Are You Cutting Yourself Off From Abundance?

Every day I hear people from all walks of life saying things that literally cut them off from abundance and success. I’m sure if you were fully aware of how you talk to yourself and to the world about who you are, chances are, you would be shocked. We are all guilty of this in some small degree, but for many it is debilitating.

Are you talking yourself out of living your fullest life with the self-concept you’ve created?

Without a strong self-image, all success is temporary. Fear along with low self-esteem eventually leads to self-sabotage. I know, for years I was a queen of self-sabotage.

I found one of the keys to living the life of my dreams was to change how I felt about myself. High self-esteem creates an environment within you allowing you to believe anything is possible and attainable in your life.

Once you have a healthy self-concept from using this process, you are able to make a commitment not only to yourself, but also to how you will live the life of your dreams. You now have the ability to step fully into your power.

To help you get started here is Day 21 excerpted from “Change One Thing, Change Your Life; A 40 Day Personal Transformation System

Day 21

“All things are possible with my mind and heart aligned to the Divine Presence within as my only source.”

With your life and your purpose in alignment everything falls into place. You have the energy and passion to do what needs to be done to accomplish your goals. You have a specific combination of talents and insights that are your gift to share with the world. You are here to make a difference in the lives of other people.

You have an obligation to yourself and to the planet to uncover your true purpose. Don’t doubt for one minute the impact your life has on other people’s lives. In our society it’s unfortunate that we don’t express to people how they influence us directly by what they do and indirectly by witnessing how they live their lives.

How do you present yourself to the world as a whole?

You don’t have to be famous to be a role model or to have a tremendous impact on the lives of others. How many people are probably feeling they live ordinary lives and aren’t of any great importance to the world? Do your role models know how they have impacted you?

Personal Observations Day 21

  • What kind of role model are you being by the way you live your life
  • Who has influenced your life? How would they feel if you told them? Do it, make someone’s day.
  • Do you feel your life doesn’t matter? How would your life change if you had proof it wasn’t true?

I hope this excerpt will aid you in making a difference in your life and the life of someone else today.

If you need some assistance in creating the blueprint for your life, I’m here to help.

Until next week, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just comment on this post on my blog.

If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with. As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at

I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.

Turn Your Passion Into Cash-Women’s Business Empowerment Summit Training Call

Last night, Tuesday the 13th of May 2008 we started the
WBES Free Teleseminar Series.

Every Tuesday through the 29th of July I will host a 1 hour
training call.

Register at:

On this week’s call I will share my formula for turning your passion into cash.

There will be a special surprise on this call you don’t want to miss!

On this call you’ll learn:
– How to create your business and your life on your own terms
– Why you need a compelling vision for your life
– 7 step process for turning your passion into cash
– 4 keys necessary to reach your desired outcome
– Why you must be a master communicator

Lynn Pierce, founder of the “Women’s Business Empowerment
Summit”, brings you over 25 years of successfully teaching how
to combine business and personal development to reach the
pinnacle of success and live the life of your dreams.

Known as the Success Architect, just tell Lynn what the life of your
dreams looks like and she’ll create the blueprint to get you there.
She shows you how you can be wildly successful living life your way
and fitting your business into your life rather than the other way around.

Lynn’s life serves as a personal case study! In a short 12 months
after cracking the entrepreneurial blueprint code, Lynn Pierce created
3 different live events in 3 different cities, developed 6 new information
products from scratch, appeared in national magazines, was interviewed
on numerous radio shows and increased the subscriber base of her
ezine by 600% while still vacationing 8-12 weeks a year and moving
to another state!

She is co-author of 5 books including the #1 Best Selling, “Wake-up…Live
the Life You Love”, and has been featured in 5 more, and Lynn’s book,
“Breakthrough to Success; 19 Keys to Mastering Every Area of Your Life”,
is available at

Register for the teleseminar training series at:

How is Reality TV Affecting Our Self-Esteem?

When I was thinking about what to write for this article on self -esteem what showed up wasn’t just a question of whether you have low or high self-esteem. The subject of unrealistic self-esteem just kept showing up everywhere I looked. It made me ask myself a few questions.

TV is full of reality shows and even if you say you never watch any of them, for the most part, they get very high ratings-even the bad ones. Is this affecting how people look at themselves?

