Island Prime in San Diego
Rex & Lynn at Island Prime in San Diego

Yesterday afternoon I drove down to San Diego to hang out with one of my favorite people Rex Wisehart at Island Prime Restaurant in San Diego. Rex missed out on a big snow storm yesterday at home in Colorado so he’s happy to be in San Diego.

Rex spent years as a top gun corporate turn around guy and now, besides being a business credit expert, he’s the money behind a lot of big people in my industry.  We met at Frank Kern’s Mass Control. Live events are how I’ve met most of my friends over the years. Attending events is always a great networking opportunity and the better the event, the better the networking.

If you would have attended last year you would have met Rex, he was one of our faculty members. If you run over to the site right now you can still download a great interview I did with him on how to get creidt for your business.

What do Frank Kern & I Have In Common?

The subject line of Frank’s email to me was about him being on MTV Cribs. That was weird enough, and that’s not really what the video is about.

The “official” title is called “How To Get Rich” and when I first heard that, I was ready for some good old fashioned hype.

But what I got instead was funny and inspiring video that’s full of excellent content.

This is a great new video from Frank Kern:

Most interesting was that after the first few minutes touring Frank’s La Jolla crib, (I love his bed frame) he went into his 4 point plan for getting rich that is exactly aligned with what we’ll be talking about on our teleseminar Tuesday. His video is a perfect preview for our call!

Frank talks to you about implementing the core principles we’ll discuss in marketing and I’ll follow up with you on Tuesday by talking to you about the bigger picture of applying them to create your life.

So stop what you’re doing, indulge in the brief house tour and then get ready to take some notes on how to get rich. He’s telling you the straight truth of what it takes.

See Frank’s video here:

Then, if you haven’t registered for our call Tuesday, go directly to:

Seriously. If you want a dose of inspiration and common sense, this is for you:



Enjoy 🙂

What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

And the day came when the risk it took to remain tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.

Anais Nin

Are you blooming or in pain staying the same?

What’s New
The Paid for Life event last weekend with Frank Kern & Mike Koenigs in San Diego was great. I always enjoy spending time with Mike & Rocket and their extended Traffic Geyser family. The Hotel Solamar is a Kimpton property, just like the FireSky where I’m holding Women’s Business Empowerment Summit next weekend. Kimpton is great for that cozy intimate hotel feel. So look for me to be doing an event there soon, and the weather was absolutely wonderful all weekend.

I’ve been telling you about the books I’m reading and now my mastermind is reading my #1 favorite book, “The Magic of Believing” and it’s great after having read it more times than I can count to see it through new eyes. I was so excited about the group doing it that I went out and bought a fresh copy to highlight all over again!

I’ve had an idea rolling around in my head for a while now about doing a book club for you. It would be done as a membership and I would send you the book each month that we’re discussing and then we’d have a private members group discussion about what we learn and a whole bunch of other benefits.

If that sounds like something you’re interested in, send me an email with book club in the subject line and your thoughts on what you’d like to have it look like to be of benefit to you. I’ve been thinking about this ever since my book came out last year, so I’d like your opinion as I get it put together.

This week’s article is straight from a friend’s email to his list. Yesterday Mark Widawer emailed saying that his laptop was stolen on vacation from his hotel room while his family was sleeping in the room! Today he shared some tips to safeguard your computer and your information before this happens to you. Unfortunately we always think we’ll get around to this stuff later. If you have tips to share, please post them on both of our blogs so everyone can benefit.

We are now only one week out from Women’s Business Empowerment Summit. All the faculty members are really stepping up and giving us some great content you can use before you even get to the summit on the training calls.

We are running calls right up until the week of the event. I’ve added a couple new faculty members so go to the site and check out the additions to the line-up. You’ll have a chance to learn from some top experts that don’t normally come out and speak, so I’ll bet you may not have even heard their names before!

Tonight I’ll be interviewing Judith Gerhart on Divorce Your Way, discussing the financial aspects you need to know to protect yourself.

When you go to register for the calls, on the next page you can grab your seat for the summit in August. Our $99 hotel rate room block ended, but as of now they are still honoring that rate. There are hot deals on airfares all over the place, so book yours today.

Register at:

The best way to get up close and personal with the faculty is to do the VIP upgrade package. Only 30 attendees will be having lunch with our faculty members. That give you 3 days with a lot of one on one time. What could you do with an opportunity like that?

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

Take 2 minutes to create an account on Twitter, at least to get your name before someone else takes it.

Just go to
Then visit my page at:

And click “Follow” that is displayed under my photo.
(That’s all there is to it.)

What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

“Many of life’s failures are people who had not realized how close they were to success when they gave up.”

Thomas Edison

How close are you?

What’s NewI am getting so much done this summer. How about you?

I’m doing a ton of interviews about Women’s Business Empowerment Summit, my book, “Breakthrough to Success” and how to turn your passion into cash-my favorite topic.

I hope you’re listening to the free training calls for WBES because our faculty members are delivering some amazing content! You haven’t missed anything because the calls are all available on replay.

When you go to register for the calls, on the next page you can grab your seat for the summit in August. Not only do we have a great hotel rate of $99, but there are hot deals on airfares all over the place.

In fact, for those who are smart enough to not buy into the media hype of doom & gloom, you can get some of the best travel bargains I’ve seen in years!

Register at:

If I wasn’t in the middle of preparing for the summit, I think I’d be spending the entire summer traveling. I booked my airfare for a trip to San Diego in a couple weeks to hang out with Mike Koenigs and Frank Kern and got a better deal than I did in March & April.

This week I’ve written the article I promised you last week on Tiger Woods. I find inspiration in how other people live their lives so whether it’s last week’s article on Tim Russert (which you can access on my blog) or this week’s article on Tiger, let me know if you enjoy these type of articles.

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

Take 2 minutes to create an account on Twitter, at least to get your name before someone else takes it.

Just go to

Then visit my page at:

And click “Follow” that is displayed under my photo.

(That’s all there is to it.)

You’ve got to see this quick before it’s gone!

I’m at the airport on my way to the Cayman Islands and I don’t want you to miss this.

Don’t you think it’s time you learn how to maximize the reach of your business online?

Frank Kern’s Mass Control is the answer. This program is the key-don’t wait, click the link. I’m serious. Otherwise I’d be standing in line for coffee at Starbucks instead of writing this post.