last blueprint, Mentoring for Your Life and Your Business Blueprint.

If you’ve done the work we’ve discussed in the first 4 installments of this series, you’ve got to be feeling pretty great about your life focus and your business right now. Through the first 4 weeks you’ve worked on knowing who you are, where you’re starting from, where you want to go, how you’re going to get there and how to ramp up your sales and marketing program using better communications skills to bring in more cash.

Now it’s time for a mentoring blueprint.

In other blueprints I’ve mentioned that the top 3% of the people in the world have such a different life than the other 97% because they look at life differently and they make conscious choices. I told you that one of those conscious choices is to create a plan for building their business and it’s day to day operations for growth and financial prosperity.

Another very crucial conscious choice the top 3% of people make is to invest in themselves.

Once again, first you have to know your starting point. The next step is to evaluate how you feel about where you are and then decide where you would like to take it next. You need to be laser focused and absolutely clear on what your next step is
to get the best results from mentoring. If you’re not you could pick the wrong thing to be mentored on or the wrong time to do it.

It is likely that as you progress on your path you will have more than one mentor for different parts of your life or business working with you at the same time.

I have said many times that you should be willing to invest at least 10% of your income in your own growth if you are really serious. Then find the mentors that understand where it is that you want to go and have the experience to take you there.

Here is where I differ with what many coaches and gurus will tell you. They will say that you should only work with someone who has done what you want to do and mentored others to do the same.

But that’s not the whole story.

Where would Tiger Woods be today if he took that advice? His coaches have not been the best golfers in the world at any time in their careers; far from it.

Some people are gifted teachers and know the process of what needs to be done to get Tiger, or you, to the desired result without either the personal skill or perhaps the desire to reach that level themselves or possibly neither.

In my 25 year career as a salesperson, manager and trainer, I can tell you that the majority of the best salespeople couldn’t train others to do what they do because they don’t have the skill of a great teacher. That’s not their gift. And yet someone
who was an average salesperson can have an amazing understanding of the sales process and be an incredibly gifted mentor.

Some of the top gurus in your field may be the same way, the very best at what they do but not the best person to mentor someone to do the same.

If I were to share my personal preferences with you, I look for a mentor that understands what I want to accomplish. If I’m working with them one on one or in a small group, I want them to be excited about being involved in helping me reach that goal. I want them to have the skill level to be able to guide me through the process.

Are you getting the mentoring you need to grow your business and expand your level of personal growth?

Even more so than the other blueprints this is as extremely individualized so it’s important that you make a decision based on your own gut feeling about your possible mentor. Don’t just ask for a recommendation from a friend and assume that the relationship you will have with your mentor will be the same as theirs.

In this type of relationship, where you are getting personal mentoring, having a good fit of personalities is very important.

Remember that this is all about you. What you are passionate about, what you want your life to look like, the activities you choose to include in the way you create your business and the way you grow your business. Make those things clear to your
prospective mentor and see if you are in alignment before proceeding.

It’s your life. It’s your business. It’s your choice. Do what feels right to you.

Now you have the last piece of the 4 Core Blueprints to Reclaim your Life, Awaken Your Soul and Your Business. We’ve come full circle. You are creating the script of what you want your life story to be from now on. It’s time for you to take 100%
responsibility and take back 100% of your power. Pick up your pen and create a script for yourself that is exciting and compelling and passionate and fulfilling for you on every level.

Remember that all you ever need to know how to do is the next step that you’re going to take right now and the end result. The steps in between and the people you need to help you make it happen will show themselves as needed.

I hope this series has been beneficial to you and that you’ve taken the action suggested. Now that you know what you want and how you’re going to get there and you know how you’re going to get the cash to make it happen you’re ready to put it all together with the mentoring to keep you on track.

So get to work right now on blueprinting your life and reawaken your soul!

Until next week, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just comment on this post on my blog.

If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with. As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to
success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com

I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.


What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

“Many of life’s failures are people who had not realized how close they were to success when they gave up.”

Thomas Edison

How close are you?

What’s NewI am getting so much done this summer. How about you?

I’m doing a ton of interviews about Women’s Business Empowerment Summit, my book, “Breakthrough to Success” and how to turn your passion into cash-my favorite topic.

I hope you’re listening to the free training calls for WBES because our faculty members are delivering some amazing content! You haven’t missed anything because the calls are all available on replay.

When you go to register for the calls, on the next page you can grab your seat for the summit in August. Not only do we have a great hotel rate of $99, but there are hot deals on airfares all over the place.

In fact, for those who are smart enough to not buy into the media hype of doom & gloom, you can get some of the best travel bargains I’ve seen in years!

Register at: http://WomensBusinessEmpowermentSummit.com

If I wasn’t in the middle of preparing for the summit, I think I’d be spending the entire summer traveling. I booked my airfare for a trip to San Diego in a couple weeks to hang out with Mike Koenigs and Frank Kern and got a better deal than I did in March & April.

This week I’ve written the article I promised you last week on Tiger Woods. I find inspiration in how other people live their lives so whether it’s last week’s article on Tim Russert (which you can access on my blog) or this week’s article on Tiger, let me know if you enjoy these type of articles.