Are people sitting in their living rooms comparing themselves to the people who are singing or dancing or losing weight or modeling or cooking or decorating and now even telling the truth is a reality show!

Why is it that some people with so much going for them don’t recognize it and have low self-esteem while others think they have much more on the ball than they really do? I’m sure you can identify people you know that fit in each of these categories. On reality TV it’s not just in areas where they are competing on talent, it’s also shows where they try to outsmart each other like Survivor and Big Brother.

How do these perceptions aid your self-esteem in some areas and make it even lower in others? Where does an unrealistic view of yourself really come from,
especially if we are talking about a particular talent?

I find talents such as ability to play sports or do something creative like singing, painting or acting to be very interesting. People considered experts in the field and millions of people in the general public judge these activities every day.

Of course, sometimes they are wrong. But what makes somebody keep going when they’ve been told repeatedly they aren’t good at something? Remember Sanjaya on
American Idol last year? Or how about William Hung?Hey, who says you can’t make money following your passion?

I’ve had my own personal experiences with being in denial about my abilities.

I grew up believing I wasn’t good at sports; I thought I wasn’t coordinated. The first time I was told I had a natural ability to play golf it was by a boyfriend that I assumed had an ulterior motive. The second time was by a golf pro that I rationalized wanted to sell me more lessons.

I always had an explanation to discount what they were saying. I didn’t think, “Hey, how about that! I can be good at golf.”

Why not? Even though I now believe I do have the ability, I still feel pressured and uncomfortable when I go out and play. I’m always sure that no matter who I play with, they will be much better than I am and I will be holding them up. Consequently, I don’t play much and it’s not really fun, yet.

I say yet because I am determined not to let this episode of unrealistically low self-esteem go on forever. I refuse to let it control me to the point that I never play golf again. I will overcome this and learn to play confidently and comfortably so I can have an enjoyable day on the golf course.

Anybody want to play with me?

Ask yourself, “What’s the one thing I can change about how I view myself and my talents that will realistically increase my self-esteem?”

So how have you experienced this in your life? Have you let it keep you down? If not, how did you overcome it? I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights here on my blog.

Women’s Empowerment Tip: Banish Fear from Your Life

Overcoming your fears creates a powerfully exhilarating feeling. It builds self-esteem by changing your self-concept. It allows you to confidently take on new challenges. On the other hand, there is nothing more debilitating than letting your fears stop you from living the life you are meant to live.

Fear is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. There is no greater loss to the world than missing out on your unique contribution because you’re afraid to fail or afraid you don’t have anything worth contributing.

We all have special gifts and talents. Only one thing separates most people from those who experience woman empowerment; it’s looking at your fears and making the decision that your goals are bigger than your fears. Don’t let your fears keep you stuck where you are.

Are fear-based beliefs running your life?

Do this personal growth exercise. Make three columns on a piece of paper. List all your fears in the first column. In the next column write down what’s the worst thing that could happen if they came true. In the third column, write down a solution to the problem.

If you feel the need to discuss your limiting beliefs with someone, take just the first five minutes to describe the problem and the rest of the time brainstorming a solution.

The reality is that 95 percent of your fears will never be realized. And now that you know the worst thing that can happen, and how you’re going to resolve it, there’s no reason to live with fear any longer.

Everybody fails at something, even the most successful women entrepreneurs. But successful women in business have learned to treat failure differently than ordinary people. They see failures or setbacks as guideposts change that which will bring them one step closer to success.

Successful women entrepreneurs have no shame in failure; they celebrate it as personal growth and move on. Every day ordinary people realize their dreams because they took action in the face of their fears. They didn’t wait for all the right contacts or every piece of information. They went for it, and so can you.

One powerful way I’ve found to overcome my fears I found by accident. It just dawned on me one day that this process is how I frequently overcome deep-seated fears. Let me share it with you.

When you are involved in a project that is bigger than yourself, a project that will help others, you forget about your own fears.

When it’s not about you, it’s much easier to move through your fears towards personal growth. It doesn’t have to be as big as ending hunger or creating world peace, just something big enough to pull you out of your comfort zone.

Here’s how I overcame a fear that was very real to me the whole time I was growing up. It may seem silly to you, but I had the fear of being noticed.

I tried to be invisible. I grew up with low self-esteem and was incredibly self-conscious. To avoid drawing attention to myself, I dressed very conservatively.

So how did I start modeling and in a short amount of time, begin modeling bathing suits?

I modeled because a friend asked for my help. It wasn’t about me, it was about helping another.

I shopped at my friend’s boutique and loved the clothes she carried. She asked me to help out when she lost her regular model for a weekly hotel fashion show. I was scared to death, but I told myself I only had to do it once.

Incredibly, sales from the show increased and she asked me to replace the other model. Since I was helping her build her business, and I liked being helpful, and I said yes.

It became clear to me that my mousy self-concept was the opposite of how other women in business saw me. I started modeling for other stores, doing runway shows in my local area and posing for print ads. I loved it.

The biggest benefit was not that I changed my wardrobe, but that I changed my self-concept. I had overcome a major fear that had stopped me from saying yes to many opportunities.

All it took was saying yes one time to something that was scary and outside my comfort zone. What would happen if you gave it a try?

Women’s Empowerment Action Step: What would you be doing if you knew you couldn’t fail?

What’s the first thing that pops into your head? There’s a picture that immediately flashed into your brain when you read the question. What is it?

I encourage you to write that question on several cards and post them in different places around your home. Take this first step, and it will remind you that you’re on the path to personal growth and banishing fear from your life.

Lynn Pierce is the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. For more than 25 years she’s taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. Lynn’s commitment to your success continues online at,

Rave Reviews for Interview with Dr. Deborah King, author of “Truth Heals”

The thank you’s for Dr. King have been pouring in as 100’s of listeners found answers to their questions on an array of topics.

If you missed this interview last week, you can still listen by clicking here now.

Here’s a recap of what we covered:

Do you use these excuses?

* I can’t…
* I won’t…
* I don’t know how….
* I don’t know why this keeps happening…
* It’s not my fault…
* I’m right…
* I’ll do it tomorrow…


* Are you losing the battle with your weight?
* Is youth slipping by at an uncomfortable pace?
* Is your love life on the skids?
* Worried sick about cancer or disease?
* Do you feel crazy/rushed?
* Are you fighting the glass ceiling in your career or finances?

Dr. King answered questions about career advancement, self-esteem, finding
passion, relationships, goal setting, illness, or even recovering from pain.

We also discussed the secret of dismantling the lies we tell ourselves that hold us back from achieving true potential and healing the mind and body.

Dr. King is a frequent guest on Fox News and CNN; her reputation for healing
and empowering others is unprecedented. She has survived sexual abuse,
financial woes, addiction, and cancer. Through her search for answers, she
eventually determined that anyone can release deep-seated layers of denial,
avoidance, fear, doubt and anger in order to find healing and promote personal
and professional growth.

Interview with Dr. Deborah King, author of “Truth Heals”

Do you use these excuses?

* I can’t…
* I won’t…
* I don’t know how….
* I don’t know why this keeps happening…
* It’s not my fault…
* I’m right…
* I’ll do it tomorrow…


* Are you losing the battle with your weight?
* Is youth slipping by at an uncomfortable pace?
* Is your love life on the skids?
* Worried sick about cancer or disease?
* Do you feel crazy/rushed?
* Are you fighting the glass ceiling in your career or finances?

Well, you won’t want to miss this opportunity as Dr. King shares the secret of
dismantling the lies we tell ourselves that hold us back from achieving true
potential and healing the mind and body.

Dr. King is a frequent guest on Fox News and CNN; her reputation for healing
and empowering others is unprecedented. She has survived sexual abuse,
financial woes, addiction, and cancer. Through her search for answers, she
eventually determined that anyone can release deep-seated layers of denial,
avoidance, fear, doubt and anger in order to find healing and promote personal
and professional growth.

Dr. King will use this teleseminar to illustrate how you can reshape your life’s
blueprint by simply changing the way you talk to yourself.

As a bonus opportunity, you can submit a question to Dr. King when you register –
any question you’d like, be it about career advancement, self-esteem, finding
passion, relationships, goal setting, illness, or even recovering from pain. I’ll
choose several questions to answer live during the teleseminar free.

Go to this link to register now: