What’s New

Quote to Contemplate

“A great life sends your heart racing and puts your mind at peace.”

Lynn Pierce

Are you living a great life?

What’s New
I posted the first video from the M Resort in Las Vegas on my blog, so check it out. I’m hoping to get the one of me showing you the wine cellar posted by this weekend now that I’ve decided that the M will be the home of the new Empowered Women’s Business Summit!

http://WomensBusinessEmpowermentSummit.com (you can still download last year’s calls until the new site goes up next week)

Last week I told you about the name change. When the new site goes live you’ll see that it’s “Empowered Women’s Business Summit”. What I didn’t tell you yet is that the summit will have a completely different format to enable all you empowered business women to take your life and your business to the next level.

So this year, instead of having 12 or more faculty members, I will be the main teacher and I will take you through every step of creating your life and your business exactly the way you want it to be. There will be just a couple additional faculty members to support you in specific areas (anything to do with technology), that I’m not an expert in.

I love doing these kinds of intensives much better and it’s about time we switch the summit over to this more personal environment as well, don’t you think?

So mark the dates of July 31-August 2 on your calendar now and if you’ve been to the site to download last year’s teleseminars, you’re on the list to be the first to know when tickets go on sale.

Oh what the…
If you already know you want to attend the summit and you’re ready to register, go ahead and click the link below and I’ll give you the same early bird alumni rate that I haven’t even released to alumni yet! I believe in rewarding decisiveness!


It’s only $397 and you can even make 2 payments if you want, so go ahead and register. This is almost 75% off what the ticket will be!

We’re going to Vegas, Baby! Get ready to party like a rock star and take your business through the roof in ’09.

***If you missed my email yesterday offering you my own stimulus package in the form of a $50 discount on “Change One Thing, Change Your Life”. It’s only a 24 hour sale, so run, don’t walk over to grab your copy for only $47 today. http://LynnPierce.com/products.hmtl

In light of the sale on Change One Thing, Change Your Life; I thought I’d give you one of the daily lessons as today’s article.

Life happens, be ready for it.

Set your goals high enough that they require you to stretch your comfort zone and you’ll be amazed what you can achieve. Ask yourself, “What’s the one thing I can change this year to create the life of my dreams?”

Remember to join the conversation on my blog where you’ll also find each week’s ezine posted for your comments.

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And click “Follow” that is displayed under my photo.
(That’s all there is to it.)