I’ve never done this before so take advantage now…

This is a very exciting time of transition and also transformation today with the election being
held in the U.S. This year more than any other in recent history it’s impact is being felt all around the world.

I’ve stayed out of all the “the sky is falling” marketing tactics because I really don’t believe it and I don’t think you do either. But there is something very important that is taking place. There is a huge shift taking place and I think that my subscribers are aware enough that you already know that.

It’s time for all of us to kick it up a notch and go to the next level of what our role is on the planet. And that starts with really clearly understanding who you are and the impact you can have in shaping your world and manifesting the life you really choose to have.

So I looked at what I can do to help that process along and…

For the next 24 hours, in honor of our U.S. Presidential election, I’m holding a 70% off sale on my flagship program, “Change One Thing, Change Your Life; A Personal Transformation System”.

So when you click the buy button, instead of $97, you can grab this for only $29 today!

http://lynnpierce.com/products.html (It’s the 2nd program down from the top)

It’s a pdf so you can start doing the daily lessons immediately.

With this amazing success system, containing 40 daily lessons to shift your perception of who you are and what you are capable of, you could experience the same shifts many others have; allowing you to immediately start attracting more prosperity and abundance into every area of your life.

You could see your life change dramatically in no time at all. I’m serious, this is not hype. Simply do the daily lessons-it doesn’t even take 10 minutes!


This is the program I consider to be a foundational step for all of my students as well as in my own continued personal growth as I continually cycle through the 40 days of lessons. I wrote it and I’ve continued to do the lessons for over 7 years now. It works!

This offer comes from my heart as a way for you to do something so simple that could have a profound impact on increasing the quality of your life in a very short amount of time.


Students of mine that use this program as part of their daily spiritual work have manifested many wonderful things in their lives including new clients, increased income, career opportunities and new love relationships-some almost immediately after writing it as part of daily lesson!

What is it that you want to manifest that seems to be just outside your reach? Let Change One Thing, Change Your Life literally take you by the hand to create the life of your dreams, starting today.

Do it now. What are you waiting for?


Join John Gray, Marianne Williamson and Brendon Burchard in Long Beach

I have to tell you about an event EVERYONE is talking about. When he first told me what he planned to do I really couldn’t believe it and at the same time I knew it was the perfect thing….

My good friend Brendon Burchard is bringing 2,000 people together for a transformational personal growth training event along with his friends Dr. John Gray (Men Are From Mars) and Marianne Williamson (Oprah radio host and author of The Age of Miracles).

He’s holding the entire event in a gorgeous circus tent! Seriously, under a BIG TOP in Long Beach, California!


It’s called the Life’s Golden Ticket Super Seminar and it’s the first event I’ve ever heard of to combine transformational teaching with theater. It’s really going to be spectacular – a legendary event.

In 3 magic days you’ll learn to:

— Gain greater life clarity
— Learn to let go and live “passionately present”
— Rediscover your strengths and purpose
— Build dramatic wealth and abundance (fast)
— Rewrite your destiny by discovering life’s golden ticket

The best part is the event is in a magical space and Brendon is a truly inspirational trainer. Brendon just told me this is “like a success seminar meets Cirque du Soleil.” Wow.

I’m sure you’re like many people trying to find meaning and inspiration in these difficult times. I believe this event is your ticket to that — to finding something magical within yourself.


I hope you check it out. And I hope you take the opportunity to learn from Brendon, John, and Marianne in this unique and inspirational setting. I know I’ll be there.

If it’s ever been time to claim your golden ticket to a life of infinite possibilities, profit and purpose, here’s your chance.

Professional Development Tools: How to Effectively Use Inspirational Books, Audios and Videos

What books are you currently reading? What audios are in your car? One of the quickest ways to master anything is to read books, listen to audios and watch videos on the subject. These are your tools for professional development and business success.

If you’re spending free time reading novels or listening to music, you’re missing a major key to personal and business success. People who achieve high levels of abundance generally read two or three inspirational books every week. They aren’t parked in front of the TV all night.

With today’s technology you have many choices of how to best receive personal growth information. There is no longer an excuse for not having time to be educated.

Look at this partial list of delivery methods for getting professional development information to you:

• Read online or listen to PDFs online–software can read text to you!
• Listen to audio or watch streaming video online
• Download audio or video to your iPod
• Download print, audio or video to your cell phone or PDA
• Print out a PDF to take with you in a folder
• Read a print book
• Listen to CDs or watch DVDs – in your car, on a plane, on your TV or computer

You’re probably thinking, “I barely have time to complete all my tasks now. How could I add anything else?” But, we all have the same 24 hours each day.

Since you can’t add hours, it’s up to you to decide how to spend the ones you have. The advent of the iPod makes it easier to access professional development tools. Now you can listen discreetly while standing in line or waiting for an appointment. iPods aren’t just for kids. They’re important tools for business success and personal growth.

To create the life of your dreams, you must make new choices about how to spend your time. If it were possible to achieve your personal development goals by doing what you’re doing now, you would already have everything you want.

I’m sure you’ve heard the adage that you can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it. It’s the same with any personal growth change you want to make in your life. You can’t create a new life with the old habits that produced the life you have now.

Just as when you were a child and books magically took you to places you’d never been, inspirational books will guide you to become the person you want to be and will help build the business success of which you dream.

Every multi-millionaire I’ve met had many personal growth obstacles to overcome in their lives. Not one of them was born into a life of ease. They dealt with circumstances ranging from total poverty, abandonment as a child, abuse, depression, life-threatening illness, divorce, business loss and bankruptcy.

This reality shatters all the excuses you’ve been using throughout your life for why you can’t succeed. For many, inspirational educational tools were the beginning of their road to personal and business success. These professional development tools will start you on the road to your dreams, too.

Let me give you some examples of abundant people who are big readers. Robert Allen, real-estate guru and author of best-selling books including my favorite, Multiple Streams of Income, reads several books at once by leaving them in various rooms throughout his home so a book is always available.

Cynthia Brian, co-author of the best-selling Chicken Soup for the Gardener’s Soul and author of Be the Star You Are, finds it easy to read several books a week because she carries a book everywhere and spends at least two hours nightly reading instead of watching TV.

David Anderson of Famous Dave’s really raises the bar. He’s a self-proclaimed night owl, sleeping an average of five hours. He not only reads two or three books a week, but 20-30 magazines a month! He reads continually for personal development and to stay current on business trends.

You say you want more from life, but will you move outside your comfort zone to make it happen? Maybe reading a book every week seems unfeasible. Commit to reading one book this month, or in the next two weeks. When you find it’s not so difficult, up your quota.

The key to effective use of inspirational books, audios and videos is that you implement what you learn. Put your new knowledge into practice; don’t just read, listen or watch for the sake of spending time doing it.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com.

Do You Know How To Get What You Really Want?

There is no difference between the way you manifest in your personal life or your business life. The fears that are lurking in the deep recesses of your mind are the same obstacles that prevent you from having what you want in either area of your life.

Everything you truly desire is manifesting in your life now. The question is what are you really asking for?

If you’re not sure, look at what’s in your life.

You have created what your thoughts give the most attention to. You may on a conscious level desire one thing, but on a sub-conscious level feel undeserving and over-rule yourself with self-sabotaging internal dialogue.

If you are concentrating on something in your life that you are trying to get rid of, remember the law of the Universe stating, “What you resist persists.”

You won’t get the (person, body, home, car) of your dreams by concentrating on how much you don’t want what you have. Acknowledge where you are and concentrate on the positive goal you will achieve.

For example, “I now have the perfect _______ for me. I am truly happy and grateful.”

Be aware of what you say to yourself 24/7. How did you feel just now reading that you have in your life exactly what you really feel you deserve?

Take a look at where those feelings came from. Are you trying to avoid being in charge of your life by putting the responsibility for your situation on someone else?

Affirmations and written goals are a good way to stay focused. Do you have written goals? Do you repeat them out loud at least 4 times a day?

Write your 3 top goals right now.




Accept your life as it is now. While you are resisting some part of your life your energy is focused on something that is not the way you want it.

Can you accept the realization that your life is the way it is because of the choices you’ve made based on the information you had?

Now you can let go and stop blaming either yourself or someone else. There is no longer a need to explain or defend. You did what you could with what you had. End of story!

You can let go and make different choices based on new information. When you no longer have an attachment to what you don’t like in your life, you create an opening for something better.

While you are still hanging on, trying to force something to change, there is no open space for anything better to enter your life. Let go, be open and be ready to surprise yourself.

Most likely there is something you want to do that you’re not or you would like to stop doing something you don’t like. Either way, you are resisting taking more productive action.

What are you resisting in your life?

What do you have to gain by letting go?

What steps are you going to take now to let go and make room for something better?

If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with. As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com

I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.


You Take the Good, You Take the Bad…And You Take Responsibility:10 Easy Steps to Successfully Get Where You Want to Go

Sometimes it’s hard to tell when a person is sincerely blocked by a particular situation that once removed would allow them to move forward. I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but I’m finding that in most cases when you remove the block they still do nothing. This is very sad and at the same time, I realize that it is the major contributor to 97% of the wealth in the world being held by 3 % of the people.

Why does this happen?

Let me give you 3 scenarios for lack of follow through:

Before I do, let me just say that these are excuses, not acceptable reasons and you are still responsible for each of these possible choices you make
in your life.

You may not have a clear perspective on where you are mentally and emotionally as far as negative beleif systems you haven’t cleared or not being willing to look at your commitment level to moving forward.

It could be that deep down you really don’t want to do whatever it is you’re not following through on. I’ve done this over and over with Internet marketing programs I’ve bought and events I’ve gone to and even high priced mentoring.

Hey, I never said I was immune to this. But what I found was that I absolutely hated doing it, so I didn’t. And yet, since it’s part of my business, someone has to. It just doesn’t need to be you, I mean me.

Some of this also comes from fear of thinking you are all alone and you have to do it by yourself. If you are sincerely looking you can find help for whatever is blocking you, as deep and dark as you may think it is. You aren’t the only one facing your challenge and you just need to get the proper help to release this block.

Given those situations, if you don’t get clarity in a short time, then you need to look at the solution you’ve chosen. If it doesn’t lead to the results you want let it go, take it as a learning expereince and move on. Don’t try to blame someone else for your choices is the bottom line there.

I do a lot of training courses and live events and there is always something that if it were removed this person or that person could attend or they could succeed. On some occasions I have removed the block once I receive the same request from several people just to see who is real and how is whining.

If someone is sincere in their desire to move forward, they will not only jump on the opportunity once their particular block has been removed, they will follow through to the fullest extent in the course or what they learn at the event.

Many times a person has deluded themselves for so long that they may actually believe they are really ready to move forward when they aren’t, and
probably never will be.

I’m sure I’m not alone when I tell you that most of your potential mentors are more than happy to do what they can to accomodate your needs if you are eager to succeed. Sometimes it’s through more information, preview teleseminars, stretching out multiple payments, having different entry levels to their programs, early bird discount, etc.

But in the end, you are the one who must take action, not only to invest in yourself by buying a course or attending an event, but by taking the information you receive and implementing it. If you think there is something that needs to be added to the course, take responsibility for giving your feedback.

The actual percentage of people who follow through on implementing what they learn is extremely low. This is solely your responsibility.

If you truly are interested in taking responsibility for your life and creating a better life for yourself than the one you have now, there are some very simple steps you can follow.

10 Easy Steps to Successfully Get Where You Want to Go:
1. Clearly assess the reality of where you are now and why

2. Choose the correct path of action for the next logical step for you

3. Find the course or event or mentor that can help you get there

4. Be fully present and engaged during your time with your choice from step 3

5. Do all the work necessary to complete the process of step 3

6. Access your success of how well you were able to complete step 3

7. Ask for more help if you are not clear and needing further clarification

8. Give yourself a reasonable amount of time to gauge your success with this step

9. Repeat step 2-9 until you have achieved your desired result

10. Take your life to a higher level by starting again with step 1

If you would like more information on exactly what it means to take responsibility for your life and the amazing benefits of how this moves your life forward, scroll back to the January 21, 2008 post on this topic.

As always, I’d love to hear your thought about this on my blog.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com

Personal Success Strategy: Take a Millionaire to Lunch

Take a millionaire to lunch and you may find a new mentor. Spending the money to be mentored by an expert is a key strategy to personal success and business success. In this past year, several new ideas I’ve had originated from the time and money I spent to be with successful mentors.

Mentors are invaluable. There is no such thing as a self-made millionaire. Everyone has had help with some phase of professional development. You can go a long way toward life mastery and business success with books, audios and home study courses. But eventually you will want to have mentors with whom you communicate and interact on a regular basis. There are great professional development mentors to be found right in your own hometown.

Make a list of those people who intrigue you with their achievements in business success. Then, ask the first one for coffee or a lunch meeting. Repeat this process with each one as you refine your professional development questions to get the most out of the time you spend together.

And, don’t forget to ask how you can be of service to each of these people.

When I was beginning this process, I was surprised that busy, successful people were willing to take the time to share their secrets of personal success with me. All you have to do is ask! You may be surprised to find they will even pass on to you professional development strategies that they have learned from their mentors.

An attitude of openness to possibility is essential. Keep your eyes and ears open, and have enough faith in yourself to make quick decisions and go for it. Don’t ever be afraid to pay someone for his or her knowledge.

The rewards you reap in saving years of trial and error, not to mention the strong possibility that you may never learn on your own the personal development strategies that they are willing to teach you, is more than worth the investment.

Just a few weeks ago, I was at an event where I had the opportunity to network with some of the most brilliant marketers. Some were already friends and some I was meeting for the first time. We brainstormed about business and personal success over meals and in the hallways during breaks in the meetings and in the bar at night.

You’ll find that successful people love helping other people succeed. We all share an attitude of “let me tell you what’s working for me now” that allows everyone to take advantage of each other’s discoveries and business success strategies.

Yes, we’re all in the same business as marketers, speakers and authors; but we are building strategic alliances rather than looking at each other as competitors.

It’s a good idea to associate with the people who are already in the place of where you want to go. Only listen to people who have big goals for themselves and are willing to do what it takes to be successful. Don’t make the mistake of asking someone for advice who hasn’t done what you are planning to do.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com

Before You’re Ready to Create Product You Have to Create You

Reply to Van’s comment on yesterday’s post:

It’s 7:00PM and I just finished a day of mentoring that I’m doing at my house this weekend. I know you want a worksheet, I’d want one too, but it’s not possible. I put 110% of my knowledge and my energy into delivering exactly what you need to get where you want to go. It’s not a cookie cutter process. Why? Because I’m working with real people and we go deep to clear the block that have prevented you from already being where you want to go.

Today we worked on exactly what you’re talking about Van, the internal blocks that prevent you from moving forward. It’s not anything that can be boiled down to a worksheet unfortunately. I appreciate the level of honesty and candor you were willing to show in your comment. That say a lot about your desire to have a shift in your life.

It’s a very individualized process. Everyone is willing to go there at a different rate of speed and to a different depth. It can be challenging and scary. Honestly, if it wasn’t scary for you on some level, you would have already done it. Especially since you’re already clear on what a couple of your blocks are, but really they’re just the symptom, not the cause.

And you’re not alone. We talked about those same issues today.

If you’re ready to get your life on track and build a business that will have a solid foundation, then the best way to do that is to take the weekend and get it done. I may possibly arrange to do something in the Bay area next month if I get feedback that enough people are ready to move forward.

If you’re not that serious or you’re in no hurry, buy my book and do all the exercises, which depending on how close you are, could make some instant shifts, but it will at least start a different internal and external conversation for you.

The book in itself can change the quality and focus of your life if you do all the exercises and take the action steps. It would be very powerful if you and your wife both did it. Then when you’re ready, take the weekend and come and get it done.

The reality is, very few people can do it on their own and they end up spending a lot more time and money trying to do it cheaper, but it doesn’t work and after a couple year’s they’re still in the same place wishing things were different or still looking for a magic bullet to instantly create a business.

The difficulty is not in creating the products. It’s in the discovery process that gets you to the point of creating the product and the foundation of removing the blocks and the introspection and personal development that gets you ready for the success you’ll achieve so you don’t get to a point and sabotage yourself and create one of those famous ‘made it, lost it and had to make it again’ stories.

Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine
business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success
and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also
the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs,
“Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to
success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of
“Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System”
at http://www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com

Personal Growth Quiz: Test Your Level of Self-Esteem

A few days ago I wrote a comment on Kevin Nation’s Big Ticket Mastermind site. At the end of my comment on the topic of marketers ability to communicate their true value I said, “The other part of this that comes up over and over with my clients is their lack of belief in their level of expertise, or feeling undeserving of getting paid big bucks for what they do.”

Over the weekend I kept thinking about what I had posted about beliefs which led me to think about how your beliefs impact your self esteem.

So I wanted to give you the opportunity to take this self-esteem quiz that you’ll find in my book, “Breakthrough to Success; 19 Keys To Mastering Every Area of Your Life“. Please share your thoughts by commenting on this post.

Every day I hear people from all walks of life saying things that literally cut them off from their own personal growth and total abundance. Things like, “I just can’t seem to get ahead,” or “I can’t believe I always do such stupid things.”  Hearing those things is such a shame because it’s so unnecessary.

If you were fully aware of how you talk to yourself and talk to the world about who you are, you’d be shocked. We’re all guilty of this to some small degree, but for many their self-talk is debilitating.

Take a minute to answer these questions:

  1. Are you talking yourself out of living your fullest life with the self-concept you’ve created?
  2. Who do you tell yourself you are with your self-talk?
  3. Which of the following scenarios is closest to your self-talk?
  • Maybe you are saying to yourself, “This is the year I’m going straight to the top,”
  • “This is the year I become a superstar”
  • “I’ve got everything going for me and this is my year”
  • “Things don’t look like they’re going to be much better this year; in fact it might be a little worse than last year,”
  • “Maybe it’s time for some belt tightening; I don’t want to take any chances”
  • “You never know what could happen, better to be safe than sorry.”

Is there any doubt in your mind which of these examples shows the confidence that will build self-esteem, and which are the ones that demonstrate low self-esteem?

Here are a couple more personal development questions in follow-up:

•    Which type of self-talk creates a better atmosphere for personal success and living an abundant life?
•    What do you think is the difference in income and professional development between people with these two types of self-talk?
•    What goals do you think each of these people possesses?
•    Who is having more fun and excitement?
•    Who do you want to be?

Your level of self-esteem sets the personal success bar for everything about you. Every decision you make is filtered through your self-concept. Your self-concept is the out-picturing of your self-esteem.

Take a look at just eight reflections of your level of self-esteem:

1.    Your career choice
2.    Your friends
3.    Your primary relationship with another
4.    Your level of income
5.    Your home
6.    Your car
7.    Your free time and hobby choices
8.    Your vacations

Changing what you believe about yourself will change your life in an instant.

Build self-esteem and you will build your self-concept. But, your self-concept requires attention and care to be maintained. It’s not as simple as saying you feel good about yourself and that’s the end of it.

Do you know that your self-talk comes at the rate of a magazine page of text every single minute of the day? That’s a lot of talking to yourself! If you fill your mind with positive input, it’s a pretty good bet that most of your self-talk will also be positive and foster personal and professional growth.

Use this personal growth quiz to become aware of your self-talk. By changing what you say to yourself and transforming what you believe about your personal success, you will automatically build self-esteem.

You can use this article by included this author information:
Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs, “Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at www.yourbreakthroughtosuccess.com.

Build Self-Esteem: Your Key to Success

Fear, along with low self-esteem, eventually leads to self-sabotage. I know. For years I was the queen of self-sabotage. My self-image was not consistent with how the world saw me. I achieved a great deal of business success selling real estate when I was in my early 20s.

I would literally look in the mirror trying to find the strong assertive person the outside world was seeing. All I could see was someone who was putting up a big front to appear cool. I was confused by my personal success when I was young because I had nothing nurturing or positive in my life to which I could relate the personal growth.

At the time, I wasn’t sure why I was getting all this money and acclaim. I didn’t think I was worthy of it, and believed that I didn’t deserve success or happiness. I achieved the level of business success because I was highly skilled, but my low self-esteem drove me to throw it all away.

The consequences of my low self-esteem and self-sabotage were many. If I can, I’d like to save you from the same fate by parting the curtain.

First, my personal life: I felt unworthy of my first husband, but you wouldn’t have known it by the way I treated him. My self-sabotaging brain decided the way to keep him was to tear him down to my level so he would feel lucky to have anyone, even me. Then he wouldn’t leave me.

I still get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach thinking about how I hurt myself, my personal development and other people with my low self-esteem. Don’t ever kid yourself into thinking your level of self-esteem isn’t influencing the quality of life for people around you.

In my business life, the self-sabotage was straightforward. I would achieve a great deal of business success until it got too uncomfortable for my self-image to handle, and then I would destroy my achievement and my work/life balance.

I’d make my job undesirable by having a conflict or a philosophical difference where I would have to leave to maintain my ‘higher ground’. Some of these were pretty elaborate, so I could feel superior when I left.

Similar circumstances happen more often than you’d think. I see them played out by friends and co-workers over and over throughout the years. They’re easy to spot for someone like me, a former self-saboteur.

Self-sabotage is a self-fulfilling prophecy that puts people back in their comfort zone of “I knew it would all go away sooner or later. Nothing good ever lasts.”

See, I grew up in the land of “Who do you think you are?” This is still a common message kids receive today. It can be difficult reconciling personal success with that message. Without a strong positive self-image, all success is temporary.

On the positive side, another self-fulfilling prophecy is that if you “act as if” you are self-assured, knowledgeable and have work/life balance, you will become exactly that.

You’ve heard the saying, “Fake it until you make it.” This is not being phony. To become more positive, you have to start somewhere, and this is the first step towards personal growth.

The key to building self-esteem is to know that your opinion is the only one that counts. Others just influence your opinions. You can accept or reject what they say about your personal development.

High self-esteem is a gift you can only give to yourself. It’s a very valuable gift.

Create a Personal Manifesto for Personal Growth and Professional Development

A manifesto is a series of statements clarifying what you stand for in your life as well as what you won’t stand for.

Having a personal manifesto helps keep your focus on who you are and your purpose in life. I created my personal manifesto as a certificate with a personalized logo and it’s up on the wall in front of my desk.

You may be wondering why it’s so important for women in business to have some kind of measuring stick, such as a personal manifesto, to use in your decision making process for personal growth and professional development. At a conference I met a man who was extremely successful at predicting the futures market, which is a part of the stock market.

He felt he was really successful in just about every area of his life except for his weight. He was extremely overweight. He had gone to see his mentor in person, and they had a conversation where his mentor asked him, “What are your rules about your weight?”

He thought about it, and he realized, “Okay. I’ve been so successful at my work because I have clear-cut rules on how I do everything in my business.”

He also quickly realized that he had never set up any personal development rules about what his health was supposed to look like. He had a vision and an action plan in every other area of his life, and, surprise, the one area of his life that wasn’t working was his health and his weight.

So he went home from that meeting and spent several hours writing out what he wanted his health to look like; much like a personal health manifesto.

He decided he was going to lose 70 pounds in 70 weeks, without starving himself or being on a diet. Then he planned to make millions by telling other people how to do it.

This is only possible because he established a plan, an outline of what health looked like to him, and what he would and wouldn’t have in his life pertaining to his health.

That’s what your personal manifesto is. It’s the rules you’ve set for yourself to be who you are. It is an easy reference for women in business. When something comes up and you aren’t sure what to do, you can look at your personal manifesto and see if it fits with what you wrote. It won’t be long before you don’t have to look at your manifesto at all. It will become a natural part of your internal decision making process for personal growth and professional development.

One multi-millionaire friend of mine mentioned she was setting up a new real estate investing partnership. She talked about the rules they set for how they were going to find properties, who the partnership would acquire them with, and how they would sell them.

Everything you want to be successful at needs a set of rules or guidelines that you follow so you have a way to determine your level of success and a way to judge opportunities as being a good fit or not for personal growth and professional development.

You don’t have to call it rules. If you have a problem with the word rules, which most women in business do, you can use guidelines, blueprint, roadmap, or whatever you want to call it.

Creating a personal manifesto is the first step in deciding what’s most important to you.