These days so many people in our society are unhappy. They are dissatisfied with their job, their financial situation, their love life, their body; some would say all of the above!
Do you know the saying “wherever you go, there you are”? Even though you always take yourself wherever you go you do have a choice of who you’ll be when you get there.
Here’s something to think about.
If you don’t realize you are doing exactly what you want to be doing in each moment or you would be doing something else, then you are not being honest with yourself.
Because you have received in your life exactly what your thoughts have focused on, meaning-you’ve got what you asked for.
I can hear you getting mad at me right now and arguing that you would never wish for whatever the situation is you’re unhappy with right now.
You may think you don’t want to work where you work or be in the relationship you’re in etc., but if that were really true you would be doing something to change the situation. There is always another choice if you want to look for it. The reality is it’s easier to have things remain the same.
The simple fact is that sometimes the devil you know is better than the promise of this ethereal success and happiness you can’t quite put your finger on…or at least that’s what your ego mind would like you to believe so you stay right where you are in life.
But you’re not going to let your ego fool you like that, are you?
Your brain is always processing information and making choices sub-consciously. This is true with simple things like which hand to use to pick something up or which way to turn all the way up to the most complicated processes.
You use the same process to decide how to spend your time. Change the criteria your brain uses to make decisions and you’ll change the choices you make. Your personal manifesto and the plan you create from your goals, along with the blueprint for life you’ve created, will give your brain the input it needs to change your processing criteria.
What are the criteria you use to make your choices?
Have you ever thought about it before? It goes back to looking at who you see yourself as and what you told yourself about your life up until this point. Once you have that information, you can look at what is true and work towards what you want to achieve. Eliminate or replace everything else.
It’s like spring-cleaning your living space and then going up into the attic and going through all the stuff you didn’t even remember you had. Some of the stuff you realize you want to bring out and use. Other things you throw away because you don’t want them anymore. Now do the same spring-cleaning with your mind.
Action Step:
Spring Clean your Mind
One area I did a major spring-cleaning in several years ago that made a significant difference in my life was my image of my worthiness as a friend.
When I went up into the attic of my brain, the stuff I found there was really old. I had been judging myself by criteria a child had set up! How ridiculous is that?
So I looked at every piece of information and where it started. Does it fit who I am today or is this not true about me?
What I noticed was that I had taken the facts of my life and came to some erroneous conclusions. The facts were that I only had one friend at a time when I was young, I was ill a lot as a child and missed school, and because I grew up moving quite often, I was always the new kid. You get the picture.
I took these facts, let my 7 year old brain draw the conclusions and somehow decided I wasn’t meant to have friends, I wasn’t worthy of people liking me, and it didn’t pay to have friends anyway because I was always moving. So for the next 20 years or so, I lived with this as my criteria I filtered everything through to make decisions about friendship.
There were some good things I uncovered in the attic when I took a look at what was really true about me.
People thought I was funny and fun to be around. So I brought out the fun and funny part of me. I also found I had buried the fact that people thought I was interesting and they enjoyed talking to me and getting my advice. So I dusted that off and brought it out.
When I finished my spring–cleaning, I had released a lot of old misinformation about myself. I swept out the attic and took the parts I liked and brought them downstairs to be a part of who I was. Everything else I threw away. That allowed me to be a good friend and let people into my life.
I now remembered the truth about me. I am funny and fun to be with. I am interesting and people like spending time with me. This spring-cleaning cleared the path for me to develop some great and long lasting friendships that have gone far beyond me living in the same state or even the same country where we became friends. I no longer was operating with outdated criteria for deciding who I am.
You can use this process to redefine any area of your life that isn’t at the level you would like it to be. You can actually picture yourself going up into your attic and looking at any aspect of your life. When you do this, all your core beliefs about this part of yourself will become clear.
Action Step:
Study Successful People
Study other successful people and see what choices they made to get where they are today. When you choose a mentor, really follow them. Read what they write, listen to their calls, buy their products, attend their live events and sign up for their mentoring groups.
Don’t take this lightly. If you want to grow and expand in your life and your business you must seriously follow in the foot steps of your mentors.
Pay attention to the choices they had in their life and how they decided which path to take. As you read and gain more knowledge, think about what you would do to get to the same place even faster. Ask for help.
One of the choices I would recommend you make is to have balance in your life. It makes all of your other choices clearer. Balance is what makes your life work. I’m not talking in terms of scales being balanced, I’m talking about alignment. Your personal balance that feels right to you.
You can live with your life severely out of alignment, but you won’t be happy. Your successes will seem strangely unfulfilling, and you won’t know why. It’s totally up to you what you choose to have in your life. Choose wisely. And, ask for help when you need it. I’m here for you!
Until next week, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Just comment on this post on my blog.
If you would like personal mentoring, send me an email detailing what you would like help with. As your mentor I hold a bigger vision for you than you hold for yourself. When you have faith and a team that believes in you, it gives you courage. When you don’t have to do it all yourself, all things are possible for you. Commit today to go for your dream 100%.
Lynn Pierce, the Success Architect, has taught people how to combine business and personal development to reach the pinnacle of success and live the life of their dreams for over 25 years. In addition, she is also the founder of one of the most exciting annual events for women entrepreneurs,
“Women’s Business Empowerment Summit“. Now she shares her keys to success and life mastery with you. You can get the first five lessons of “Change One Thing, Change Your Life: A Personal Transformation System” at
I would love to have you share your opinions and personal insights on my blog where I’ll also post this article.