My life has been described as zen-like, even when I have things going on in my life that would cause others to have sleepless nights.
Friends, clients and even acquaintances, professionals I deal with in my day to day life, ask how I do this and I haven’t really been able to give them an answer other than, my belief system allows me to be at peace when there is no outward logical reason to think things are going to be OK.
But now after some of you asking me for more details on how I live my personal life blueprint, I think it has something to do with the way I live my life in general, the way I structure my day.
I live in a state of flexibility where I can rearrange most things on my schedule at any given time if I choose to do something different. I do this very specifically. I schedule appointments on certain days, grouping them into a morning if possible, so I can change plans for the afternoon if I want. My creative time can be moved as well as other business tasks that don’t have deadlines, just time frames.
So if a friend calls and wants to have lunch tomorrow or wants to meet for drinks in 2 hours, I can move things around easily. Or if I have an opportunity to take a last minute trip, I can re-schedule an entire week and do phone appointments with clients or interviews while I’m traveling.
Like this morning, I didn’t plan on writing this until it popped into my head while I was sitting on my patio, reading at breakfast. So now I’ll move what I had on my calendar for this time to the next hour. It doesn’t matter that it’s Saturday, I do this any day of the week.
Part of creating your own life blueprint is learning how you function best. For me it’s having a flexible schedule so if I look out the window and it’s so beautiful out that I want to go walk on the beach at 10:00 as well as my afternoon walk, I can. Or if I decide I’m going to go out to lunch today somewhere that I can watch surfers, I’ll drive down to Del Mar and have lunch at the beach.
That kind of schedule may work for you or it may make you crazy. I help my clients figure out what works best for them.
So here are the details of my morning ritual that sets the tone for my day and my life. Rituals are a big part of creating that zen-like peacefulness. You always know what you’re going to do next within your ritual. It’s something you do with full attention and intention to start your day.
I haven’t used an alarm in so many years I can’t even remember when I stopped. It has to be at least 20 years ago. I wake up when I wake up. If I need to wake up for an early flight or an early speaking engagement after flying to another time zone, I specifically tell myself what time I need to wake up and leave it to my sub-conscious mind to do it. It’s never failed me.
I always live in places that don’t have lots of night light so I never shut drapes, if I even have them, to sleep. I wake up at different times depending on the time of year it is. Summer 5-5:30, winter 6-6:30.
I take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes to listen to the idle chatter in my mind when I wake up so I can start my meditation with a quiet mind. The extent of the different mediation practices I do change from time to time, but the two constants are that I start with my daily lesson in Change One Thing, Change You Life (which I’ve been doing since I created it) and then move on to my daily lesson in Course in Miracles.
I became a student of the Course 15 years ago and that was the beginning of real daily meditation. My meditation can take anywhere from 1/2 hour to 2 hours depending on what I add to my practice.
After my mediation I do a relaxing bath with scented bath salts and do inspirational reading for 1/2 hour.
For years I did daily yoga and now I am starting that again, so add another 1/2 hour.
Then I come downstairs and and make my tea. Green tea, usually jasmine, but right now guava and ginseng that was a gift while I was on Maui for the holidays.
I watch my mind movies on my computer, can’t help dancing and singing to those while my tea brews. Then I eat my breakfast while I read either a personal development or business book. I always eat outside if it’s possible.
Once I finish my breakfast, it’s time to go to work. That usually is 9:00, sometimes a little later. I will cut down on some of my reading if I have an earlier appointment.
My work day usually ends between 5-6:00 unless I have an interview or I’m doing a teleseminar. I do not get on my computer to check email or do social networking when I’m not working.
I do choose to work some on weekends if I’m home, which makes it easier for me to take more time off to travel.
The way I spend the first 3 hours of my day is what grounds me in my life. It sets the tone of peace and tranquility that follows me through my day.
You don’t have to spend 3 hours, that’s just the way I’ve chosen to structure my life blueprint. Or is it because I’ve consciously designed my life blueprint that I have the ability to spend 3 hours in the morning?
You may think that you don’t even have half an hour to spend on meditation, but when you make the decision to find the time, time will expand for you and you will find yourself more relaxed and more productive. Things will flow in an effortless way where it looks like you are just floating through your day, and it you’ll feel like you really are!
Do this in conjunction with the 2 steps we discussed in our last Blueprints for Life call and you’ll have a good beginning for creating your Blueprint for Life when you come to San Diego Feb. 20-22nd.
If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with. As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things
are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.
Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs,
“Women’s Business Empowerment Summit”. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at
I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.