What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

“Every thought you have is a decision waiting to be made.”

Lynn Pierce

What kind of decisions are you making?

What’s New

Late Breaking News!
I’m a little late getting this out today because I was interviewed on TV earlier about the Sarah Palin speech last night. If they put it up on their website after it airs tonight I’ll let you know so you can watch it.

This week’s article is the third in a series of 5 articles on the “4 Core Blueprints to Reclaim your Life, Awaken Your Soul and Your Business“. I expect this series to start a lot of conversation on my log, just like we had in April when we talked about becoming an expert and creating product. If you missed the first two, click on the link to my blog at the bottom of this email in “Quick Links” to read them there.

I’m down to my last few days of packing. The movers pack me up on Monday. The last little bit is the worst because it’s all the oddly shaped things I don’t know what to do with and the stuff I need to use until the last minute.

When I was growing up I loved books and I always wanted to have a big library with floor to ceiling books where you need one of those rolling ladders. Well, things have changed and now that I have enough books and home study courses to fill one of those walls, I’m really more interested in downsizing. So some of my treasures may find there way on to eBay.

I’ve spent a lot of time visualizing what I want my new space to feel like. By the time I finished the remodel on my Scottsdale home, the energy was amazing and people actually commented on it when they came to my open house-how good it felt to be there.

I want to create that feeling again and I’m pretty much starting from scratch since the only pieces of furniture I’m taking are a few tables and a lamp. The more I thought about the energy and the history of the furniture in my house, the more I wanted to leave behind what was part of my old married life. It’s time for a new start with new furniture.

Besides the feng shui perspective on our living space, I believe the more conscious we are about the things we surround ourselves with and what their meaning is to us, the better our level of productivity will be and the happier we will be.

So when you hear from me next week, I’ll be at the beach!

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

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(That’s all there is to it.)

Creative thinking in your outdoor office

It’s a beautiful time of year in Scottsdale and I love to work outside, so I’ve created workspaces on different patios all around my back yard, from the covered patio right off my bedroom where I work early in the morning when it’s a little cool and the sun is low, to patios around the pool and my wine country patio with roses, lavender, an herb garden and a two-sided fountain under a big pine tree.

Do you have a work space that makes you feel creative and happy? If not, why not go about creating one for yourself today.

The photos promised in my ezine are on their way. I’ve tried several different ways to upload photos. I’m sure there’s an easy way, but the only way I found took up the entire blog, so help me out here. somebody leave a comment of how to put normal pictures in my blog or I’ll email my web guy.

If you don’t receive my ezine, you can subscribe at http://www.LynnPierce.com

For now you can view the photo album of my house on my Facebook page at: http://profile.to/lynnpierce/