Are You Doing What You’re Here To Do?

Do you ever hear yourself thinking…

* I wish I had the clarity and focus successful people have that are making tons of money

* If I could get out of this state of overwhelm, I know I’d begin making the money I deserve

* If I could relax and just be me and have my business flow easily, I’d be happy

* I really deserve to have more fun, time and freedom in my life

* I wish I knew for sure who I am and what I’m here for so I can get on with my purpose

* I need a better plan, I just feel stuck

If you’ve EVER had ANY of these thoughts, if you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then I have some good news and…

I Do Have a Bit of Bad News…

The information I am going to REVEAL at Empowered Women’s Business Summit, information that previously has only been shared with my small groups who pay $6,000 or my private one on one clients who pay $20,000, will flip a lot of your perceptions right on their ear and could make you more than a little upset with some of the stuff you were led to believe in the past.

But I Also Have Some Really Great News for You…

Because in the space of 3 short days, July 31-August 2, in Las Vegas, I am teaching at a depth I have never had the time or opportunity to do in the past 5 years of this summit. YOU will have access to all of the processes, strategies and techniques for how to create the life and business you’ve always hoped to have RIGHT NOW!

You will go crashing through the barriers that have been slowing you down and sabotaging your success up to now. And we start off with a bang on Day 1 as I reveal the single ingredient to breaking any barrier-in your life or your business.

This single ingredient has not only been the key for me, but everyone I’ve ever worked with in the last 30 years and every multi-millionaire and every happy, aligned, and successful person I’ve ever met or studied. Yes, it is that powerful and that universal…and it is that simple.

IMPORTANT! I’ve mentioned before that the knowledge you will walk away with after these 3 days has the power to transform every area of your life. I want you to know that I mean this from the soul of my being. This is not a
marketing ploy and this is not hype. It is fact!

In fact, my 3 special guest faculty members, including Dr. Fern Kazlow, and 2 others you will learn about shortly, have also agreed as a condition of their being invited to this summit, to reveal their personal secrets to success ( and a couple bumps in the road we’ve traversed) at the same level of depth I will be sharing with you.

Most of what we are about to reveal at Empowered Women’s Business Summit is so powerful that some clients have seen a major up-leveling of their lifestyle in a matter of weeks after learning these strategies and techniques. ALL feel more aligned and powerful and at peace.

Some clients have had big ticket opportunities land right in their laps. And some clients have opened so fully to receiving financial abundance that their income has increased dramatically with no major effort on their part.

What could happen for you? One of these? All of these? More?

The SAD FACT is that if you don’t reserve your seat for the summit quickly, the answer will likely be none of these.

The FABULOUS NEWS for you is that I like things simple and easy, so everything you’ll learn at Empowered Women’s Business Summit will be exactly that-simply and easy. So if one of the beliefs you have is that to get what you want you have to work hard and do things that you don’t love…get ready to bust through that myth!

You know I’m all about systems and blueprints, so of course I am going to make sure you are taken by the hand, step-by-step through every session of this intimate summit. I also believe in group participation and interaction, so get ready to be involved and an active participant in 3 days of creating your life and your business exactly as you want it to be!

Want to know how I’m able to travel and take lots of time off whenever I want, while still running my business and creating programs and events and meeting with private clients-with no staff?

I won’t make you wait for the summit to get the answer to that question. I’ll tell you right now. It’s because I have a blueprint for my life and my business that allows me to create and live my entire life exactly the way I chose…

and you’ll create your own blueprint at the summit that you’ll be able to put into action on Monday morning! Really. I know after all the time you’ve spent struggling it’s hard to believe you could put it all together in an actionable plan in 3 days, but I do it with clients all the time. Remember? Simple & easy!

At this completely brand new, updated, up close and personal 6th year of the summit, everything has been restructured to serve you more completely. Hey, this was a complete overhaul, not just a simple name change from Empowerment to Empowered.

Back to you…

Would you like a plan for building a business that could be described as a Lamborghini?

Just like a Lamborghini, sleek and sophisticated, powerful and sexy. It runs so smoothly and flies down the road so effortlessly.

The entire summit flows like your own personal blueprint, so you can create your own Lamborghini of a business. An easy to follow step-by-step process for building your new and improved life that will have you flying down the highway to success and happiness.

The flow of the summit was created with you in mind, to take you from A-Z in a logical progression as each module builds from one to the next.


*Are you living your passion and life purpose?

*Are you currently living the life of your dreams?

*Is your passion and life purpose exactly what you’re doing to earn a living?

*Are you laser focused working through your personal step-by-step blueprint for your life?

*Are you being paid well to share your passion with others?

If you can’t say absolutely yes to all of these questions, you need to do whatever is necessary to clear your schedule and get to Empowered Women’s Business Summit! BOOK YOUR SEAT RIGHT NOW!

This is the foundation of a successful life and a prosperous business. You will learn exactly how to turn all of your no’s into yes in day 1.

And so you know where the money’s coming from to fund this great lifestyle, we’ll work on product development to turn your passion into cash!

Hey, if you’re a coach or consultant or any kind of service provider, there’s only so many hours you can bill. It’s time to create some passive income, don’t you think?



After being a sales trainer for 25 years and then for the last 6 years helping people just like you create their own programs, products and events, I guarantee you that you are leaving a huge amount of money on the table. In
fact you’re doing it in so many ways that are simple to correct, I can’t even list them all here.

And to make things even worse, you’re also losing clients to your competitors who are begging for more of what you don’t have to offer because you haven’t or don’t know how to create it. Remember? Simple & easy.

In today’s economy you don’t want to be looked at as a commodity for your client’s to price shop on, do you?

You’ll learn how to create a power brand, not just a brand. You’re going to learn how to create the story and the sales process that is the foundation of everything you do in your entire business, including all your marketing materials.

The skill of conveying your message to your prospective clients in the most impactful way is crucial to your success. I will teach you a sales and communication process that flows from you in a natural and comfortable, yet powerful way. It’s what I call “Conscious Sales and Soft Power”.

And you’ll discover how to position yourself as a recognized expert in your industry in a very short period of time.

I’ll even talk about how you can get your book published by a New York publisher before the year ends…even if you don’t even know what it’s going to be about yet.



This is the piece where so many otherwise brilliant entrepreneurs are missing. Having all the pieces is one thing, putting them all together in the right order and in the right place is something completely different.

The systems you’ll be learning today are for every part of your business and it’s all about giving you the flexibility and freedom to have a life without giving up the cash.

You’ll learn the most efficient and dare I say, cheapest, way of getting things done. You’ll also learn what you can get someone else to do for you.

We’ll wrap everything up and you’ll be leaving with the whole enchilada ready to go on Monday morning.


I don’t like to talk about other people, but there are plenty of people out there these days that talk about helping you live your passion and the life of your dreams. How long have they been living theirs?

I think that’s an important question, because it speaks to their ability to sustain what they are building and enjoying now, and their qualification to teach you.

Most of them worked their you know what off for years, had no life, and then when they made enough money to buy a lifestyle, they suddenly became experts. Writing a check to pay for ‘big boy toys’ and being able to create it are 2 different things. Writing a check is not expertise.

The reason I’m uniquely qualified to mentor you and why you should be attending this summit is because I have…

*30+ Years studying human behavior-what makes people do what they do and what makes them change

*30+ Years of helping people create a blueprint for their life

*25+ Years in the trenches in Sales/Marketing

* 8 Years creating my own and clients product lines, teleseminar courses, live events, coaching programs, interview show

*Rolodex to connect you with the top people in any area of help you need, where someone other than myself is your best choice


I have lived and breathed everything I am teaching at the summit for a very long time. This isn’t just a hot topic for me. I was talking about discovering your passion and that being the focus of the information products you create
when all the big gurus were telling me I needed to switch my topic because the only thing people wanted to do was find the next big keywords and build a product to make a quick buck.

They’ve all hopped on the bandwagon in the last couple years. So the next time you hear gurus talking about building a business on your true passion and talking about lifestyle, for the year, or two or three they’ve had it; ask yourself if it just looks like more hype or do they really live it? Because some do and some don’t.

If you want to work with a woman who has had experience over the long haul in every possible economic condition, had a great life, not only survived but thrived, come to the summit and I’ll teach you how to build real, soul based success for a lifetime.

Go now to learn more ===>


I’m not going to entice you with any special promotion that runs out tomorrow. The summit speaks for itself and frankly, the pricing on it right now is ridiculously low because I know many of you are having a difficult time and I don’t want that to stop you from attending.

Besides that, the 4 payment program is still in place. That should show you how strongly I believe in the program, you’ll attend the summit before you’ve paid for it. This will go away soon, though.

And right now you can bring a business partner, a spouse or a colleague with you for free.

Are You Cutting Yourself Off From Abundance?

Every day I hear people from all walks of life saying things that literally cut them off from abundance and success. I’m sure if you were fully aware of how you talk to yourself and to the world about who you are, chances are, you would be shocked. We are all guilty of this in some small degree, but for many it is debilitating.

Are you talking yourself out of living your fullest life with the self-concept you’ve created?

Without a strong self-image, all success is temporary. Fear along with low self-esteem eventually leads to self-sabotage. I know, for years I was a queen of self-sabotage.

I found one of the keys to living the life of my dreams was to change how I felt about myself. High self-esteem creates an environment within you allowing you to believe anything is possible and attainable in your life.

Once you have a healthy self-concept from using this process, you are able to make a commitment not only to yourself, but also to how you will live the life of your dreams. You now have the ability to step fully into your power.

To help you get started here is Day 21 excerpted from “Change One Thing, Change Your Life; A 40 Day Personal Transformation System

Day 21

“All things are possible with my mind and heart aligned to the Divine Presence within as my only source.”

With your life and your purpose in alignment everything falls into place. You have the energy and passion to do what needs to be done to accomplish your goals. You have a specific combination of talents and insights that are your gift to share with the world. You are here to make a difference in the lives of other people.

You have an obligation to yourself and to the planet to uncover your true purpose. Don’t doubt for one minute the impact your life has on other people’s lives. In our society it’s unfortunate that we don’t express to people how they influence us directly by what they do and indirectly by witnessing how they live their lives.

How do you present yourself to the world as a whole?

You don’t have to be famous to be a role model or to have a tremendous impact on the lives of others. How many people are probably feeling they live ordinary lives and aren’t of any great importance to the world? Do your role models know how they have impacted you?

Personal Observations Day 21

  • What kind of role model are you being by the way you live your life
  • Who has influenced your life? How would they feel if you told them? Do it, make someone’s day.
  • Do you feel your life doesn’t matter? How would your life change if you had proof it wasn’t true?

I hope this excerpt will aid you in making a difference in your life and the life of someone else today.

If you need some assistance in creating the blueprint for your life, I’m here to help.

Until next week, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just comment on this post on my blog.

If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with. As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at

I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.

How to Really Live Life on Your Terms

Do you love the life you’re living right now?

Do you love it so much that if later today you suddenly found out that you have more money than you and everyone you care about could spend in 3 lifetimes, would you still be living the way you are right now?

I’m assuming when you answered that question there was at least something minor you’d change even if you’re pretty much already living the life of your dreams. What are those things and what would it really take to shift those right now? If you believe it’s not possible, why not?

I’ll bet you anything that with some strategic coaching, you’d shift that belief in no time. I know this because I’ve seen so many of my clients do just that.

So what if you have some major parts of your life that are not what you would choose?

Major things may be the easier things to shift, so that should be good news for you. The little things that appear to be non-negotiable right now are usually the places you are blocked.

If you’ve ever taken one of my classes or seen me speak you’re probably familiar with the simple 5 point personal inventory my clients do on a quarterly basis-some more often depending on how quickly their life is unfolding.

Your Personal Inventory:

  1. Why are you in the relationships you’re in?
  2. Why do you do the work you do?
  3. Why do you work at the particular place/company you work?
  4. Why do you spend your free time the way you do?
  5. Why do you live where you live?

I could do a two hour class just on what comes out of answering those 5 questions! But there are two main things to keep in mind:

#1 The answer is not, “I don’t know, that’s just the way it is.”
#2 Now that you’ve looked at those 5 areas of your life you have a choice.

So let’s look at that choice. How do I live a life that is so different than the majority of people? I planned it that way. I started consciously creating my life right out of school.

The way I live has nothing to do with how much money I have. It is strictly a choice.

In the 30 plus years I’ve been designing my life I have been married and I’ve been single. I’ve moved to more places than I can count, most of them top vacation spots that other people only spend a week or two in. And I’ve made lots of money and I’ve also been broke-more than once.

The common thread is that a long time ago, as a teenager, I made a choice to live my life on my terms. I decided what that looked like for me and I’ve never waivered on that being my top priority. It really is that simple.

Besides doing the personal inventory, if you are a subscriber to my ezine, then you received a special report called, “What Do You Stand For; A No B.S. Guide to Creating Your Own Personal Manifesto”. I would suggest you find it and do it this weekend. That will give you a huge amount of clarity if you take it seriously and really create your statements from a thoughtful place.

I keep my schedule very flexible becasue I like fluidity in my life. I have a spiritual practice or morning ritual, if you want to call it that, that takes up the first 3 hours of my day. As I increased the things I do during that time I told myself I wanted to wake up earlier to do it and I have. I haven’t used an alarm in over 10 years.

It’s all a choice, but what’s different about these choices and the reason they work to make amazing shifts in your life with little or no effort on your part is how they are made. You are designing your life knowing your priorities and the ‘why’ behind every single choice in a way that you have most likely never thoguth about before.

So start with those two actions steps, the personal inventory and the personal manifesto and let me know what happens for you-on my blog, please!!!

Until next week, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just comment on this post on my blog.

If you would like personal coaching or mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with. As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, is the author of “Breakthrough to Success; 19 Keys to Mastering Every Area of Your Life”. For over 25 years she has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System”at

What a day!…But I think it’s finally fixed

I’ve had quite a challenging day with several technical difficulties. You already know this if you’ve ordered the program below that’s on sale for 70% off only to have your order zero out at checkout or not get the thank you email, or having trouble with the download link.

It really was one of those days, but everything is working now on an order form instead of the
shopping cart, so you can order now and be assured of it going through properly. You’ll know you’re in the right place if the order form has an old blonde photo of me. I thought it was more
important to get it fixed and get this out to you than worry about the old header on the page. (It’s the 2nd program down from the top)

Now that it’s fixed I’m going to take a long walk on the beach and have a nice glass of wine.

If you already ordered and you didn’t receive a personal email with the pdf attached, I think we got it to everyone, but just in case, reply to this email and we’ll get it out to you right away.

If you missed this yesterday and you’re wondering what in the world I’m talking about, here you go.

Because of all this disruption and the fact that it took all day to figure out what was causing it, I’m going to extend this offer another 12 hours to apologize for any frustration you may have experienced attempting to order. If you’ve already grabbed your copy, who could you forward this email to that would get benefit from a transformation in their life?

This is a very exciting time of transition and also transformation today with the election being held in the U.S. This year more than any other in recent history it’s impact is being felt all around the world.

I’ve stayed out of all the “the sky is falling” marketing tactics because I really don’t believe it and I don’t think you do either. But there is something very important that is taking place. There is a huge shift taking place and I think that my subscribers are aware enough that you already know that.

It’s time for all of us to kick it up a notch and go to the next level of what our role is on the planet. And that starts with really clearly understanding who you are and the impact you can have in shaping your world and manifesting the life you really choose to have.

So I looked at what I can do to help that process along and…

For the next 24 hours, in honor of our U.S. Presidential election, I’m holding a 70% off sale on my flagship program, “Change One Thing, Change Your Life; A Personal Transformation System”.

So when you click the buy button, instead of $97, you can grab this for only $29 today! (It’s the 2nd program down from the top)

It’s a pdf so you can start doing the daily lessons immediately.

With this amazing success system, containing 40 daily lessons to shift your perception of who you are and what you are capable of, you could experience the same shifts many others have; allowing you to immediately start attracting more prosperity and abundance into every area of your life.

You could see your life change dramatically in no time at all. I’m serious, this is not hype. Simply do the daily lessons-it doesn’t even take 10 minutes!

This is the program I consider to be a foundational step for all of my students as well as in my
own continued personal growth as I continually cycle through the 40 days of lessons. I wrote it and I’ve continued to do the lessons for over 7 years now. It works!

This offer comes from my heart as a way for you to do something so simple that could have a
profound impact on increasing the quality of your life in a very short amount of time.

Students of mine that use this program as part of their daily spiritual work have manifested many wonderful things in their lives including new clients, increased income, career opportunities and new love relationships-some almost, some immediately after writing it as part of daily lesson!

What is it that you want to manifest that seems to be just outside your reach? Let Change One Thing, Change Your Life literally take you by the hand to create the life of your dreams, starting today.

Do it now. What are you waiting for?

I’ve never done this before so take advantage now…

This is a very exciting time of transition and also transformation today with the election being
held in the U.S. This year more than any other in recent history it’s impact is being felt all around the world.

I’ve stayed out of all the “the sky is falling” marketing tactics because I really don’t believe it and I don’t think you do either. But there is something very important that is taking place. There is a huge shift taking place and I think that my subscribers are aware enough that you already know that.

It’s time for all of us to kick it up a notch and go to the next level of what our role is on the planet. And that starts with really clearly understanding who you are and the impact you can have in shaping your world and manifesting the life you really choose to have.

So I looked at what I can do to help that process along and…

For the next 24 hours, in honor of our U.S. Presidential election, I’m holding a 70% off sale on my flagship program, “Change One Thing, Change Your Life; A Personal Transformation System”.

So when you click the buy button, instead of $97, you can grab this for only $29 today! (It’s the 2nd program down from the top)

It’s a pdf so you can start doing the daily lessons immediately.

With this amazing success system, containing 40 daily lessons to shift your perception of who you are and what you are capable of, you could experience the same shifts many others have; allowing you to immediately start attracting more prosperity and abundance into every area of your life.

You could see your life change dramatically in no time at all. I’m serious, this is not hype. Simply do the daily lessons-it doesn’t even take 10 minutes!

This is the program I consider to be a foundational step for all of my students as well as in my own continued personal growth as I continually cycle through the 40 days of lessons. I wrote it and I’ve continued to do the lessons for over 7 years now. It works!

This offer comes from my heart as a way for you to do something so simple that could have a profound impact on increasing the quality of your life in a very short amount of time.

Students of mine that use this program as part of their daily spiritual work have manifested many wonderful things in their lives including new clients, increased income, career opportunities and new love relationships-some almost immediately after writing it as part of daily lesson!

What is it that you want to manifest that seems to be just outside your reach? Let Change One Thing, Change Your Life literally take you by the hand to create the life of your dreams, starting today.

Do it now. What are you waiting for?

What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

“You are your own best investment.  You must invest in yourself before anyone
else will invest in you.”

Lynn Pierce

Are you 100% committed to investing in yourself?

What’s NewThis week’s article kicks off a series of 5 articles on the “4 Core Blueprints to Reclaim your Life, Awaken Your Soul and Your Business”. I expect this series to start a lot of conversation on my log, just like we had in April when we talked about becoming an expert and creating product.

I’m getting ready to go to my new home in North San Diego county next month. One of my mastermind partners helped me do the research to find a great townhouse at the beach and I’ve got the movers lined up so now I just have to finish packing. Then I’ve got 2 days to unpack before heading to New York for a private group.

Fall was my favorite season when I lived in the southeast. I’m hoping fall may come to New York a little early this year, because I’m pretty sure it won’t be fall yet when I’m in Atlanta the first few days of October and I don’t plan on going east for anything else in the fall.

I will be looking for a pet sitter in San Diego, so if you know of someone there, let me know.

I’m doing a ton of travel in the next month or so I’ve got a big list of events to tell you about.

Women’s Business Empowerment Summit faculty members have some great things happening in September and October that you’ll want to take a look at.

My good friend Brendon Burchard is bringing 2,000 people together for a transformational personal growth training event along with his friends Dr. John Gray (Men Are From Mars) and Marianne Williamson (Oprah radio host and author of The Age of Miracles).

He’s holding the entire event in a gorgeous circus tent! Seriously, under a BIG TOP in Long Beach, California!

Dr.Judith & Dr. Jim are the leading voice for what is becoming an international movement known as Soft Sell, heart-based Internet Marketing.

They also produce the ONLY Internet marketing conference for the Soft Sell Community, “Bridging Heart and Marketing II” which takes place September 12-14 at The Ayres Hotel – just minutes from the Los Angeles airport.

The underlying theme of their conference is that “Selling is Spiritual Service”

For more information go to:

Debbie Bermont is giving a free three-part teleseminar series on “How To Tap Into The Universal Energy Flow From An Aligned Space To Accelerate Your Business Growth.” There’s a powerful universal energy force that is working for you 24/7 to ensure your success.

These calls are recorded so if you didn’t register went I sent the email out for these calls you can catch the last one live next week & get the replays of the first 2.

You can register now at:

I am part of a project being done by Jed Reay along with a few other communication experts and I did a very interesting phone interview last week that I beleive you’ll get a lot of great content from.

Get access to our interview and some free bonuses at:

Just to let you know, I’ve never publicly talked about several of the points Jed brought up. I’m going to listen to it myself because I felt an uplifting energy as the conversation went deeper into a more spiritually oriented
conversation and we talked about communication with your true self and not just your communication to make money, although I give you plenty of tips on that too!

I’d love to hear your opinion, so take a listen.

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

Take 2 minutes to create an account on Twitter, at least to get your name before someone else takes it.

Just go to
Then visit my page at:

And click “Follow” that is displayed under my photo.
(That’s all there is to it.)

Professional Development Tools: How to Effectively Use Inspirational Books, Audios and Videos

What books are you currently reading? What audios are in your car? One of the quickest ways to master anything is to read books, listen to audios and watch videos on the subject. These are your tools for professional development and business success.

If you’re spending free time reading novels or listening to music, you’re missing a major key to personal and business success. People who achieve high levels of abundance generally read two or three inspirational books every week. They aren’t parked in front of the TV all night.

With today’s technology you have many choices of how to best receive personal growth information. There is no longer an excuse for not having time to be educated.

Look at this partial list of delivery methods for getting professional development information to you:

• Read online or listen to PDFs online–software can read text to you!
• Listen to audio or watch streaming video online
• Download audio or video to your iPod
• Download print, audio or video to your cell phone or PDA
• Print out a PDF to take with you in a folder
• Read a print book
• Listen to CDs or watch DVDs – in your car, on a plane, on your TV or computer

You’re probably thinking, “I barely have time to complete all my tasks now. How could I add anything else?” But, we all have the same 24 hours each day.

Since you can’t add hours, it’s up to you to decide how to spend the ones you have. The advent of the iPod makes it easier to access professional development tools. Now you can listen discreetly while standing in line or waiting for an appointment. iPods aren’t just for kids. They’re important tools for business success and personal growth.

To create the life of your dreams, you must make new choices about how to spend your time. If it were possible to achieve your personal development goals by doing what you’re doing now, you would already have everything you want.

I’m sure you’ve heard the adage that you can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it. It’s the same with any personal growth change you want to make in your life. You can’t create a new life with the old habits that produced the life you have now.

Just as when you were a child and books magically took you to places you’d never been, inspirational books will guide you to become the person you want to be and will help build the business success of which you dream.

Every multi-millionaire I’ve met had many personal growth obstacles to overcome in their lives. Not one of them was born into a life of ease. They dealt with circumstances ranging from total poverty, abandonment as a child, abuse, depression, life-threatening illness, divorce, business loss and bankruptcy.

This reality shatters all the excuses you’ve been using throughout your life for why you can’t succeed. For many, inspirational educational tools were the beginning of their road to personal and business success. These professional development tools will start you on the road to your dreams, too.

Let me give you some examples of abundant people who are big readers. Robert Allen, real-estate guru and author of best-selling books including my favorite, Multiple Streams of Income, reads several books at once by leaving them in various rooms throughout his home so a book is always available.

Cynthia Brian, co-author of the best-selling Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul and author of Be the Star You Are, finds it easy to read several books a week because she carries a book everywhere and spends at least two hours nightly reading instead of watching TV.

David Anderson of Famous Dave’s really raises the bar. He’s a self-proclaimed night owl, sleeping an average of five hours. He not only reads two or three books a week, but 20-30 magazines a month! He reads continually for personal development and to stay current on business trends.

You say you want more from life, but will you move outside your comfort zone to make it happen? Maybe reading a book every week seems unfeasible. Commit to reading one book this month, or in the next two weeks. When you find it’s not so difficult, up your quota.

The key to effective use of inspirational books, audios and videos is that you implement what you learn. Put your new knowledge into practice; don’t just read, listen or watch for the sake of spending time doing it.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at

You Take the Good, You Take the Bad…And You Take Responsibility:10 Easy Steps to Successfully Get Where You Want to Go

Sometimes it’s hard to tell when a person is sincerely blocked by a particular situation that once removed would allow them to move forward. I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but I’m finding that in most cases when you remove the block they still do nothing. This is very sad and at the same time, I realize that it is the major contributor to 97% of the wealth in the world being held by 3 % of the people.

Why does this happen?

Let me give you 3 scenarios for lack of follow through:

Before I do, let me just say that these are excuses, not acceptable reasons and you are still responsible for each of these possible choices you make
in your life.

You may not have a clear perspective on where you are mentally and emotionally as far as negative beleif systems you haven’t cleared or not being willing to look at your commitment level to moving forward.

It could be that deep down you really don’t want to do whatever it is you’re not following through on. I’ve done this over and over with Internet marketing programs I’ve bought and events I’ve gone to and even high priced mentoring.

Hey, I never said I was immune to this. But what I found was that I absolutely hated doing it, so I didn’t. And yet, since it’s part of my business, someone has to. It just doesn’t need to be you, I mean me.

Some of this also comes from fear of thinking you are all alone and you have to do it by yourself. If you are sincerely looking you can find help for whatever is blocking you, as deep and dark as you may think it is. You aren’t the only one facing your challenge and you just need to get the proper help to release this block.

Given those situations, if you don’t get clarity in a short time, then you need to look at the solution you’ve chosen. If it doesn’t lead to the results you want let it go, take it as a learning expereince and move on. Don’t try to blame someone else for your choices is the bottom line there.

I do a lot of training courses and live events and there is always something that if it were removed this person or that person could attend or they could succeed. On some occasions I have removed the block once I receive the same request from several people just to see who is real and how is whining.

If someone is sincere in their desire to move forward, they will not only jump on the opportunity once their particular block has been removed, they will follow through to the fullest extent in the course or what they learn at the event.

Many times a person has deluded themselves for so long that they may actually believe they are really ready to move forward when they aren’t, and
probably never will be.

I’m sure I’m not alone when I tell you that most of your potential mentors are more than happy to do what they can to accomodate your needs if you are eager to succeed. Sometimes it’s through more information, preview teleseminars, stretching out multiple payments, having different entry levels to their programs, early bird discount, etc.

But in the end, you are the one who must take action, not only to invest in yourself by buying a course or attending an event, but by taking the information you receive and implementing it. If you think there is something that needs to be added to the course, take responsibility for giving your feedback.

The actual percentage of people who follow through on implementing what they learn is extremely low. This is solely your responsibility.

If you truly are interested in taking responsibility for your life and creating a better life for yourself than the one you have now, there are some very simple steps you can follow.

10 Easy Steps to Successfully Get Where You Want to Go:
1. Clearly assess the reality of where you are now and why

2. Choose the correct path of action for the next logical step for you

3. Find the course or event or mentor that can help you get there

4. Be fully present and engaged during your time with your choice from step 3

5. Do all the work necessary to complete the process of step 3

6. Access your success of how well you were able to complete step 3

7. Ask for more help if you are not clear and needing further clarification

8. Give yourself a reasonable amount of time to gauge your success with this step

9. Repeat step 2-9 until you have achieved your desired result

10. Take your life to a higher level by starting again with step 1

If you would like more information on exactly what it means to take responsibility for your life and the amazing benefits of how this moves your life forward, scroll back to the January 21, 2008 post on this topic.

As always, I’d love to hear your thought about this on my blog.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at

Turn Your Passion Into Cash-Women’s Business Empowerment Summit Training Call

Last night, Tuesday the 13th of May 2008 we started the
WBES Free Teleseminar Series.

Every Tuesday through the 29th of July I will host a 1 hour
training call.

Register at:

On this week’s call I will share my formula for turning your passion into cash.

There will be a special surprise on this call you don’t want to miss!

On this call you’ll learn:
– How to create your business and your life on your own terms
– Why you need a compelling vision for your life
– 7 step process for turning your passion into cash
– 4 keys necessary to reach your desired outcome
– Why you must be a master communicator

Lynn Pierce, founder of the “Women’s Business Empowerment
Summit”, brings you over 25 years of successfully teaching how
to combine business and personal development to reach the
pinnacle of success and live the life of your dreams.

Known as the Success Architect, just tell Lynn what the life of your
dreams looks like and she’ll create the blueprint to get you there.
She shows you how you can be wildly successful living life your way
and fitting your business into your life rather than the other way around.

Lynn’s life serves as a personal case study! In a short 12 months
after cracking the entrepreneurial blueprint code, Lynn Pierce created
3 different live events in 3 different cities, developed 6 new information
products from scratch, appeared in national magazines, was interviewed
on numerous radio shows and increased the subscriber base of her
ezine by 600% while still vacationing 8-12 weeks a year and moving
to another state!

She is co-author of 5 books including the #1 Best Selling, “Wake-up…Live
the Life You Love”, and has been featured in 5 more, and Lynn’s book,
“Breakthrough to Success; 19 Keys to Mastering Every Area of Your Life”,
is available at

Register for the teleseminar training series at:

Personal Growth Quiz: Test Your Level of Self-Esteem

A few days ago I wrote a comment on Kevin Nation’s Big Ticket Mastermind site. At the end of my comment on the topic of marketers ability to communicate their true value I said, “The other part of this that comes up over and over with my clients is their lack of belief in their level of expertise, or feeling undeserving of getting paid big bucks for what they do.”

Over the weekend I kept thinking about what I had posted about beliefs which led me to think about how your beliefs impact your self esteem.

So I wanted to give you the opportunity to take this self-esteem quiz that you’ll find in my book, “Breakthrough to Success; 19 Keys To Mastering Every Area of Your Life“. Please share your thoughts by commenting on this post.

Every day I hear people from all walks of life saying things that literally cut them off from their own personal growth and total abundance. Things like, “I just can’t seem to get ahead,” or “I can’t believe I always do such stupid things.”  Hearing those things is such a shame because it’s so unnecessary.

If you were fully aware of how you talk to yourself and talk to the world about who you are, you’d be shocked. We’re all guilty of this to some small degree, but for many their self-talk is debilitating.

Take a minute to answer these questions:

  1. Are you talking yourself out of living your fullest life with the self-concept you’ve created?
  2. Who do you tell yourself you are with your self-talk?
  3. Which of the following scenarios is closest to your self-talk?
  • Maybe you are saying to yourself, “This is the year I’m going straight to the top,”
  • “This is the year I become a superstar”
  • “I’ve got everything going for me and this is my year”
  • “Things don’t look like they’re going to be much better this year; in fact it might be a little worse than last year,”
  • “Maybe it’s time for some belt tightening; I don’t want to take any chances”
  • “You never know what could happen, better to be safe than sorry.”

Is there any doubt in your mind which of these examples shows the confidence that will build self-esteem, and which are the ones that demonstrate low self-esteem?

Here are a couple more personal development questions in follow-up:

•    Which type of self-talk creates a better atmosphere for personal success and living an abundant life?
•    What do you think is the difference in income and professional development between people with these two types of self-talk?
•    What goals do you think each of these people possesses?
•    Who is having more fun and excitement?
•    Who do you want to be?

Your level of self-esteem sets the personal success bar for everything about you. Every decision you make is filtered through your self-concept. Your self-concept is the out-picturing of your self-esteem.

Take a look at just eight reflections of your level of self-esteem:

1.    Your career choice
2.    Your friends
3.    Your primary relationship with another
4.    Your level of income
5.    Your home
6.    Your car
7.    Your free time and hobby choices
8.    Your vacations

Changing what you believe about yourself will change your life in an instant.

Build self-esteem and you will build your self-concept. But, your self-concept requires attention and care to be maintained. It’s not as simple as saying you feel good about yourself and that’s the end of it.

Do you know that your self-talk comes at the rate of a magazine page of text every single minute of the day? That’s a lot of talking to yourself! If you fill your mind with positive input, it’s a pretty good bet that most of your self-talk will also be positive and foster personal and professional growth.

Use this personal growth quiz to become aware of your self-talk. By changing what you say to yourself and transforming what you believe about your personal success, you will automatically build self-esteem.

You can use this article by included this author information:
Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at