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

Take 2 minutes to create an account on Twitter, at least to get your name before someone else takes it.

Just go to http://www.Twitter.com

Then visit my page at:

And click “Follow” that is displayed under my photo.

(That’s all there is to it.)

The Eye of the Tiger

Remember the theme song from the Rocky movie, “The Eye of the Tiger”?

When Rocky fought his opponent he had the focus of ‘the eye of the tiger’. When that song was written they couldn’t have had any idea the significance it would take on when a new Tiger took the world stage and changed sports forever.

I don’t care if you are a golf fan or a sports fan or if you think there is too much hype over this one particular athlete-yes golfers are athletes.

Tiger Woods is a force to be reckoned with. I could write a book about not only his accomplishments in the sports world, but also his accomplishments as a human being, but many books have already been written. In fact I wrote about Tiger in my book, “Breakthrough to Success”.

Look at what Tiger does in terms of how you live your life. Could you stand up to the level of excellence that Tiger requires of himself? If you raised your expectations do you think you would be performing head and shoulders above your competition?

I’ve always been a huge fan of his because not only is he a consummate professional, he has such intense focus that you can see it on his face when you watch him on TV. I have also had the pleasure of standing just a few feet from him on more than one occasion and watching that focus in person.

Over and over again I heard the announcers at the tournament talking about how nobody would believe this if it was a movie. It would just be too much of a fantasy and the whoever wrote a screenplay that played out like this would be laughed out of a movie mogul’s office. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a movie or a sporting event with this many interesting characters and twists and turns.

Tiger is larger than life and his life is richer, more nuanced and more interesting than any movie script. And this weekend he was Rocky, but he wasn’t fighting an opponent, he was doing what his dad had taught him. He was playing full out because that’s the only way to do it.

There were so many amazing shots from this one tournament, you can probably find them all on Youtube. But it’s not about the shots. It’s about the measure of the man. During the tournament some of his fellow golfers, who should feel really ashamed of themselves right now, wondered out loud through their pettiness and jealousy how hurt Tiger really was.

Tiger on the other hand downplayed his injury to not take the focus off the U.S. Open while he played through incredible pain that would have made almost any other player call it quits, especially when he was so far back that it didn’t look like he had any chance at all of winning.

And yet, Tiger not only didn’t quit, he forced a playoff and played another 19 holes on Monday. And then he made the impossible inevitable by winning…again!

Watching him play in the U.S. Open at Torrey Pines for 4 days instead of the usual 3 was a treat and at the same time painful. My heart ached every time I saw him wince when he hit the ball or when his caddy pulled him up by the arm when he couldn’t get up by himself or when the pain of taking another stroke had him almost doubled over in pain.

And I wondered how he could keep going, where did he find the inner strength to focus enough to pull it out day after day?

Ironically during the tournament there was a commercial running with audio of his dad talking about how Tiger would never meet anyone else as mentally tough as him in his entire life.

Here’s the link to the Youtube video to watch it.


He certainly proved his dad right that weekend. I’m sorry I won’t be seeing him play the rest of the summer, but I know he’ll be back next year better than ever because striving for excellence is just his natural way of being.

The question is, is it yours?

If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with. As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com

I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.


Tim Russert, Tiger Woods and the Red Cross

Like I said last week, I’m still in Scottsdale and it’s way past hot! We’ve had a heat advisory for the last week, but that’s nothing compared to what some of you are dealing with in the middle of the country with all the flooding. My heart goes out to all of you dealing with that.

This is also a good time to remember that charitable organizations need your donations now. I heard that the Red Cross is taking loans out to be able to keep doing their work. That’s a real shame, because even though one segment of the population is cutting back because of the economy there are still more than enough people with money who can donate.

Last week I also mentioned how we are more interested in people when we feel a connection with them. Well, that was certainly borne out by 2 things this past week; the sad passing of Tim Russert and the drama at Torrey Pines created by Tiger Woods and Rocco Mediate.

I wrote about Tiger in my book, “Breakthrough to Success” available on Amazon.com, but this is a whole new story on many levels that I’ll tell you about next week.

I decided to do this week’s article on Tim Russert and what we can learn from the way he lived his life and his passion.

On another note, every Tuesday and Thursday through the 29th of July I’m hosting 1 hour training calls.

Register at: http://WomensBusinessEmpowermentSummit.com

Debbie Bermont was absolutely fabulous Tuesday night and if you weren’t on the call live and didn’t do the bullseye exercise, make sure you listen to the replay and do it now.

I just got finished recording the interview with J.T. Foxx which was canceled due to technical difficulties of J.T. not being able to get on the line last week. We now have over 1250 people registered for these calls!

It was worth the weight and J.T. has a fresh and wonderful perspective on how to promote yourself to millions. He is a breath of fresh air when it comes to being open and honest about how to get to the top.

And if you have any fear of promoting your fabulous self or your business, you’ll learn how to overcome that tomorrow on our interview with Dr. Jim & Dr. Judith.

These calls are all building on each other and I would encourage you to take the time and go back and listen to every single one. There are nuggets of gold in all of them.

There are some amazing deals on airfares out there now, so book your flight for the summit in August right away.

Don’t forget to reserve your seat before the $99 hotel room block is gone: