Sometimes it’s hard to tell when a person is sincerely blocked by a particular situation that once removed would allow them to move forward. I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but I’m finding that in most cases when you remove the block they still do nothing. This is very sad and at the same time, I realize that it is the major contributor to 97% of the wealth in the world being held by 3 % of the people.
Why does this happen?
Let me give you 3 scenarios for lack of follow through:
Before I do, let me just say that these are excuses, not acceptable reasons and you are still responsible for each of these possible choices you make
in your life.
You may not have a clear perspective on where you are mentally and emotionally as far as negative beleif systems you haven’t cleared or not being willing to look at your commitment level to moving forward.
It could be that deep down you really don’t want to do whatever it is you’re not following through on. I’ve done this over and over with Internet marketing programs I’ve bought and events I’ve gone to and even high priced mentoring.
Hey, I never said I was immune to this. But what I found was that I absolutely hated doing it, so I didn’t. And yet, since it’s part of my business, someone has to. It just doesn’t need to be you, I mean me.
Some of this also comes from fear of thinking you are all alone and you have to do it by yourself. If you are sincerely looking you can find help for whatever is blocking you, as deep and dark as you may think it is. You aren’t the only one facing your challenge and you just need to get the proper help to release this block.
Given those situations, if you don’t get clarity in a short time, then you need to look at the solution you’ve chosen. If it doesn’t lead to the results you want let it go, take it as a learning expereince and move on. Don’t try to blame someone else for your choices is the bottom line there.
I do a lot of training courses and live events and there is always something that if it were removed this person or that person could attend or they could succeed. On some occasions I have removed the block once I receive the same request from several people just to see who is real and how is whining.
If someone is sincere in their desire to move forward, they will not only jump on the opportunity once their particular block has been removed, they will follow through to the fullest extent in the course or what they learn at the event.
Many times a person has deluded themselves for so long that they may actually believe they are really ready to move forward when they aren’t, and
probably never will be.
I’m sure I’m not alone when I tell you that most of your potential mentors are more than happy to do what they can to accomodate your needs if you are eager to succeed. Sometimes it’s through more information, preview teleseminars, stretching out multiple payments, having different entry levels to their programs, early bird discount, etc.
But in the end, you are the one who must take action, not only to invest in yourself by buying a course or attending an event, but by taking the information you receive and implementing it. If you think there is something that needs to be added to the course, take responsibility for giving your feedback.
The actual percentage of people who follow through on implementing what they learn is extremely low. This is solely your responsibility.
If you truly are interested in taking responsibility for your life and creating a better life for yourself than the one you have now, there are some very simple steps you can follow.
10 Easy Steps to Successfully Get Where You Want to Go:
1. Clearly assess the reality of where you are now and why
2. Choose the correct path of action for the next logical step for you
3. Find the course or event or mentor that can help you get there
4. Be fully present and engaged during your time with your choice from step 3
5. Do all the work necessary to complete the process of step 3
6. Access your success of how well you were able to complete step 3
7. Ask for more help if you are not clear and needing further clarification
8. Give yourself a reasonable amount of time to gauge your success with this step
9. Repeat step 2-9 until you have achieved your desired result
10. Take your life to a higher level by starting again with step 1
If you would like more information on exactly what it means to take responsibility for your life and the amazing benefits of how this moves your life forward, scroll back to the January 21, 2008 post on this topic.
As always, I’d love to hear your thought about this on my blog.
Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at