Quote to Contemplate
“Every thought you have is a decision waiting to be made.”
Lynn Pierce
What kind of decisions are you making?
What’s New
This week’s article is the fourth in a series of 5 articles on the “4 Core Blueprints to Reclaim Your Life, Awaken Your Soul and Your Business”. If you missed the first two, click on the link to my blog at the bottom of this email in “Quick LInks” to read them there.
I’m flying back to San Diego from New York as you read this. The movers packed me up last Monday, I drove to San Diego and the truck unloaded on Tuesday leaving me 2 days to unpack and get ready for my trip to New York. On the same day the roofers began the process of taking off the old roof and putting on a new one. I’m glad I was only there for 3 days of the pounding.
In New York I’m working with my friend Dr. Fern Kazlow who did a wonderful small group mentoring program for her students over the weekend and now we’re working on creating product. I have some exciting new programs of my own that will be launching soon so I’ll keep you posted on those as we get closer.
If you are an author or aspiring author, make sure you take a look at “People to See, Places to Go” below todays article.
Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.
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